Matthew Moore - Other Presentations |
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Moore, M.T. and J.L. Farris. 1995. Herbicide runoff and its effects upon the agricultural ecosystem. 6th Biennial State Water Conference and 8th Annual AWRA-AR and AGWA Joint Symposium, Little Rock, Arkansas.
Meredith, M., W. Wyatt, D. Chittenden, J. Pierce, M.T. Moore and J.L. Farris. 1995. Monitoring of water quality in a newly formed pond for collection of tail waters from rice irrigation. 6th Biennial State Water Conference and 8th Annual AWRA-AR and AGWA Joint Symposium, Little Rock, Arkansas.
Milam, C.D., M.T. Moore, and J.L. Farris. 1996. Reference sediment selection in the lower Mississippi Delta. Arkansas Academy of Science, Fort Smith, Arkansas.
Moore, M.T. and J.L. Farris. 1996. Herbicide runoff and its relationship to the agricultural ecosystem. Mid-South Regional Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Memphis, Tennessee.
Moore, M.T. and J.L. Farris. 1996. Herbicide runoff and its relationship to a deltaic agricultural ecosystem. Delta Conference, Memphis, Tennessee.
Moore, M.T. and J.L. Farris. 1996. Herbicide runoff and its relationship to a deltaic agricultural ecosystem. 17th Annual Meeting of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Washington, D.C.
Winchester, E.L., M.T. Moore and J.L. Farris. 1996. The acute toxicity and development effects of propanil (3',4'-dichloropriopionanilide) to Xenopus laevis and Rana sphenocephala. 17th Annual Meeting of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Washington, D.C.
Moore, M.T., D.B. Huggett, W.B. Gillespie, Jr, J.H. Rodgers, Jr., C.M. Cooper, and S. Smith, Jr. 1997. Contrasting toxicities of acetylcholinesterase-inhibiting insecticides: Extrapolation from laboratory to aquatic systems. 18th Annual Meeting of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, San Francisco, California.
Pierce, J.R., E.L. Winchester, C.D. Milam, M.T. Moore, and J.L. Farris. 1997. Augmenting toxicity point estimates for propanil by establishing exposure-response curves. 18th Annual Meeting of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, San Francisco, California.
Huddleston, G.M. III, M.T. Moore, D.B. Huggett, J.H. Rodgers, Jr., and C.M. Cooper. 1998. Effects of atrazine and paraquat on Typha latifolia Linneaus germination and root and shoot development. Carolinas Chapter Meeting of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Chapel Hill, North Carolina.
Moore, M.T., J.H. Rodgers, Jr., C.M. Cooper, and S. Smith, Jr. 1998. Constructed wetlands and pesticide runoff: A case study of mitigation. University of Mississippi Field Station Science Conference, Oxford, Mississippi.
Moore, M.T., W.B. Gillespie, Jr., J.H. Rodgers, Jr., C.M. Cooper, and S. Smith, Jr. 1998. Constructed wetlands to mitigate agricultural pesticide runoff. 19th Annual Meeting of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Charlotte, North Carolina.
Bohannon, A.L., M.T. Moore, J.H. Rodgers, Jr., and C.M. Cooper. 1998. Effects of chlorpyrifos on macroinvertebrates in constructed wetlands. 19th Annual Meeting of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Charlotte, North Carolina.
Burkepile, D.E., M.T. Moore, and M.M. Holland. 1999. Toxicity effects of the organophosphate insecticide diazinon on five non-target freshwater species. Mississippi Academy of Sciences, Tupelo, Mississippi.
Moore, M.T., E.R. Bennett, S. Smith, Jr., and C.M. Cooper. 1999. Mitigation capabilities of agricultural ditch wetlands. Third National Workshop on Constructed Wetlands / BMPs for Nutrient Reduction and Coastal Water Potection, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Huddleston, G.M. III, M.T. Moore, D.B. Huggett, J.H. Rodgers, Jr., and C.M. Cooper. 1999. Herbicide effects on Typha latifolia germination and root and shoot development. 21st Annual Meeting of the South Carolina Aquatic Plant Management Society, Columbia, South Carolina.
