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Runion, G.B. and Watts, D.B. 2014. Effects of enhanced efficiency fertilizers on cotton growth characteristics. Crop Manag. 13:1-11. doi:10.2134/CM-2013-0050-RS.
Watts, D.B., Runion, G.B., Smith-Nannenga, K.W., and Torbert, H.A. 2014. Enhanced-efficiency fertilizer effects on cotton yield and quality in the Coastal Plains. Agron. J. 106:745-752. doi:10.2134/agronj13.0216,
Runion, G.B., Prior, S.A., Price, A.J., and McElroy, J.S. 2014. Effects of elevated CO2 on biomass and fungi associated with two ecotypes of ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia L.). Front. Plant Sci. 5:1-7, doi 10.3389/fpls.2014.00500.
Dijkstra, F.A., S.A. Prior, G.B. Runion, H.A. Torbert, H. Tian, C. Lu, and R.T. Venterea. 2012. Effects of elevated carbon dioxide and increased temperature on methane and nitrous oxide fluxes: Evidence from field experiments. Front. Ecol. Environ. 10:520-527.
Marble, S.C., G.B. Fain, C.H. Gilliam, G.B. Runion, S.A. Prior, H.A. Torbert, and D.E. Wells. 2012. Landscape establishment of woody ornamentals grown in alternative wood-based container substrates. J. Environ. Hort. 30:13-16.
Marble, S.C., S.A. Prior, G.B. Runion, H.A. Torbert, C.H. Gilliam, G.B. Fain, J.L. Sibley, and P.R. Knight. 2012. Effects of fertilizer placement on trace gas emissions from nursery container production. HortSci. 47:1056-1062.
Prior, S.A., G.B. Runion, H.A. Torbert, S.B. Idso, and B.A. Kimball. 2012. Sour orange fine root distibution after seventeen years of atmospheric CO2 enrichment. Agric. For. Meteor. 162-163:85-90.
Runion, G.B., J.R. Butnor, S.A. Prior, R.J. Mitchell, and H.H. Rogers. 2012. Effects of atmospheric CO2 enrichment on soil CO2 efflux in a young longleaf pine system. Int. J. Agron. doi:10:1155/2012/549745.
Krueger, E., S.A. Prior, D. Kurtener, H.H. Rogers, and G.B. Runion. 2011. Characterizing root distribution with adaptive neuro-fuzzy analysis. Int. Agrophys. 25:93-96.
Marble, S.C., S.A. Prior, G.B. Runion, H.A. Torbert, C.H. Gilliam, and G.B. Fain. 2011. The importance of determining carbon sequestration and greenhouse gas mitigation potential in ornamental horticulture. HortSci. 46:240-244.
Prior, S.A., G.B. Runion, S.C. Marble, H.H. Rogers, C.H. Gilliam, and H.A. Torbert. 2011. A review of elevated atmospheric CO2 effects on plant growth and water relations: Implications for horticulture. HortSci. 46:158-162.
Prior, S.A., G.B. Runion, H.A. Torbert, C.H. Gilliam, and S.C. Marble. 2011. Strategies for carbon sequestration and reducing greenhouse gas emissions from nursery production systems. U.S. Dept. Agric., Agric. Res. Ser., Floriculture and Nursery Res. Initiative Prog. Rep. Nat. Soil Dynamics Lab., Auburn, AL. 55 pp.
Runion, G.B., H.M. Finegan, S.A. Prior, H.H. Rogers, and D.H. Gjerstad. 2011. Effects of elevated atmospheric CO2 on non-native plants: Comparison of two important southeastern ornamentals. Environ. Control. Biol. 49(3):107-117.
McCormack, M.L., S.G. Pritchard, S. Breland, M.A. Davis, S.A. Prior, G.B. Runion, R.J. Mitchell, and H.H. Rogers. 2010. Soil fungi respond more strongly than fine roots to elevated CO2 in a model regenerating longleaf pine-wiregrass ecosystem. Ecosys. 13:901-916.
Prior, S.A., G.B. Runion, H.H. Rogers, and F.J. Arriaga. 2010. Elevated atmospheric carbon dioxide effects on soybean and sorghum gas exchange in conventional and no-tillage systems. J. Environ. Qual. 39:596-608.
