Recent Accomplishments
IFAHI (Gainesville, FL) scientists have been responsible for:
- Sequencing the genome and transcriptome of the fire ant.
- Sequencing the transcriptome of the invasive Caribbean Crazy ant.
- Discovery of 6 RNA and 1 DNA viruses in fire ants and Caribbean crazy ant.
- Release of a 5th phorid fly parasitoid (all five species were released in the United States by IFAHI scientists).
- First characterization of the Pheromone Biosynthesis Activating Neuropeptide (PBAN/Pyrokinin gene and its neuropeptide products in an ant species.
- Determined sequence of PBAN receptor (a G-Protein Coupled Receptor, GPCR) gene and mapped its expression in fire ants, suggesting functions in all fire ant life stages.
- Suppression of PBAN/Pyrokinin gene or PBAN receptor gene by RNAi results in fire ant larval, pupal, and/or adult mortality (4 patents pending for control of ants, moths, insects)
- Development of oligo microarray to study gene function and expression in the fire ant.
- Identification of numerous single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) permitting genetic discrimination of fire ant colonies and elucidation of global movement patterns.
- Identification of different genetic variants of a microsporidian fire ant pathogen that infects the tropical fire ant, a species native to North America that is also an invasive pest elsewhere.
- Identification and evaluation of a second fire ant-specific nematode parasite for control.
- Development of unique semiochemical/nanotechnology-based remote monitoring devices to aid interception of fire ants at quarantine boundaries.
- Evaluation of baiting technologies for controlling the invasive Caribbean crazy ant in the United States.
- Discovery of a third fire ant virus (all 3 known ant viruses were discovered and characterized by IFAHI scientists) being developed as biopesticide (patented).
- Characterizing the genomes of the fire ant viruses.
BCL (Stoneville, FL) scientists have been responsible for:
- Confirmation of the presence of five distinct mitochondrial haplotypes in RIFA and a single haplotype in black imported fire ants.
- Developed an RNAi approach that reduced expression of a G-protein gene involved in the functioning of critical G-Protein coupled receptors in fire ants (patent submitted).
- Identification of defensive chemicals in Nylanderia fulva, the Rasberry crazy ant, or Caribbean Crazy ant.
- Completion of new distributional records for several exotic ant species and two new state (Mississippi) records of introduced pest species.