Style Guide for CGC Research Reports |
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The following guidelines are for use in the preparation of reports. It is recognized that CGC members may not be able to meet one or more of the guidelines.
Authors are encouraged to contribute reports even though some of the guidelines cannot be met.
Our objective is to facilitate the interchange of information, but we ask authors to help reduce unnecessary editing.
Refer to the latest Cucurbit Genetics Cooperative Report regarding questions of style not mentioned.
- Reports will be assigned to one of the following:
- Research Notes - short reports dealing with current genetics, breeding and closely related matters that are of possible interest to members.
- Germplasm Exchange - a listing of seed stocks that are available or desired. Brief descriptions and gene symbols, if applicable, are useful.
- General Guidelines
- Reports should normally not exceed two (2) single-spaced, typewritten or word-processed pages.
- Authors are requested to submit electronic copy of their reports by email, CD-R, or floppy disk. The report should be submitted with both a word processing file and an ASCII file. Disks should be identified as to the format (e.g., IBM, Macintosh) and must be accompanied by a typed or printed copy of the report. Reports submitted via email should be checked with a follow-up email to see if it was properly received.
- Tables and Figures (e.g., *.TIFF, *.PCX, *.GIF, *.JPG, *.WPG) should be included as separate files on the disk. DO NOT EMBED Tables and Figures in the body of the text.
- Figures should be sent as hardcopy. DO NOT FOLD figures for mailing.
- If you are unable to submit your report by email or disk, send a typed copy. CGC will look after re-entering your submission for typesetting.
- Title
- The title should be a precise and concise description of the work.
- Avoid the use of meaningless words such as "influence of," "effects of," "results of," "studies on," "evaluation of," "factors involved in," and "tests on."
- Begin at left-hand margin. (See Examples I, II and III)
- Capitalize first letter of all words except for articles such as "a" and "the," prepositions such as "of," "in," "on," "during," and "between," and conjunctions such as "and" and "with" that are not the first word.
- DOUBLE SPACE between Title and By-line.
- By-line
- Author(s) name(s) (first name or initial followed by middle initial and last name). (See Example I)
- Names of two or more authors at the same institution are on the same line. (See Example II)
- Names of authors in separate institutions are on different lines. (See Example III)
- Concise mailing address is on the line below the author(s) name(s). (See Examples I, II and III)
- TRIPLE SPACE between By-line and Body of Report. (See Example I)
- Author(s) name(s) (first name or initial followed by middle initial and last name). (See Example I)
- Body of Report (See Example I)
- Follow conventional format and include a brief Introduction, essential Materials & Methods, and concise Results and Discussion.
- DO NOT indent the first word of a paragraph.
- Use numbers enclosed in parentheses for literature citations.
- DOUBLE SPACE between paragraphs and between body of report and Literature Cited.
- Taxonomy and Genetic Nomenclature (See Example I)
- Taxonomy (See Example I)
- Give the full scientific names of plants, disease organisms, and insects, along with their authority (and if important, the cultivar name).
- Italicize scientific names.
- Use common names whenever possible.
- Cultivar names can be preceded by the abbreviation for the word cultivar (e.g., cv. Calypso), or can be set off with single quotes (e.g., `Calypso').
- Genetic Nomenclature (See Example I)
- Names and symbols of genes are subject to the gene nomenclature rules for the Cucurbitaceae. (Robinson et al. 1976. Genes of the Cucurbitaceae. HortScience 11:554-568; CGC Gene List Committee. 1982. Update of cucurbit gene list and nomenclature rules. Cucurbit Genetics Cooperative Report 5:62-66.) These rules were reprinted in the latest CGC Report.
- Refer to the rules of nomenclature before assigning a name and symbol to a newly described gene in a published report regardless of where it is published.
- If necessary, consult the CGC Gene List Committee regarding questions of gene names and symbols. Members of the Gene List Committee are listed in the latest CGC Report.
- italicize gene names and symbols.