Runion, G.B., S.A. Prior, H.H. Rogers, and R.J. Mitchell. 2010. Effects of elevated atmospheric CO2 on two southern forest diseases. New For. 39:275-285.
Smith, K.E., G.B. Runion, S.A. Prior, H.H. Rogers, and H.A. Torbert. 2010. Effects of elevated CO2 and agricultural management on flux of greenhouse gases from soil. Soil Sci. 175:349-356.
Price, A.J., G.B. Runion, S.A. Prior, H.H. Rogers, and H.A. Torbert. 2009. Tropical spiderwort (Commelina benghalensis L.) increases growth under elevated atmospheric carbon dioxide. J. Environ. Qual. 38:729-733.
Runion, G.B., H.A. Torbert, S.A. Prior, and H.H. Rogers. 2009. Effects of elevated atmospheric carbon dioxide on soil carbon in terrestrial ecosystems of the southeastern United States. p. 233-262. Soil Carbon Sequestration and the Greenhouse Effect. ASA-CSSA-SSSA, Madison, WI.
Sage, R.F., H.A. Coiner, D.A. Way, G.B. Runion, S.A. Prior, H.A. Torbert, R. Sicher, and L. Ziska. 2009. Kudzu [Pueraria montana) Lour.) Merr. Variety lobata]: A new source of carbohydrate for bioethanol production. Biomass Bioenergy 33:57-61.
Ziska, L.H., G.B. Runion, M. Tomecek, S.A. Prior, H.A. Torbert, and R. Sicher. 2009. An evaluation of cassava, sweet potato and field corn as potential carbohydrate sources for bioethanol production in Alabama and Maryland. Biomass Bioenergy 33:1503-1508.
Prior, S.A., G.B. Runion, H.H. Rogers, and H.A. Torbert. 2008. Effects of atmospheric CO2 enrichment on crop nutrient dynamics under no-till conditions. J. Plant Nutr. 31:758-773.
Prior, S.A., H.A. Torbert, G.B. Runion, H.H. Rogers, and B.A. Kimball. 2008. Free-air CO2 enrichment of sorghum: Soil carbon and nitrogen dynamics. J. Environ. Qual. 37:753-758.
Rogers, H.H., G.B. Runion, S.A. Prior, A.J. Price, H.A. Torbert, and D.H. Gjerstad. 2008. Effects of elevated atmospheric CO2 on invasive plants: Comparison of purple and yellow nutsedge (Cyperus rotundus L. and C. esculentus L.). J. Environ. Qual. 37:395-400.
Runion, G.B., A.J. Price, S.A. Prior, H.H. Rogers, H.A. Torbert, and D.H. Gjerstad. 2008. Effects of elevated atmospheric CO2 on a C3 and a C4 invasive weed. Bot. Res. J. 1:56-62.
Smith, K.E., G.B. Runion, S.A. Prior, A.J. Price, H.H. Rogers, and H.A. Torbert. 2008. Chinese privet (Ligustrum sinense) in an elevated CO2 environment. Botany Res. J. 1:43-48.
Ziska, L.H., and G.B. Runion. 2007. Future weed, pest, and disease problems for plants. p. 261-287. In P.C.D. Newton, et al. (eds.) Agroecosystems in a Changing Climate. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL.
Prior, S.A., G.B. Runion, T.S. Kornecki, and H.H. Rogers. 2006. A pneumatic device for lifting containers in plant water use studies. Agron. J. 98:120-123.
Prior, S.A., H.A. Torbert, G.B. Runion, H.H. Rogers, D.R. Ort, and R.L. Nelson. 2006. Free-air carbon dioxide enrichment of soybean: Influence of crop variety on residue decomposition. J. Environ. Qual. 35:1470-1477.
Pritchard, S.G., S.A. Prior, H.H. Rogers, M.A. Davis, G.B. Runion, and T.W. Popham. 2006. Effects of elevated atmospheric CO2 on root dynamics and productivity of sorghum grown under conventional and conservation agricultural management practices. Agric. Ecosys. Environ. 113:175-183.
Runion, G.B., M.A. Davis, S.G. Pritchard, S.A. Prior, R.J. Mitchell, H.A. Torbert, H.H. Rogers, and R.R. Dute. 2006. Effects of elevated atmospheric carbon dioxide on biomass and carbon accumulation in a model regenerating longleaf pine community. J. Environ. Qual. 35:1478-1486.
