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Ping Duan
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Yong-Ping, Duan, Ph.D.
Research Plant Pathologist

U. S. Horticultural Research Laboratory
2001 South Rock Road
Fort Pierce, FL 34945
Telephone: (561) 462-5840
Fax: (561) 462-5986

Current Research Projects

The major emphasis of this new research program focuses on pathogen identification, disease characterization, and characterization of host-parasite interactions of bacterial diseases of citrus, ornamentals, and vegetables. Initial efforts involved the development of models to characterize the spread of Asiatic citrus canker as a result of extreme weather events and to develop a predictive model for future weather related spread. Projects have also been established to identify, differentiate, and characterize the spread of the Agrobacterium species involved in forming galls on ornamental Ficus sp. And also to work on various facets of citrus greening disease of citrus (syn=huanglongbing) and its causal agents, Candidatus Liberibacter sp. Initial research with citrus greening will concentrate on developing robust sampling and detection protocols as well as methods to screen germplasm for resistance to provide researchers with the tools necessary to conduct the complementary research needed to control this devastating disease. Ultimately, these efforts will lead to improved disease management strategies that will allow the commercial industries to remain viable over the long term. The long-range goal of the program is to develop a better understanding of the host-parasite interactions of emerging bacterial diseases in order to develop effective and comprehensive disease control strategies.