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ARS Home » Midwest Area » Ames, Iowa » National Animal Disease Center » Food Safety and Enteric Pathogens Research » Research » Publications at this Location » Publications at this Location

Publications at this Location

ARS scientists publish results of their research projects in many formats. Listed below are the publications from research projects conducted at this location.

Clicking on a publication title will take you to more information on the publication. Clicking on the reprint icon Repository URL will take you to the publication reprint.

2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 | 1997 | 1996 | 1995 | 1994 |

2010 Publications
(listed by order of acceptance date)

Current View: Peer Reviewed Publications Only

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Displaying 1 to 11 of 11 Records

Phenotypic and Genotypic Evidence for L-fucose Utilization by Campylobacter jejuni
(Peer Reviewed Journal)
A Mutation in the PoxA Gene of Salmonella enterica Serovar Typhimurium Results in Altered Protein Production, Elevated Susceptibility to Environmental Challenges, and Decreased Swine Colonization
(Peer Reviewed Journal)
A Charcoal- and Blood-Free Enrichment Broth for Isolation and PCR Detection of Campylobacter jejuni and Campylobacter coli
(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Antibiotic Manipulation of Intestinal Microbiota to Identify Microbes Associated with Campylobacter Exclusion in Poultry
(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Integrating comparative expression profiling data with association of SNPs to Salmonella shedding for improved food safety and porcine disease resistance
(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Host Response in Rabbits to Infection with Pasteurella multocida Serogroup F Strains Originating from Fowl Cholera
(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Characterization of Anti-Salmonella enterica Serotype Typhi Antibody Responses in Bacteremic Bangladeshi Patients by an Immuno-affinity Proteomic-based Technology (IPT)
(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Psychrotrophic Strain of Janthinobacterium lividum from a Cold Alaskan Soil Produces Prodigiosin
(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Ornithobacterium rhinotracheale North American Field Isolates Express a Hemolysin-Like Protein
(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Epidemiologic Investigation of Riemerella anatipestifer in a Commercial Duck Company by Serotyping and DNA Fingerprinting
(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Evaluation of the Effects of SDIA, a LUXR Homologue, on Adherence and Motility of Escherichia coli O157:H7
(Peer Reviewed Journal)