Derner, J.D., G.E. Schuman, M. Jawson, S.R. Shafer, J.A. Morgan, H.W. Polley, G.B. Runion, S.A. Prior, H.A. Torbert, H.H. Rogers, J. Bunce, L. Ziska, J.W. White, A.J. Franzluebbers, J.D. Reeder, R.T. Venterea, and L.A. Harper. 2005. USDA-ARS global change research on rangelands and pasturelands. Rangelands 27:36-42.
Prior, S.A., G.B. Runion, H.H. Rogers, J.S. Conn, and V.L. Cochran. 2005. Atmospheric CO2 enrichment of potato in the subarctic: Root distribution and soil biology. Environ. Control Biol. 43:165-172.
Prior, S.A., G.B. Runion, H.H. Rogers, H.A. Torbert, and D.W. Reeves. 2005. Elevated atmospheric CO2 effects on biomass production and soil carbon in conventional and conservation cropping systems. Global Change Biol. 11:657-665.
Prior, S.A., S.G. Pritchard, and G.B. Runion. 2004. Leaves and the effects of elevated carbon dioxide levels, pp. 648-649. Encyclopedia of Plant and Crop Science. Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York.
Prior, S.A., R.L. Raper, and G.B. Runion. 2004. Effect of implement on soil CO2 efflux: Fall vs. spring tillage. Trans. ASAE 47:367-373.
Prior, S.A., G.B. Runion, H.A. Torbert, and D.C. Erbach. 2004. A hydraulic coring system for soil-root studies. Agron. J. 96:1202-1205.
Prior, S.A., G.B. Runion, H.A. Torbert, and H.H. Rogers. 2004. Elevated atmospheric CO2 in agroecosystems: Soil physical properties. Soil Sci. 169:434-439.
Prior, S.A., H.A. Torbert, G.B. Runion, and H.H. Rogers. 2004. Elevated atmospheric CO2 in agroecosystems: Residue decomposition in the field. Environ. Mgmt. 33:S344-S354.
Runion, G.B., S.A. Prior, D.W. Reeves, H.H. Rogers, D.C. Reicosky, A.D. Peacock, and D.C. White. 2004. Microbial responses to wheel-traffic in conventional and no-tillage systems. Commun. Soil Sci. Plant Anal. 35:2891-2903.
Saxon, M.E., M.A. Davis, S.G. Pritchard, G.B. Runion, S.A. Prior, H.E. Stelzer, H.H. Rogers, and R.R. Dute. 2004. Influence of elevated CO2, nitrogen, and Pinus elliottii genotypes on performance of the redheaded pine sawfly, Neodiprion lecontei. Can. J. For. Res. 34:1007-1017.
Torbert, H.A., S.A. Prior, H.H. Rogers, and G.B. Runion. 2004. Elevated atmospheric CO2 effects on N fertilization in grain sorghum and soybean. Field Crop Res. 88:47-57.
Torbert, H.A., S.A. Prior, and G.B. Runion. 2004. Impact of the return to cultivation on carbon (C) sequestration. J. Soil Water Conserv. 59:1-8.
Torbert, H.A., S.A. Prior, G.B. Runion, S.G. Pritchard, and H.H. Rogers. 2004. Nitrogen and carbon cycling in a model longleaf pine community as affected by elevated atmospheric CO2. Environ. Mgmt. 33:S132-S138.
Prior, S.A., H.H. Rogers, G.L. Mullins, and G.B. Runion. 2003. The effects of elevated atmospheric CO2 and soil P placement on cotton root deployment. Plant Soil 255:179-187.
Prior, S.A., H.A. Torbert, G.B. Runion, and H.H. Rogers. 2003. Implications of elevated CO2-induced changes in agroecosystem productivity. J. Crop Prod. 8:217-244.
Runion, G.B. 2003. Climate change and plant pathosystems - future disease prevention starts here. New Phytol. 159:531-538.
Davis, M.A., S.G. Pritchard, R.J. Mitchell, S.A. Prior, H.H. Rogers, and G.B. Runion. 2002. Elevated atmospheric CO2 affects structure of a model regenerating longleaf pine community. J. Ecol. 90:130-140.
