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ARS Home » Research » Publications at this Location » Publication #66532


item Wax, Loyd

Submitted to: Integrated Crop Management Conference Proceedings
Publication Type: Proceedings
Publication Acceptance Date: 12/28/1996
Publication Date: N/A
Citation: N/A

Interpretive Summary:

Technical Abstract: Management of especially troublesome weeds is possible with current tools available, but requires intensive management, persistence in carrying out long term plans, and cooperation of all weed science personnel. Scouting and mapping fields as to types of weeds and other special features about soils in the area is essential. Rotation of crops and rotation of herbicide modes of action, and use of tank mixtures that control the species in question are important and effective. Where postemergence herbicides are used, selection and use of proper adjuvants can make the difference between success and failure. Non-chemical control with cultivation and proper selection of variety, population and row spacing is very important, and often costs less than a herbicide treatment, and reduces pesticide load in the environment. For perennial weeds and annual weeds that germinate throughout the season, growers need to attack the problem persistently over several years in order to manage these weeds effectively. These problems can be solved by an integrated cropping systems approach, interaction and sharing of ideas with other growers, and by close working relationships of growers with private and public sector researchers and outreach personnel.