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Irrigator Pro is an expert system designed to provide irrigation scheduling recommendations based on scientific data resulting in conservation minded irrigation management. Irrigator Pro for Peanuts was the original model developed. This computerized expert system is designed to manage peanut irrigation and pest management decisions.
The program has been validated in all major U.S. peanut producing regions and recommendations are specific to growing regions. Irrigation recommendations are based upon over 25 years of scientific research data and information. Generally, irrigation recommendations are made to maintain soil temperatures and water in the optimum ranges. Graphs can be viewed to show the maximum and minimum soil temperatures in relation to the optimum zones, and the cumulative water use in a field. Both graphs are useful in determining how Irrigator Pro is performing in a particular situation and can help in diagnosing any problems that may be occurring. Yield increases of over 300 pounds per acre and 2 percentage point increases in Sound Mature Kernels and Sound Splits have been demonstrated.
Requirements to run Irrigator Pro for Peanuts:
- A computer with 12 MB of free disk space running Windows 2000, Windows XP, or Windows Vista
- 1 or 2 maximum-minimum weatherproof 4" stem thermometers
- 2 rain gauges, one under the pivot, and one outside the pivot
- Soil penetrometer rod
- Flags to mark location in the field
Irrigator Pro for Cotton and Corn have also been developed and validated and have recently gained significant adoption. The requirements vary from the peanut model with installation of three soil moisture sensors at depths of 8", 16", and 24". Readings are taken during the season to collect the data to be input into the model to generate recommendations.
For more information download Irrigator Pro brochure or contact:
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