Pritchard, S.G., M.A. Davis, R.J. Mitchell, S.A. Prior, D.L. Boykin, H.H. Rogers, and G.B. Runion. 2001. Root dynamics in an artificially constructed regenerating longleaf pine ecosystem are affected by atmospheric CO2 enrichment. Environ. Exp. Bot. 46:55-69.
Prior, S.A., D.C. Reicosky, D.W. Reeves, G.B. Runion, and R.L. Raper. 2000. Residue and tillage effects on planting implement-induced short-term CO2 and water loss from a loamy sand soil in Alabama. Soil Tillage Res. 54:197-199.
Reicosky, D.C., D.W. Reeves, S.A. Prior, G.B. Runion, H.H. Rogers, and R.L. Raper. 1999. Effects of residue management and controlled traffic on carbon dioxide and water loss. Soil Tillage Res. 52:153-165.
Rogers, H.H., G.B. Runion, S.A. Prior, and H.A. Torbert. 1999. Response of plants to elevated atmospheric CO2: Root growth, mineral nutrition, and soil carbon. p. 215-244. In Y. Luo and H.A. Mooney (eds.) Carbon Dioxide and Environmental Stress. Academic Press, New York.
Runion, G.B., J.A. Entry, S.A. Prior, R.J. Mitchell, and H.H. Rogers. 1999. Tissue chemistry and carbon allocation in seedlings of Pinus palustris subjected to elevated atmospheric CO2 and water stress. Tree Physiol. 19:329-335.
Runion, G.B., R.J. Mitchell, T.H. Green, S.A. Prior, H.H. Rogers, and D.H. Gjerstad. 1999. Longleaf pine photosynthetic response to soil resource availability and elevated atmospheric carbon dioxide. J. Environ. Qual. 28:880-887.
Entry, J.A., G.B. Runion, S.A. Prior, R.J. Mitchell, and H.H. Rogers. 1998. Influence of CO2 enrichment and nitrogen fertilization on tissue chemistry and carbon allocation in longleaf pine seedlings. Plant Soil 200:3-11.
Prior, S.A., H.A. Torbert, G.B. Runion, G.L. Mullins, H.H. Rogers, and J.R. Mauney. 1998. Effects of carbon dioxide enrichment on cotton nutrient dynamics. J. Plant Nutr. 21:1407-1426.
Torbert, H.A., S.A. Prior, H.H. Rogers, and G.B. Runion. 1998. Crop residue decomposition as affected by growth under elevated atmospheric CO2. Soil Sci. 163:412-419.
Prior, S.A., S.G. Pritchard, G.B. Runion, H.H. Rogers, and R.J. Mitchell. 1997. Influence of atmospheric CO2 enrichment, soil N, and water stress on needle surface wax formation in Pinus palustris (Pinaceae). Am. J. Bot. 84:1070-1077.
Prior, S.A., H.H. Rogers, G.B. Runion, H.A. Torbert, and D.C. Reicosky. 1997. Carbon dioxide-enriched agroecosystems: Influence of tillage on short-term soil carbon dioxide efflux. J. Environ. Qual. 26:244-252.
Prior, S.A., G.B. Runion, R.J. Mitchell, H.H. Rogers, and J.S. Amthor. 1997. Effects of atmospheric CO2 on longleaf pine: Productivity and allocation as influence by nitrogen and water. Tree Physiol. 17:397-405.
Prior, S.A., H.A. Torbert, G.B. Runion, H.H. Rogers, C.W. Wood, B.A. Kimball, R.L. LaMorte, P.J. Pinter, and G.W. Wall. 1997. Free-air carbon dioxide enrichment of wheat: Soil carbon and nitrogen dynamics. J. Environ. Qual. 26:1161-1166.
Pritchard, S.G., C.M. Peterson, G.B. Runion, S.A. Prior, and H.H. Rogers. 1997. Atmospheric CO2 concentration, N availability, and water status affect patterns or ergastic substance deposition in longleaf pine (Pinus palustris Mill.) foliage. Trees 11:494-503.
Rogers, H.H., G.B. Runion, S.V. Krupa, and S.A. Prior. 1997. Plant responses to atmospheric carbon dioxide enrichment: implications in root-soil-microbe interactions. p. 1-34. Advances in Carbon Dioxide Effects Research. ASA, CSSA, and SSSA, Madison, WI.
