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Research Project: Management of Temperate-Adapted Fruit, Nut, and Specialty Crop Genetic Resources and Associated Information

Location: National Clonal Germplasm Repository

Title: Development of KASP fingerprinting panel for clonal identification in red raspberry (Rubus idaeus L.)

item Clare, Shaun
item King, Ryan
item Hardigan, Michael
item DOSSETT, MICHAEL - British Columbia Blueberry Council
item MONTANARI, SARA - New Zealand Institute Of Plant & Food Research
item CHAGNE, DAVID - New Zealand Institute Of Plant & Food Research
item OCHSENFELD, CHERIE - Pairwise
item BRITTON, CAITLIN - Pairwise
item RAPP, RYAN - Pairwise
item Bassil, Nahla

Submitted to: Plant Breeding
Publication Type: Peer Reviewed Journal
Publication Acceptance Date: 8/15/2023
Publication Date: 9/7/2023
Citation: Clare, S.J., King, R., Hardigan, M.A., Dossett, M., Montanari, S., Chagne, D., Ochsenfeld, C., Britton, C., Rapp, R., Bassil, N.V. 2023. Development of KASP fingerprinting panel for clonal identification in red raspberry (Rubus idaeus L.). Plant Breeding. 142(6):798-808.

Interpretive Summary: A reliable and economic genotyping platform is needed to facilitate clonal/variety identification in red raspberry. DNA markers based on single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), despite having lower diversity, are numerous across the genome and more easily converted to high-throughput assays restoring differential power. In this study we use the kompetitive allele-specific PCR (KASP™) chemistry, an affordable and high-throughput platform, to develop a panel of these DNA markers to distinguish a diverse collection of red raspberry accessions for clonal identification. The panel consists of 48 markers that show high concordance with whole genome sequencing and recovery rate, as well as a minimal set of 24 markers that distinguished the same accessions differentiated by the larger panel.

Technical Abstract: Red raspberry is an economically important horticultural crop that is known for its fruit’s sweet flavor and nutritional value. A reliable and economic genotyping platform is needed to facilitate clonal/variety identification. Previous attempts for clonal identification utilized morphological traits or low-throughput, difficult to score dinucleotide-containing simple sequence repeat molecular markers. Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), despite having lower allelic diversity, are numerous across the genome and more easily converted to high-throughput assays restoring differential power. In this study we use the kompetitive allele-specific PCR (KASP™) chemistry, an affordable and high-throughput platform, to develop a panel of SNPs to distinguish a diverse collection of red raspberry accessions for clonal identification. The panel consists of 48 KASP assays that show high concordance with whole genome sequencing, allelic balance, and recovery rate, and a minimal set of 24 assays that distinguished the same accessions differentiated by the larger panel.