Bohannon, A.L., M.T. Moore, J.H. Rodgers, Jr., and J.E. Myers. 1999. Evaluation of bench-scale constructed wetland mesocosms for potential tertiary treatment of produced water from a petroleum refinery. 20th Annual Meeting of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Moore, M.T., J.H. Rodgers, Jr., C.M. Cooper, and S. Smith, Jr. 1999. Comparative mitigation of chlorpyrifos, atrazine, and metolachlor-associated runoff using constructed wetlands. 20th Annual Meeting of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Bennett, E.R., M.T. Moore, S. Smith, Jr., C.M. Cooper, F.D. Shields, Jr., J.L. Farris, and C.D. Milam. 1999. Pesticide fate in agricultural drainage ditches: A case study of mitigation. 20th Annual Meeting of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Farris, J.L., C.D. Milam, E.R. Bennett, M.T. Moore, S. Smith, Jr., C.M. Cooper, and F.D. Shields, Jr. 1999. Evaluating toxicity of atrazine and lambda-cyhalothrin amendments to agricultural ditch mesocosms. 20th Annual Meeting of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Huddleston, G.M. III, J.H. Rodgers, Jr., D.B. Huggett, M.T. Moore, and C.M. Cooper. 1999.Herbicide effects on Typha latifolia (Linneaus) germination and root and shoot development. 20th Annual Meeting of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Feldman, D.L., J.L. Farris, M.T. Moore, and C.M. Cooper. 2000. Characterization of macroinvertebrate communities and the conditions that define agricultural drainage ditches. 48th Annual Meeting of the North American Benthological Society. Keystone, Colorado.
Moore, M.T., C.M. Cooper, E.R. Bennett, S. Smith, Jr., and J.L. Farris. 2000. Reinventing the ditch: Using drainage channels for agricultural runoff remediation. 21st Annual Meeting of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. Nashville, Tennessee.
Moore, M.T., C.M. Cooper, and S. Davis. 2000. USDA Adopt-A-School program: Environmental education experiences in rural Mississippi. 21st Annual Meeting of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. Nashville, Tennessee.
Lizotte, R.E., M.T. Moore, and C.M. Cooper. 2000. Assessment of Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs) for streams in the Yazoo drainage basin, North Mississippi: A regional perspective. 21st Annual Meeting of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. Nashville, Tennessee.
Rodgers, J.H., Jr., M.T. Moore, C.M. Cooper, and S. Smith, Jr. 2000. Constructed wetlands for mitigation of golf course runoff. 21st Annual Meeting of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. Nashville, Tennessee.
Milam, C.D., J.L. Farris, M.T. Moore, C.M. Cooper, and S. Smith, Jr. 2000. Characterization of agricultural ditch ecosystems: Structure and function of constricted remnant wetlands. 3rd Annual Arkansas Soil and Water Education Conference, Jonesboro, Arkansas.
Moore, M.T., C.M. Cooper, S. Smith, Jr., E.R. Bennett, and J.L. Farris. 2001. Drainage ditches: New conceptual BMPs for non-point source pollution and TMDL development. 7th Federal Interagency Sedimentation Conference. Reno, Nevada.
Villegas, M.A., A.T. Mikell, Jr., M.T. Moore, C.M. Cooper, and S. Smith, Jr. 2001. Catabolic and morphotypic comparison between bacteria isolated from an agricultural field and its associated drainage ditch. 101st General Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology, Orlando, Florida.
Bouldin, J.L., C.D. Milam, J.L. Farris, M.T. Moore, E.R. Bennett, S. Smith, Jr., and C.M. Cooper. 2001. Evaluating toxicity of ASANA XL (esfenvalerate) amendments in agricultural ditch mesocosms. Mid-South Regional Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry Annual Meeting, Jonesboro, Arkansas.
Feldman, D.L., J.L. Farris, C.D. Milam, M.T. Moore, C.M. Cooper, and S. Smith, Jr. 2001. Seasonal variation of biotic and abiotic factors that characterize agricultural drainage ditches. 2001. 49th Annual Meeting of the North American Benthological Society. LaCrosse, Wisconsin.
Milam, C.D., J.L. Bouldin, R. Schulz, J.L. Farris, M.T. Moore, C.M. Cooper, and S. Smith, Jr. 2001. Evaluating toxicity of methyl parathion application in constructed wetland mesocosms. 49th Annual Meeting of the North American Benthological Society. La Crosse, Wisconsin.
Farris, J.L., C.D. Milam, J.L. Bouldin, M.T. Moore, E.R. Bennett, C.M. Cooper, and S. Smith, Jr. 2001. Evaluating the toxicity of ASANA XL (esfenvalerate) amendments in agricultural ditch mesocosms. 49th Annual Meeting of the North American Benthological Society. La Crosse, Wisconsin.
