Submitted to: Agronomy Abstracts
Publication Type: Abstract Only Publication Acceptance Date: 4/15/1993 Publication Date: N/A Citation: N/A Interpretive Summary: Technical Abstract: The SIMPOTATO potato growth simulation model was chosen to test putting a model through the preparation, reviewing, and publishing processes for publication in the proposed ASA electronic journal. The model is written in FORTRAN 77 with a few commonly supported extensions such as END/DO blocks. An optional graphics module is written in FORTRAN 77 and 8088 Assembly language. The model, sample input files, and documentation files are configured to send to potential users (researchers, consultants, and farmers) who are assumed to have no particular software. During the review process, a number of improvements and corrections were made to the model. Policies to be addressed include choice of programming language, version of the language, style of programming (structured, modular, object-oriented), format of the document files (ascii, Word, etc.), format of graphics used to illustrate the model, and stage in the review-publication process when revisions can be added to the model. The major barrier to publishing is how to use graphics to illustrate the model's features. |