Runion, G.B., R.J. Mitchell, H.H. Rogers, S.A. Prior, and T.K. Counts. 1997. Effects of nitrogen and water limitation and elevated atmospheric CO2 on ectomycorrhiza of longleaf pine. New Phytol. 137:681-689.
Torbert, H.A., H.H. Rogers, S.A. Prior, W.H. Schlesinger, and G.B. Runion. 1997. Effects of elevated atmospheric CO2 in agro-ecosystems on soil carbon storage. Global Change Biol. 3:513-521.
Henning, F.P., C.W. Wood, H.H. Rogers, G.B. Runion, and S.A. Prior. 1996. Composition and decomposition of soybean and sorghum tissues grown under elevated atmospheric carbon dioxide. J. Environ. Qual. 25:822-827.
Rogers, H.H., S.A. Prior, G.B. Runion, and R.J. Mitchell. 1996. Root to shoot ratio of crops as influenced by CO2. Plant Soil 187:229-248.
Torbert, H.A., S.A. Prior, H.H. Rogers, W.H. Schlesinger, G.L. Mullins, and G.B. Runion. 1996. Elevated atmospheric carbon dioxide in agroecosystems affects groundwater quality. J. Environ. Qual. 25:720-726.
Mitchell, R.J., G.B. Runion, S.A. Prior, H.H. Rogers, J.S. Amthor, and F.P. Henning. 1995. Effects of nitrogen on Pinus palustris foliar repiratory responses to elevated atmospheric CO2 concentration. J. Exp. Biol. 46:1561-1567.
Prior, S.A., H.H. Rogers, G.B. Runion, B.A. Kimball, J.R. Mauney, K.F. Lewin, J. Nagy, and G.R. Hendrey. 1995. Free-air carbon dioxide enrichment of cotton: Root morphological characteristics. J. Environ. Qual. 24:678-683.
Amthor, J.S., R.J. Mitchell, G.B. Runion, H.H. Rogers, S.A. Prior, and C.W. Wood. 1994. Energy content, construction cost and phytomass accumulation of Glycine max (L.) Merr. and Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench grown in elevated CO2 in the field. New Phytol. 128:443-450.
Prior, S.A., H.H. Rogers, G.B. Runion, and G.R. Hendrey. 1994. Free-air CO2 enrichment of cotton: Vertical and lateral root distribution patterns. Plant Soil 165:33-44.
Prior, S.A., H.H. Rogers, G.B. Runion, and J.R. Mauney. 1994. Effects of free-air CO2 enrichment on cotton root growth. Agric. For. Meteorol. 70:69-86.
Reeves, D.W., H.H. Rogers, S.A. Prior, C.W. Wood, and G.B. Runion. 1994. Elevated atmospheric carbon dioxide effects on sorghum and soybean nutrient status. J. Plant Nutr. 17:1939-1954.
Rogers, H.H., G.B. Runion, and S.V. Krupa. 1994. Plant responses to atmospheric CO2 enrichment with emphasis on roots and the rhizosphere. Environ. Pol. 83:155-189.
Runion, G.B., E.A. Curl, H.H. Rogers, P.A. Backman, R. Rodr?guez-K?bana, and B.E. Helms. 1994. Effects of free-air CO2 enrichment on microbial populations in the rhizosphere and phyllosphere of cotton. Agric. For. Meteorol. 70:117-130.
Runion, G.B., W.D. Kelley, D.H. Land, S.P. Gilly, and D.J. Sharp. 1994. Chemical control of Rhizoctonia seedling blight of longleaf pine. South. J. Appl. For. 18:5-9.
Wood, C.W., H.A. Torbert, H.H. Rogers, G.B. Runion, and S.A. Prior. 1994. Free-air CO2 enrichment effects on soil carbon and nitrogen. Agric. For. Meterorol. 70:103-116.
Runion, G.B., H.H. Rogers, C.W. Wood, S.A. Prior, and R.J. Mitchell. 1993. Effects of traffic on soil physical characteristics and vegtative resources of the National Mall. J. Soil Water Conserv. 48:389-393.
Runion, G.B., and R.I. Bruck. 1988. The effects of thiabendazole on Fusarium subglutinans, the causal agent of pitch canker of loblolly pine. Plant Disease 72:297-300.