Research Entomologist
Frank Rinkevich
Research Entomologist
Dr. Frank D. Rinkevich is a Research Entomologist with extensive training in insect toxicology, biochemistry, molecular biology, and genetics. The goal of Dr. Frank's research is to provide a basic understanding of insecticide toxicology that is relevant to field conditions in the commercial beekeeping industry. Current research interests in Dr. Rinkevich's lab include evaluating the effects of pesticide exposure on colony survivorship in commercial beekeeping operations, assessing the capacity and dynamics of metabolic detoxification of insecticides, understanding the genetic, behavioral and social factors that affect insecticide sensitivity, determining the breadth, depth, and mechanisms of amitraz resistance in Varroa, establishing the effects of fungicides on colony health, and evaluating control materials and practices for small hive beetle.
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- (Clicking on the reprint icon will take you to the publication reprint.)
- Relative impacts of varroa infestation and pesticide exposure and their effects on honey bee colony health and survival in a high-intensity corn and soybean producing region in northern Iowa -(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Rinkevich Jr, F.D., Danka, R.G., Rinderer, T.E., Margotta, J., Bartlett, L., Healy, K. 2024. Relative impacts of varroa infestation and pesticide exposure and their effects on honey bee colony health and survival in a high-intensity corn and soybean producing region in northern Iowa. Journal of Insect Science. Vlume 25 Issue 3 Page 18.
- Temperature, strip age, exposure surface area affect the outcomes of testing for amitraz resistance in Varroa destructor -(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Rinkevich Jr, F.D. 2024. Temperature, strip age, exposure surface area affect the outcomes of testing for amitraz resistance in Varroa destructor. Journal of Apicultural Research.
- Thinking inside the box: restoring the propolis envelope facilitates honey bee social immunity -(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Shanahan, M., Simone-Finstrom, M., Tokarz, P.G., Rinkevich Jr, F.D., Read, Q.D., Spivak, M. 2024. Thinking inside the box: restoring the propolis envelope facilitates honey bee social immunity. PLOS ONE.
- Temperature affects assessment of amitraz resistance in Varroa destructor -(Peer Reviewed Journal)
- Confirmation of the Y215H mutation in the ß2-octopamine receptor in Varroa destructor is associated with contemporary cases of amitraz resistance in United States -(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Rinkevich Jr, F.D., Moreno-Marti, S., Hernandez-Rodriguez, C.S., Gonzalez-Cabrera, J. 2023. Confirmation of the Y215H mutation in the ß2-octopamine receptor in Varroa destructor is associated with contemporary cases of amitraz resistance in United States. Pest Management Science. pp.1-6.
- The story so far on amitraz resistance in Varroa-(Trade Journal)
Rinkevich Jr, F.D., MacFawn, D. 2022. The story so far on amitraz resistance in Varroa. Bee Culture. pg. 1-6.
- A derived honey bee stock confers resistance to Varroa destructor and associated viral transmission -(Peer Reviewed Journal)
O'Shea-Wheller, T.A., Rinkevich Jr, F.D., Danka, R.G., Simone-Finstrom, M., Tokarz, P.G., Healy, K.B. 2022. A derived honey bee stock confers resistance to Varroa destructor and associated viral transmission. Scientific Reports. 12(1). Article 4852.
- Amitraz resistance, a concern in the U.S. too-(Trade Journal)
Rinkevich Jr, F.D., Nicot, E., Giraud, F. 2021. Amitraz resistance, a concern in the U.S. too. La Sante de l'Abeille. 306:573-577.
- Genome-wide patterns of differentiation within and across U.S. commercial honey bee stocks -(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Saelao, P., Simone-Finstrom, M., Avalos, A., Bilodeau, A.L., Danka, R.G., De Guzman, L.I., Rinkevich Jr, F.D., Tokarz, P.G. 2020. Genome-wide patterns of differentiation within and across U.S. commercial honey bee stocks. BMC Genomics. 21:1-12.
- Differences in larval pesticide tolerance and esterase activity across honey bee (Apis mellifera) stocks -(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Milone, J.P., Rinkevich Jr, F.D., McAfee, A., Foster, L.J., Tarpy, D. 2020. Differences in larval pesticide tolerance and esterase activity across honey bee (Apis mellifera) stocks. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 206:111213.
- Genome-wide patterns of genetic differentiation within and across U.S. commercial honey bee stocks -(Proceedings)
Saelao, P., Simone-Finstrom, M., Avalos, A., Bilodeau, A.L., Danka, R.G., De Guzman, L.I., Rinkevich Jr, F.D. 2020. Genome-wide patterns of genetic differentiation within and across U.S. commercial honey bee stocks. Insects. 11(6):362.
