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item Stoller, Edward
item Wax, Loyd

Submitted to: Weed Science Society of Japan
Publication Type: Peer Reviewed Journal
Publication Acceptance Date: 1/27/1998
Publication Date: N/A
Citation: N/A

Interpretive Summary: Some controversy has emerged in the US and other countries concerning the recent development and spreading use of transgenic crops. Crops with natural resistance to herbicides have been utilized in the US and around the world for the 5 decades that herbicides have been used. Using recently-developed techniques, Monsanto developed Roundup Ready soybean by transferring a gene from another organism into soybean, making the soybean resistant to applications of Roundup (glyphosate). The development and use of such transgenic crops has advantages to both growers and consumers. Concerns that problems will develop from the use of such crops have also been presented. Roundup has a very safe environmental and use profile; its use has contributed greatly to the development and use of no-till production practices that are now widely used in the US. Growers in the US have been satisfied with both weed control efficacy and crop safety after two years of use of Roundup Ready soybean. It is expected that this technology will be used on over 50% of the soybean acreage as soon as suitable varieties can be developed. The views from this paper will be informative and useful to public and private researchers that plan weed management programs utilizing the new transgenic crops.

Technical Abstract: Crops with Natural resistance to herbicides have been utilized in the US and around the world for over 5 decades. Using recently-developed methodologies, Monsanto developed Roundup Ready soybean by transferring a resistant EPSP gene from another organism into soybean, making the soybean resistant to applications of the herbicide glyphosate. The development and use of such transgenic crops has advantages to both growers and consumers; concerns that problems will develop from the use of such crops have also been presented. Glyphosate has a very safe environmental and use profile; its use has contributed greatly to the development and use of no-till production practices that are now widely used in the US. Growers in US have been satisfied with both weed control efficacy and crop safety after two years of use of Roundup Ready soybean. It is expected that this technology will be used on over 50% of the soybean acreage as soon as suitable varieties can be developed.