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ARS Home » Plains Area » Fargo, North Dakota » Edward T. Schafer Agricultural Research Center » Small Grain and Food Crops Quality Research » Research » Publications at this Location » Publication #417931

Research Project: Identification and Characterization of Quality Parameters for Enhancement of Marketability of Hard Spring Wheat, Durum, and Oat

Location: Small Grain and Food Crops Quality Research

Title: Registration of ‘MT Blackbeard’ & ‘MT Raska’ durum wheat (Triticum turgidum ssp. Durum)

item HOGG, ANDREW - Montana State University
item HALE, CALEB - Montana State University
item TILLETT, BRANDON - Montana State University
item HUANG, LI - Montana State University
item CARR, PATRICK - Central Agricultural Research Center
item EBERLY, JED - Central Agricultural Research Center
item CHEN, CHENGCI - Eastern Agricultural Research Center
item KOWATCH-CARLSON, CALLA - Eastern Agricultural Research Center
item CRUTCHER, FRANKIE - Eastern Agricultural Research Center
item LAMB, PEGGY - Northern Agricultural Research Center
item MCNAMARA, KYLA - Northern Agricultural Research Center
item HANEY, ELERI - Northern Agricultural Research Center
item KEPHARD, KEN - Southern Agricultural Research Center
item SMITH, VALERIE - Southern Agricultural Research Center
item VETCH, JUSTIN - Montana State University
item Dykes, Linda
item Chen, Xianming
item LIU, ZHAOHUI - North Dakota State University
item GIROUX, MICHAEL - Montana State University

Submitted to: Journal of Plant Registrations
Publication Type: Peer Reviewed Journal
Publication Acceptance Date: 1/6/2025
Publication Date: N/A
Citation: N/A

Interpretive Summary: In the United States, durum wheat is grown primarily for pasta production. Important traits for the selection of durum wheat include grain yield, disease resistance, quality, and low grain cadmium accumulation. Compared to other cereals, durum may accumulate high levels of the heavy metal cadmium, representing a risk to human health. ‘MT Blackbeard’ and ‘MT Raska’ are two spring durum wheat developed by the Montana Agricultural Experiment Station and released in 2023. ‘MT Blackbeard’ was bred and selected for high yield under dryland conditions across Montana, low grain cadmium accumulation, large seed size, high gluten strength, and resistance to the most common races of stem rust and leaf spot in Montana. ‘MT Raska’ was bred and selected for high yield under dryland conditions across Montana, semi-dwarf plant height, exceptional test weight, semolina color retention, and resistance to the most common races of stem rust and leaf spot in Montana. Both lines yield well in both the North Central and Northeast regions of Montana, where most Montana durum is produced and intended for pasta production.

Technical Abstract: ‘MT Blackbeard’ (PI 703025) is a spring durum wheat (Triticum turgidum L. ssp. durum) developed by the Montana Agricultural Experiment Station and released in 2023. 'MT Blackbeard' was bred using a four parent cross followed by single seed descent and was selected for high yield under dryland conditions across Montana, low grain Cd accumulation, large seed size, high gluten strength, and resistance to the most common races of stem rust and leaf spot in Montana. ‘MT Raska’ (PI 703026) is a spring durum wheat (Triticum turgidum L. ssp. durum) developed by the Montana Agricultural Experiment Station and released in 2023. 'MT Raska' was bred using a four parent cross followed by single seed descent and was selected for high yield under dryland conditions across Montana, semi-dwarf plant height, exceptional test weight, semolina color retention, and resistance to the most common races of stem rust and leaf spot in Montana. Both lines yield well in both the North Central and Northeast regions of Montana, where most Montana durum is produced and intended for pasta production. 'MT Blackbeard' is approximately 33 inches tall, similar to the commonly produced line 'ND Riveland', has signature black awns, and flowers one day later than 'ND Riveland'. 'MT Raska' is approximately 25 inches tall, significantly shorter than 'ND Riveland' and flowers approximately four days earlier than 'ND Riveland'.