Experiments and Activities for Students:
Experiment |
Purpose |
Will different soils hold different amounts of water? |
Does soil type affect plant growth? |
Will the amount of water a plant gets affect its growth? |
Is all soil the same? |
How does the particle size in soil affect the way water moves through the soil? |
Does soil type affect seed germination and sprouting? |
How does groundwater affect plants? |
Do all soils have the same saturation rate? |
Determine the effects of light on seedlings germinated in the dark vs. the light. |
Determine if brightness of light will alter the growth rate of a plant. |
Determine the effects of growing plants close together vs. growing plants farther apart. |
Activity |
Purpose |
To see that soil is made up of different parts. |
To see that not all soil is the same. |
To see how plants help prevent soil erosion. |
Identify components of soil and how those components determine soil function. |
Demonstrate filtering and percolation properties of three soil types. |
Demonstrate the natural fertility rates of three main soil types. |
Demonstrate the structure of given soil samples. |
Discover the flow rate of three main soil types. |
Ddemonstrate the linear properties of flow rate in a Mariotte siphon or bottle. |