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ARS Home » Research » Publications at this Location » Publication #69905


item Whitaker, Bruce
item Buta, Joseph

Submitted to: Meeting Abstract
Publication Type: Abstract Only
Publication Acceptance Date: 4/1/1996
Publication Date: N/A
Citation: N/A

Interpretive Summary:

Technical Abstract: Plant glucocerebrosides (GCBs) have attracted much greater interest following the discoveries that they can compose a major fraction of plasma membrane and tonoplast lipids and that, by inference from animal studies, they may play a role in programmed cell death. In the course of efforts to determine lipid changes associated with postharvest storage, ripening, and senescence of fruits, a C6 HPLC method was devised to quantify GCBs from fruit tissues. Results with this method raised questions about how useful it was relative to a previously reported C18 HPLC method. Of specific interest was the sensitivity of the two methods, as well as their adequacy for separation based on fatty-acid (FA) chain length and sphingoid (SP) hydroxylation, unsaturation, and cis versus trans isomerization. Comparison of C6 and C18 methods using the same GCB samples from apple and melon is summarized as follows: 1) The C6 method was about four-fold more sensitive than the C18 method; 2) C6 was comparable to C18 for separation according to FA chain length and SP hydroxylation and unsaturation; 3) C18 gave near baseline resolution of GCBs with 8-cis and 8-trans SP isomers, whereas C6 gave little separation; 4) Total run times were comparable but retention times of the individual GCBs differed substantially.