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Research Project: Improving Sustainability of Dairy and Forage Production Systems for the Upper Midwest

Location: Environmentally Integrated Dairy Management Research

Title: Methods for evaluating pastures and forage plants

item SANTOS, ERICK - University Of Alberta
item MELO CVASCO, CAROLINE - Midway University
item SILVA, LILIANE - Clemson University
item Jaramillo, David
item SILVA, GLEISE - University Of Alberta

Submitted to: Tropical Pastures
Publication Type: Book / Chapter
Publication Acceptance Date: 10/30/2023
Publication Date: 11/2/2023
Citation: Santos, E., Melo Cvasco, C., Silva, L., Jaramillo, D.M., Silva, G. 2023. Methods for evaluating pastures and forage plants. Tropical Pastures. In Santos, M., editors. Federal Rural University of Pernambuco Publishing. p. 321-354.

Interpretive Summary:

Technical Abstract: There are a variety of experimental techniques that can be used to evaluate forage plants. The types of study and methods used will depend mainly on the responses of interest to the investigator and the objective of the final production system, for which the study proposes to make recommendations for. Experimental methodologies can differ vastly whether studies are employed in small plots, greenhouses, laboratories, or pasture. For example, a small plot experiment that aims to evaluate production parameters and nutritional value of different cultivars of the same forage plant species may have a 4 m2 plot as an experimental unit. On the other hand, an experiment that aims to compare animal productivity in different types of pastures can use experimental units of up to 1 hectare or more. Due to the variety of experiments that can be conducted and their different purposes, the methods for evaluating certain parameters used in one type of experiment may be completely unfeasible in others. This chapter aims to provide an overview of methodologies used in forage experiments, mainly in small plot and grazing situations, as well as providing an overview of terminology and experimental designs commonly used in these scenarios.