Lizotte, R.E. Jr., M.T. Moore,and C.M. Cooper. 2001. Implications of nutrient total maximum daily load (TMDL) criteria for Little Toposhaw Creek. 22nd Annual Meeting of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Baltimore, Maryland.
Milam, C.D., J.L. Bouldin, R. Schulz, J.L. Farris, M.T. Moore, E.R. Bennett, C.M. Cooper, and S. Smith, Jr. 2001. Methyl parathion effects to aquatic organisms following a simulated storm event in constructed wetland mesocosms. 22nd Annual Meeting of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Baltimore, Maryland.
Bouldin, J.L., C.D. Milam, J.L. Farris, M.T. Moore, E.R. Bennett, S. Smith, Jr., and C.M. Cooper. 2001. Effects of esfenvalerate to aquatic and sediment dwelling organisms in agricultural ditch mesocosms. 22nd Annual Meeting of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Baltimore, Maryland.
Bennett, E.R., M.T. Moore, S. Smith, Jr., C.M. Cooper, F.D. Shields, Jr., and J.L. Farris. 2001. Mitigation of esfenvalerate-associated runoff in an agricultural drainage ditch. 22nd Annual Meeting of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Baltimore, Maryland.
Schulz, R., M.T. Moore, E.R. Bennett, C.D. Milam, J.L. Bouldin, J.L. Farris, S. Smith, Jr., and C.M. Cooper. 2001. Methyl parathion effects on macroinvertebrates in vegetated and unvegetated wetland mesocosms. 22nd Annual Meeting of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Baltimore, Maryland.
Moore, M.T., C.M. Cooper, E.R. Bennett, S. Smith, Jr., J.L. Farris, C.D. Milam, and F.D. Shields, Jr. 2001. TMDL and water quality implications of vegetated drainage ditch research. 22nd Annual Meeting of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Baltimore, MD.
Cooper, C.M., M.T. Moore, E.R. Bennett, S. Smith, Jr., and J.L. Farris. 2001. Alternative environmental benefits of agricultural drainage ditches. 28th Congress of the International Association of Theoretical and Applied Limnology (SIL), Melbourne, Australia.
Bouldin, J.L., C.D. Milam, J.L. Farris, M.T.Moore, E.R. Bennett, S. Smith, Jr., and C.M. Cooper. 2002. Effects of esfenvalerate on aquatic and sediment dwelling organisms, in agricultural ditch mesocosms. 4th Annual Arkansas Soil and Water Education Conference, Jonesboro, Arkansas.
Milam, C.D., J.L. Bouldin, J.L. Farris, R. Schulz, M.T.Moore, E.R. Bennett, S. Smith, Jr., and C. M. Cooper. 2002. Methyl parthion effects to aquatic organisms following a simulated storm event in constructed wetland mesocosms. 4th Annual Arkansas Soil and Water Education Conference, Jonesboro, Arkansas.
Moore, M.T., R.E. Lizotte, Jr., C.M. Cooper, S. Smith, Jr., S. Testa, III, and M.M. Holland. 2002. TMDLs and UMFS water quality: Implications of a reference condition. UMFS/CWWR Science Conference, Abbeville, Mississippi.
Lizotte, R.E., Jr., M.T.Moore, C.M. Cooper, and M.M. Holland. 2002. Water quality under natural conditions: Comparisons of urban, rural and reference watersheds in north Mississippi. Mississippi Water Resources Research Conference, Raymond, Mississippi.
Bennett, E.R., M.T.Moore, C.M. Cooper, S. Smith, Jr., J.L. Farris, C.D. Milam, R. Schulz, and R.L. Letcher. 2002. Mitigation of pesticide-associated runoff in vegetated agricultural drainage ditch systems. 12th Annual Meeting of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry - Europe, Vienna, Austria.
Moore, M.T., C.M. Cooper, S. Testa, III, R.E. Lizotte, Jr., S. Smith, Jr., and M.M. Holland. 2002. TMDLs and nutrient criteria development: Mississippi challenges. Annual Meeting of the Mid-South Regional Chapter of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Vicksburg, Mississippi.
