2001 Report |
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- Ft. Worth, Texas
- January 28, 2001
- Benny D. Bruton, Chairman
- US Department of Agriculture
- Agricultural Research Service
- Lane, Oklahoma 74555
- [Voice] 580-889-7395 [Fax] 580-889-5783
- [E-mail]
- [Web Page] http://www.lane-ag.org/H2oMelon/watermelon.htm
- Meeting Summary
- June, 2001
The Watermelon Research and Development Working Group (WRDWG) met on Sunday, January 28, 2001 in Ft. Worth, Texas. The meeting was held at the at the Worthington Hotel in conjunction with The Southern Association of Agricultural Scientists (S.A.A.S.) and the Southern Region American Society for Horticultural Sciences (SR: ASHS). We had an excellent program this year with an attendance of approximately 75 people. Below is the program agenda.
I. Research Updates
- Don Maynard, Horticulturalist, University of Florida, Bradenton, FL, "Review of the Florida Statewide watermelon trials"
- Frank Dainello, Extension Horticulturalist, Texas A&M University, College Station, "Review of the Texas Statewide watermelon trials"
- Amnon Levi, Research Geneticist, USDA-ARS, Charleston, SC "Construction of an initial genetic linkage map for watermelon using a population that segregates for Fusarium wilt resistance"
- Penelope Perkins-Veazie, Plant Physiologist, USDA-ARS, Lane, OK "Lycopene Content of Watermelon and Correlation with Colormetric Measurements"
- David Bender, Horticulturalist, Texas A&M University, Lubbock, TX, "Successful production of triploid watermelon transplants"
- Dan Egel, Plant Pathologist, Purdue, Vincennes, IN. "Mature watermelon vine decline: a disease of unknown etiology in Southwestern Indiana"
- Maciej Biernacki, Horticulturalist, Oklahoma State University, Lane, OK, "Image-based quantitative assessment of foliar and soilborne diseases"
- Sam Pair, Research Entomologist, USDA-ARS, Lane, OK, "Squash bug transmission of the yellow vine bacterium and potential for using trap crops for control"
- Angela Davis, Research Geneticist, USDA-ARS, Lane, OK, "Evaluation of yellow vine resistance in watermelon PI's"
- George Boyhan, David Langston, Pamela Lewis, and Donna Linton, Extension Horticulturalist, University of Georgia, Statesboro, GA, "Evaluation of the USDA watermelon germplasm collection for resistance to Fusarium wilt and root knot nematode"
- Todd Wehner, Horticulturalist, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC, "Resistance to gummy stem blight in watermelon"
- Benny Bruton, Research Plant Pathologist, USDA-ARS, Lane, OK, "Powdery mildew on watermelon: outlook for the future"
- Gerald Holmes and Jonathan Schultheis, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC, "Susceptibility of watermelon cultigens to ozone injury in North Carolina"
- Jim Shrefler, Extension Horticulturalist, Oklahoma State University, Lane, OK, "Watermelon tolerance to halosulfuron herbicide and weed control efficacy"
II. Seed Source for Fusarium Wilt Differentials
- Todd Wehner, Horticulturalist, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC, "Status of watermelon Fusarium wilt differentials"
III. National Watermelon Promotion Board
- Diana Musto, Research Associate, Orlando, Florida, "Update from the National Watermelon Promotion Board"
IV. Watermelon Germplasm Update
- Benny Bruton, Research Plant Pathologist, USDA-ARS, Lane Oklahoma, "Status of the Watermelon Plant Introductions: what is the next step?" Dr. Bob Jarret has tried to get help in establishing a core collection for a long time. We are now in the process of selecting the core collection and hopefully we will have something finalized this year. The Cucurbit Crop Advisory Committee and the Cucurbit Genetics Cooperative Coordinating Committee will be consulted for final approval of the core collection.
- Robert Jarret, Curator, USDA-ARS, Plant Genetic Resources Unit, Griffin, GA, "Curator's Report on Watermelon Germplasm" (handout)
V. Refreshments:
- Glenn Price of Sugar Creek Seed Inc. in Hinton, Oklahoma provided refreshments for the group this year. Thanks Glenn!
VI. Other Business
- *A motion was made and carried that we meet for two half-day sessions in 2002. Provided that I can get the slots for Saturday and Sunday afternoon, we will have two half-day sessions. The meeting for 2002 will be February 2-3, 2002 in Orlando, Florida.
VII. Adjourn
VIII. Addendum
IX. Past Refreshment Sponsorships:
- Sugar Creek Seed Inc.: Ft. Worth, Texas - 2001
- Willhite Seeds: Lexington, Kentucky - 2000
- Novartis Seeds Inc.: Memphis, Tennessee - 1999
- Sunseeds: Little Rock, Arkansas - 1998
- Barham Seeds: Birmingham, Alabama - 1997
- American SunMelon: Greensboro, North Carolina - 1996
- Willhite Seeds: New Orleans, Louisiana - 1995
- Asgrow Seed Company: Nashville, Tennessee - 1994
- American SunMelon:Tulsa, Oklahoma - 1993