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item Smith, David

Submitted to: Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington
Publication Type: Peer Reviewed Journal
Publication Acceptance Date: 9/30/1997
Publication Date: N/A
Citation: N/A

Interpretive Summary: Wasps of the family Evaniidae, also known as ensign wasps, are egg parasites of cockroaches. Six species offur in the mid-Atlantic states. Two of these are introduced and are found only in buildings in urban situations where they parasitize household cockroaches. The other species are native and are common in field collections throughout the study area; they parasitize wood cockroaches common in the forests. This study of about 7,000 specimens shows a peak flight period from the end of June to the end of July for the native species, although they are present in low populations through September. A single generation a year is probable in the mid-Atlantic states. Scanning electron microscope photographs are presented along with a key to identify the species. This additional knowledge of species diversity and seasonal occurrence, along with the identification aid, will help agricultural personnel and others interested in biological control of cockroaches and insect identification.

Technical Abstract: Six species of Evaniidae are found in the mid-Atlantic states. Evania appendigaster (L.) and Prosevania fuscipes (Illiger) are introduced species and are found only in urban situations. Evaniella semaeoda Bradley, Hyptia harpyoides Bradley, H. thoracica (Blanchard), and H. reticulata (Say) are native and are widely distributed and common in field collections. The peak flight time for all four native species is similar, from late June to the end of July, but they are present in low populations into September. A key, supplemented with scanning electron micrographs, is given for identification of the species.