- Taxonomy (See Example I)
- Literature Cited (See Example I)
- List citations in alphabetical order, but numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals followed by a period.
- Authors are listed after the number; senior author (last name first, by initials), then additional authors (initials first).
- DO NOT substitute the underline for the author's name when an author is cited more than once, repeat the author's name for each citation.
- DO NOT indent the second and any subsequent lines of citations, but begin directly below the first letter of the author's last name.
- DO NOT underline journal titles.
- Tables (See Example IV)
- Tables should document or clarify, but not duplicate, data already given in the text or figures.
- Large tables can be reduced in size through photoreduction (or reduced font size) in order to fit within the prescribed margins. Photoreductions should be done by the author(s) if possible.
- Table Anatomy
- Headnote - contains "Table," then number in Arabic, and a self-explanatory title.
- Headrule - underscores the headnote; one line.
- Stubhead - is the head of the first column. Capitalize only the first letter of the first word and any proper nouns.
- Boxhead - contains the column heads of the rest of the table, and is centered between the stubhead and the right margin. Capitalize only the first letter of the first word and any proper nouns.
- Boxhead rule - one line under the boxhead to separate it from the main body of the table.
- Field - is all the information between the boxhead rule and the footrule - - the main body of the table.
- Footrule - a single underscore to separate the field from the footnotes (if any).
- Footnotes - are designated with superscript, lowercase letters in reverse alphabetical order (z, y, x, w, etc.), thus avoiding confusion with alphabetical letters used for statistical significance (a, b, A, B).
- Figures
- Data presented in tables should not be duplicated in Figures.
- Figures include graphs and line drawings in black on white paper or on white paper imprinted with light blue lines which will not appear when photographically reproduced, and black and white photographs.
- Large figures can be reduced in size through photoreduction in order to fit within the prescribed margins. Photoreductions should be done by the author(s) if possible.
- Captions should be clear, concise and complete.
- When mailing reports, protect figures with stiff cardboard backing and mark envelope "Do Not Bend."
Example I
Sources of Resistance to Viruses in Two Accessions of Cucumissativus
R. Provvidenti
Department of Plant Pathology, New York Agricultural Experiment Station, Cornell University, Geneva, NY 14456
Recently we have determined that two accessions of Cucumissativus L. cv. Surinam and cv. TMG-1 are valuable sources of resistance to the most common viruses affecting this species in the U. S.
'Surinam', a cultivar from the South American country of the same name, possesses a single gene (wmv-1-1), which confers resistance to watermelon mosaic virus 1 (WMV-1) (2). Following inoculation . . .
...breeders with sources of resistance to four viruses.
Literature Cited
- Provvidenti, R., D. Gonsalves, and H.S. Humaydan. 1984. Occurrence of zucchini yellow mosaic virus in cucurbits from Connecticut, New York, Florida, and California. Plant Disease 68:443-446.
- Wang, Y.J., R. Provvidenti, and R.W. Robinson. 1984. Inheritance of resistance to watermelon mosaic virus 1 in cucumber. HortScience 19:587-588.
Example II
Obtention of Embryos and Plants from In Vitro Culture of Unfertilized Ovules of Cucurbitapepo
D. Chambonnet and R. Dumas de Vaulx
Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique, 84140 Montfavet, France
Example III
Lack of Resistance to Zucchini Yellow Mosaic Virus in Accessions of Cucurbitamaxima
R. Provvidenti
Department of Plant Pathology, New York Agricultural Experiment Station, Cornell University, Geneva, NY 14456
R. Alconero
U. S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, Regional Plant Introduction Station, Geneva, NY 14456
Example IV
Table 1. Petiole length (cm) of the first four true leaves of mutant and normal cucumber plants segregating for the short petiole (sp) gene. | ||||
| Leaf node | |||
Genotype | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
spsp | 1.9 | 1.8 | 6.7 | 3.2 |
Spsp | 15.0 | 14.2 | 16.2 | 16.1 |
SpSp | 15.2 | 15.9 | 17.6 | 17.8 |