- Identification and assessment of insecticide target sites in the genome of the small hive beetle, Aethina tumida -(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Rinkevich Jr, F.D., Bourgeois, A.L. 2020. Identification and assessment of insecticide target sites in the genome of the small hive beetle, Aethina tumida. BMC Genomics. 1-12.
- A Longitudinal Study of the Principle Factors Leading to Colony Losses in Migratory Beekeeping -(Proceedings)
Oshea-Wheller, T., Simone-Finstrom, M., Danka, R.G., Rinkevich Jr, F.D., Healy, K., Penn, H., Swale, D., Lang, S., Fellows, C. 2020. A Longitudinal Study of the Principle Factors Leading to Colony Losses in Migratory Beekeeping. Insects. 11(2):1-49.
- Detection of amitraz resistance and reduced Apivar® efficacy in the Varroa mite, Varroa destructor, in commercial beekeeping operations -(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Rinkevich Jr, F.D. 2020. Detection of amitraz resistance and reduced Apivar® efficacy in the Varroa mite, Varroa destructor, in commercial beekeeping operations. PLoS One. 1-12.
- Factors influencing colony survival in migratory beekeeping based on honey bee resistance traits-(Abstract Only)
- Genome of the small hive beetle (Aethina tumida, Coleoptera: Nitidulidae), a worldwide parasite of social bee colonies, provides insights into detoxification and herbivory -(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Evans, J.D., McKenna, D., Scully, E.D., Cook, S.C., Dainat, B., Egekwu, N.I., Grubbs, N., Lopez, D.L., Lorenzen, M., Reyna, S.M., Rinkevich Jr, F.D., Neumann, P., Huang, Q. 2018. Genome of the small hive beetle (Aethina tumida, Coleoptera: Nitidulidae), a worldwide parasite of social bee colonies, provides insights into detoxification and herbivory. Gigascience. 7(12):1-16.
- Gamma irradiation inactivates honey bee fungal, microsporidian, and viral pathogens and parasites-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Simone-Finstrom, M., Aronstein, K.A., Goblirsch, M., Rinkevich Jr, F.D., De Guzman, L.I. 2018. Gamma irradiation inactivates honey bee fungal, microsporidian, and viral pathogens and parasites. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology. 153:57-64.
- Evaluating the effects of mosquito control adulticides on honey bees-(Proceedings)
Healy, K.B., Ottea, J., Walker, T., Rinkevich Jr, F.D., Margotta, J., Pokhrel, V., Vaeth, R., Hoffman, C., Fritz, B., Danka, R.G. 2017. Evaluating the effects of mosquito control adulticides on honey bees. Bee World. 93(4):107-127.
- Limited impacts of truck-based ultra-low volume applications of mosquito adulticides on mortality in honey bees (Apis mellifera) -(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Rinkevich Jr, F.D., Margotta, J.W., Pohkrel, V., Ottea, J.A., Healy, K.B., Walker, T.W., Vaeth, R.H., Aldridge, R.L., Fritz, B.K., Danka, R.G., Rinderer, T.E., Hoffmann, W.C., Linthicum, K. 2017. Limited impacts of truck-based ultra-low volume applications of mosquito adulticides on mortality in honey bees (Apis mellifera). Bulletin of Entomological Research. 107(6):724-733.
- Influence of Varroa mite (Varroa destructor) infestation levels and management practices on insecticide sensitivity in the honey bee (Apis mellifera)-(Proceedings)
Rinkevich Jr, F.D., Danka, R.G., Healy, K.B. 2017. Influence of Varroa mite (Varroa destructor) infestation levels and management practices on insecticide sensitivity in the honey bee (Apis mellifera). Bee World. 93(4):104-127.
- Influence of varroa mite (Varroa destructor) infestation levels and management practices on insecticide sensitivity in the honey bee (Apis mellifera) -(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Rinkevich Jr, F.D., Danka, R.G., Healy, K.B. 2017. Influence of varroa mite (Varroa destructor) infestation levels and management practices on insecticide sensitivity in the honey bee (Apis mellifera). Insects. 8(1),9.
- Pteridine levels and head weights are correlated with age and colony task in the honey bee, Apis mellifera -(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Rinkevich Jr, F.D., Margotta, J.W., Pittman, J.M., Ottea, J.A., Healy, K.B. 2016. Pteridine levels and head weights are correlated with age and colony task in the honey bee, Apis mellifera. PeerJ. 4:e2155.
Propolis Reduces EFB and Varroa Infestation in Honey Bees Used for Blueberry Pollination Cooperative Agreement (A) Accession Number:447042 Using Genetics to Improve the Breeding and Health of Honey Bees In-House Appropriated (D) Accession Number:437823 Developing and Deploying Novel Tools to Support Varroa Mite IPM in Specialty Crop Pollinating Honey Bee Colonies Reimbursable Cooperative Agreement (R) Accession Number:445303