Moore, M.T., C.M. Cooper, S. Smith, Jr., E.R. Bennett, R. Schulz, J.L. Farris, and F.D. Shields, Jr. 2002. Influence of vegetation in mitigation of methyl parathion runoff. 6th International Conference on Diffuse Pollution, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Cooper, C.M., M.T. Moore, E.R. Bennett, S. Smith, Jr., J.L. Farris, C.D. Milam, and F.D. Shields, Jr. 2002. Innovative uses of vegetated drainage ditches for reducing agricultural runoff. 6th International Conference on Diffuse Pollution, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Moore, M.T., S. Testa, III, C.M. Cooper, S.S. Knight, and T.D. Welch. 2002. Delisting 303(d) streams for pH impairment: North Mississippi experiences. 23rd Annual Meeting of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Salt Lake City, UT.
Bouldin, J.L., J.L. Farris, M.T. Moore, S. Smith, Jr., P. Hendley, C.D. Milam, and C.M. Cooper. 2002. Evaluating fate and effects of atrazine and lambda-cyhalothrin in vegetated and unvegetated ditch mesocosms. 23rd Annual Meeting of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Salt Lake City, UT.
Fivecoat, P.T., A.T. Mikell, Jr., M.T. Moore, and C.M. Cooper. 2002. Evaluation of Escherichia coli in Otoucalofa Creek, Mississippi, USA. 23rd Annual Meeting of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Salt Lake City, UT.
Peacock, J.T., A.T. Mikell, Jr., S. Smith, Jr., M.T. Moore, and C.M. Cooper. 2002. Enrichment of bacterial isolates capable of degrading the synthetic pyrethroid insecticide lambda-cyhalothrin. 23rd Annual Meeting of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Salt Lake City, UT.
Bennett, E.R., M.T. Moore, R. Schulz, S. Smith, Jr., and C.M. Cooper. 2003. Methyl parathion runoff in vegetated and non-vegetated wetland mesocosms: Aquatic vegetation as a mitigation strategy. Pesticides in Non-Target Agricultural Environments: Environmental and Economic Implications. Cape Town, South Africa.
Bouldin, J.L., J.L. Farris, M.T. Moore, and C.M. Cooper. 2003. Physical and vegetative characteristics of agricultural drainages in the Mississippi Delta landscape. Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of the Mid-South Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Nashville, TN.
Bouldin, J.L., J.L. Farris, M.T. Moore, and C.M. Cooper. 2003. Physical and vegetative characteristics of agricultural drainages in the Mississippi Delta landscape. 51st Annual Meeting of the North American Benthological Society, Athens, GA.
Bouldin, J.L., J.L. Farris, M.T. Moore and C.M. Cooper. 2003. Vegetative and structural characteristics of agricultural drainages in the Mississippi Delta landscape. Abstracts of the 24th Annual Meeting of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Austin, TX.
Moore, M.T., C.M. Cooper, S. Smith, Jr., R.W. Steinriede, Jr., J.L. Farris, and W.W. Stephens. 2003. Drainage ditch monitoring of the Delta Conservation Demonstration Center (DCDC), Mississippi, USA. Abstracts of the 24th Annual Meeting of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Austin, TX.
Deaver, E., M.T. Moore, C.M. Cooper, and S.S. Knight. 2003. Efficiency of three aquatic macrophytes in mitigating nutrient runoff: A mesocosm study. Abstracts of the 24th Annual Meeting of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Austin, TX.
Peacock, J.T., A.T. Mikell, Jr., S. Smith, Jr., M.T. Moore, and C.M. Cooper. 2003. The use of a single stage gradostat reactor to investigate the ability of rhizosphere associated bacteria to cycle lambda-cyhalothrin through the production of a redox gradient. Annual Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology. Washington, D.C.
Beadle, J.V., M.M. Holland, M.T. Moore, and C.M. Cooper. 2003. Nutrient uptake capability of Juncus effuses and Paspalum urvillei. Annual Meeting of the Society of Wetland Scientists. New Orleans, LA.
Cooper, C.M., M.T. Moore, S. Smith, Jr., S. Testa III, and S.S. Knight. 2003. Reducing agricultural non-point source contaminations: Evolving concepts on use of wetland vegetation from ARS/Cooperator research. UMFS / CWWR Annual Science Conference. Abbeville, MS.
Cullum, R.F., M.T. Moore, S.S. Knight, and P.B. Rodrigue. 2003. Mitigation of atrazine in drainage ditches and constructed wetlands for agricultural non-point source runoff. Conference on Water Management to Meet Emerging TMDL Environmental Regulations, Albuquerque, NM.
