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Rumen Microbiology Textbook

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 We are pleased to make available, in PDF format, Dr. James B. Russell's classic textbook, "Rumen Microbiology and Its Role in Ruminant Nutrition", originally published in 2002. Dr. Russell was an Agricultural Research Service scientist at the ARS Plant, Soil and Nutrition Laboratory in Ithaca, New York, and was affiliated with the US Dairy Forage Research Center (USDA-ARS).


Terms of Use.  By downloading the file and printing of the material therein, users agree to the following terms of use: We invite free, noncommercial use of Dr. Russell’s book for educational and scientific purposes. Users of this material are requested to indicate the availability of the PDF through this website and to acknowledge the source of material used as follows: 

Source: J.B. Russell, Rumen Microbiology and Its Role in Ruminant Nutrition, copyright James B. Russell, 2002. Used with permission of the James B. Russell Trust.  


Disclaimer. The material presented in the book is based on Dr. Russell’s knowledge of the fields of microbiology and ruminant nutrition at the time the book was written.  Users of this information shall not hold the US Department of Agriculture, or the estate and/or heirs of Dr. Russell, liable for any or all damage, loss or unforeseen outcomes resulting from use of this information either alone or in combination with any other information. Mention of specific commercial products is for informational use only and does not constitute an endorsement or warranty over similar products, which may also be suitable.


Acknowledgments. This material was made available through the generosity of the James B. Russell estate, in cooperation with Mr. Robert Jewell and Mr. Michael May, who assisted the Agricultural Research Service, US Department of Agriculture in securing authorization for its use.


Contact Information. Queries regarding content of the book can be addressed to the U.S. Dairy Forage Research Center. Queries regarding the operation of this website can be directed to Josh Nehring (USDA CEC).


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