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Research Project: Improvement of Disease and Pest Resistance in Barley, Durum, Oat, and Wheat Using Genetics and Genomics

Location: Cereal Crops Improvement Research

Title: Genomic regions associated with spot blotch (SB) resistance in barley in the interspecific cytonuclear multi-parent population (CMPP)

item PAWAR, TAPISH - South Dakota State University
item TILSTRA, JOSEPH - South Dakota State University
item AHMAD, MUHAMMAD - South Dakota State University
item BEERY, AVITAL - Volcani Center (ARO)
item BODENHEIMER, SCHEWACH - Volcani Center (ARO)
item Yang, Shengming
item SOLANKI, SHYAM - South Dakota State University
item SHYAM, EYAL - Volcani Center (ARO)
item AMEEN, GAZALA - South Dakota State University

Submitted to: Meeting Abstract
Publication Type: Abstract Only
Publication Acceptance Date: 6/1/2024
Publication Date: 6/10/2024
Citation: Pawar, T., Tilstra, J., Ahmad, M., Beery, A., Bodenheimer, S., Yang, S., Solanki, S., Shyam, E., Ameen, G. 2024. Genomic regions associated with spot blotch (SB) resistance in barley in the interspecific cytonuclear multi-parent population (CMPP). Meeting Abstract. 2024 Annual Meeting of the North Central Division of the American Phytopathological Society.

Interpretive Summary:

Technical Abstract: Spot blotch is one of the major foliar diseases of barley (Hodeum vulgare), caused by the fungal pathogen Bipolaris sorokiniana in the upper Midwest of the USA. It also causes root rot, black point, and reduces kernel weight which deteriorates the malting quality. Identifying genetic loci associated with resistance to spot blotch is crucial for future marker-assistant selection or introgression breeding. In this study, 352 doubled haploid lines belonging to the interspecific Cytonuclear Multi-Parent Population (CMPP) were evaluated by using a virulent isolate ND85F of pathotype 1 of B. sorokiniana at the seedling stage under greenhouse conditions. Three genotypes showed resistance and 44 genotypes showed moderately resistance reactions on a disease rating scale of 1 to 9. The CMPP population was genotyped with 50K single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers using Illumina Infinium iSelect genotyping array. After quality control filtering of the genotyping dataset, 19,741 SNPs were selected for GWAS. The genome-wide association analysis identified four significant marker-trait associations (MTA). The identified MTAs were found at Chromosomes 1H, 5H, 6H and 7H. This study provided markers that can be utilized to genetically improve resistance to spot blotch disease in barley. Further testing of these genotypes in field conditions and different environments is needed to confirm the gene effects for these identified loci.