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Todd Campbell
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B. Todd Campbell

Research Geneticist
Coastal Plains Soil, Water, and Plant Research Center
2611 West Lucas St., Florence, SC 29501-1242

Dr. B. Todd Campbell is a Research Geneticist currently working on the genetic enhancement of cotton. His research applies traditional breeding, genetics, genomics, and high throughput phenotyping to improve cotton fiber quality, tolerance to abiotic stress, and yield stability--all while increasing genetic diversity and expanding cotton’s genetic base.

Education and Training:

Ph.D., Agronomy (Plant Breeding and Genetics), University of Nebraska-Lincoln

M.S., Agronomy (Plant Breeding and Genetics), University of Nebraska-Lincoln

B.S., Biochemistry (Minor in Genetics), North Carolina State University

Professional Experience:

Research Geneticist, USDA-ARS, Florence, SC

Plant Breeder, California Cooperative Rice Research Foundation, Biggs, CA

Selected Publications:

  • BT Campbell MA and Jones. 2005. Assessment of genotype × environment interactions for yield and fiber quality in cotton performance trials. Euphytica 144:69-78
  • BT Campbell, S Saha, R Percy, J Frelichowski, JN Jenkins, W Park, CD Mayee, V Gotmare, D Dessauw, M Giband, X Du, Y Jia, G Constable, S Dillon, IY Abdurakhmonov, A Abdukarimov, SM Rizaeva, A Adullaev, PAV Barroso, JG Padua, LV Hoffmann, and L Podolnaya. 2010. Status of the global cotton germplasm resources. Crop Sci. 50:1161-1179.
  • W Park, BE Scheffler, PJ Bauer, and BT Campbell. 2010. Identification of the family of aquaporin genes and their expression in upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.). BMC Plant Biology. 10:142.
  • BT Campbell, PW Chee, E Lubbers, DT Bowman, WR Meredith, J Johnson, and DE Fraser. 2011. Genetic improvement of the Pee Dee cotton germplasm collection following seventy years of plant breeding. Crop Sci. 51:955-968.
  • BT Campbell, PW Chee, E Lubbers, DT Bowman, WR Meredith, J Johnson, DE Fraser, W Bridges, and DC Jones. 2012. Dissecting genotype × environment interactions and trait correlations present in the Pee Dee cotton germplasm collection following seventy years of plant breeding. Crop Sci. 52:690-699.
  • W Park, BE Scheffler, PJ Bauer, and BT Campbell. 2012. Genome-wide identification of differentially expressed genes under water deficit stress in upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.). BMC Plant Biol. 12:1-12.
  • MJ Bowman, W Park, PJ Bauer, JA Udall, JT Page, J Raney, BE Scheffler, DC Jones, and BT Campbell. 2013. RNA-Seq transcriptome profiling of upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) root tissue under water deficit stress. PLoS One. e82634.
  • BT Campbell, J Greene, J Wu, and DC Jones. 2016. Genetic variation for agronomic and fiber quality traits in a population derived from high-quality cotton germplasm. Crop Sci. 56:1689-1697.
  • BT Campbell, KD Chapman, D Sturtevant, C Kennedy, P Horn, PW Chee, E Lubbers, WR Meredith, Jr, J Johnson, D Fraser, and DC Jones. 2016. Genetic analysis of cottonseed protein and oil in a diverse cotton germplasm. Crop Sci. 56:2457-2464.
  • KL Hugie, PJ Bauer, KC Stone, EM Barnes, DC Jones, and BT Campbell. 2018. Improving the precision of NDVI estimates in upland cotton field trials. The Plant Phenome Journal. 1:1-9.
  • BT Campbell, KL Hugie, LL Hinze, J Wu, and DC Jones. 2019. Assessing the breeding potential of thirteen day-neutral landrace accessions in an upland cotton breeding program. Crop Sci. 59:1469-1478.

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