Kroger, R., M.M. Holland, C.M. Cooper, and M.T. Moore. 2003. Agriculture and wetlands: Finding mutualistic ground. Southeastern Chapter Meeting of the Society of Wetland Scientists, Atlanta, GA.
Schaubhut, M., M. Burns, A.T. Mikell, Jr., M.T. Moore, C.M. Cooper, L. McElwain, and L. Williams. 2004. The characterization of E. coli through US Environmental Protection Agency approved standard methods. Mid-South Regional Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry Annual Meeting, Oxford, MS.
Stephens, W.W., M.T. Moore, J.L. Farris, J.L. Bouldin, and C.M. Cooper. 2004. Considerations for assessment of wadeable drainages in the agriculturally dominated deltas of Arkansas and Missisisppi. Mid-South Regional Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry Annual Meeting, Oxford, MS.
Bouldin, J.L., J.L. Farris, M.T. Moore, S. Smith, Jr., and C.M. Cooper. 2004. Indication of diazinon movement through constructed wetlands from insitu biomarkers and laboratory biomonitoring. Mid-South Regional Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry Annual Meeting, Oxford, MS.
Lizotte, R.E., Jr., M.T. Moore, S. Smith, Jr., and R.W. Steinriede, Jr. 2004. Novel method for the examination of leaf litter contamination. Mid-South Regional Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry Annual Meeting, Oxford, MS.
Cooper, C.M., S. Smith, Jr., S.S. Knight, M.A. Locke, R.F. Cullum, S.M. Dabney, R.E. Lizotte, Jr., and M.T. Moore. 2004. Water quality assessments in the Mississippi Delta. Mid-South Regional Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry Annual Meeting, Oxford, MS.
Moore, M.T., E.R. Bennett, C.M. Cooper, S. Smith, Jr., and R. Schulz. Partitioning of methyl parathion in constructed wetlands: Do plants make a difference? Mid-South Regional Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry Annual Meeting, Oxford, MS.
Cooper, C.M., S.S. Knight, F.D. Shields, Jr., S. Smith, Jr., M.T. Moore, S. Testa, III, R.E. Lizotte, Jr., and T.D. Welch. 2004. The Demonstration Erosion Control Project in the Yazoo Basin: Water quality in incised streams. Mid-South Regional Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry Annual Meeting, Oxford, MS.
Beadle, J.V., M.M. Holland, R. Kroger, M.T. Moore, and C.M. Cooper. 2004. Can wetland plants be useful in mitigating nutrient runoff from agricultural fields? Mississippi Water Resources Research Conference, Raymond, MS.
Cooper, C.M., M.T. Moore, S. Testa, III, and S. Smith, Jr. 2004. Agricultural treatment wetlands: Tons of prevention, cohorts of cure. 25th Meeting of the Society of Wetland Scientists, Seattle, WA.
Stephens, W.W., M.T. Moore, J.L. Farris, J.L. Bouldin, and C.M. Cooper. 2004. Considerations for evaluating water body condition in agriculturally dominated drainage systems in the Mississippi and Arkansas deltas. Annual Meeting of the North American Benthological Society, Vancouver, British Columbia.
Bouldin, J.L., J.L. Farris, M.T. Moore, S. Smith, Jr., and C.M. Cooper. 2004. Evaluating toxicity of diazinon in agricultural associated runoff through constructed wetlands. Annual Meeting of the North American Benthological Society, Vancouver, British Columbia.
Kroger, R., M.M. Holland, M.T. Moore, and C.M. Cooper. 2004. Nutrient assimilation in agricultural drainage ditches: The role of plants. INTERCOL (International Wetlands Conference), Utrecht, The Netherlands.
Moore, M.T., C.M. Cooper, S. Smith, Jr., R.F. Cullum, S.S. Knight, and M.A. Locke. 2004. Planting for success: Using aquatic vegetation to mitigate agricultural runoff. Annual Meeting of the American Water Resources Association, Orlando, FL.
Stephens, W.W., M.T. Moore, J.L. Farris, J.L. Bouldin, and C.M. Cooper. 2004. Accounting for region specific attributes in the bioassessment of wadeable agricultural systems from the deltas of Arkansas and Mississippi. 4th World Congress and 25th Annual Meeting of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Portland, OR.