Submitted to: Integrated Crop Management Conference Proceedings
Publication Type: Proceedings Publication Acceptance Date: 11/30/1995 Publication Date: N/A Citation: N/A Interpretive Summary: Technical Abstract: Herbicide technology and use have been the focus of weed management research for the past several decades. Herbicides are an important component of weed management and will remain so for years to come. However, there is increasing pressure to improve the efficiency of herbicide use and develop alternative control methods. Herbicides are used on over 95% of the corn and soybean in the Corn Belt because of the presence of weeds and the need to minimize their adverse economic impacts. Large inputs of herbicides and tillage are needed to control weeds because of the lack of knowledge of weed biology and ecology, continuous production of summer annual row crops, and the absence of control alternatives. Currently, weed science has few, if any, alternatives to herbicides and tillage that are both economically and environmentally desirable. Lack of weed control is perceived by many producers as the major deterrent to the development of alternative crop production systems. Society is also asking that we develop new solutions to weed problems. As pressure increases to reduce herbicide use, new approaches to weed management must be developed and implemented. |