Roundaway Lake |
Located in Coahoma County, Mississippi, the watershed contains a hydrologically controlled riverine lake draining 17 km2 of row-crop cultivated acreage. Roundaway lake is used to characterize and quantify the structure, function, and key processes of aquatic ecosystems in agricultural watersheds. The WQERU began monitoring the watershed in 2011 with ongoing monitoring and routine analysis of key water quality and ecological components. These include near continuous hydrology and in-situ physicochemical measurements as well as biweekly mineral turbidity (suspended solids), nutrients, pesticides, algae and microbial activity analyses.
Roundaway Lake Drawdowns
In late summer to fall, occasional drawdown of the lake water is conducted to improve downstream flow in the Big Sunflower River. During these events, scientists at the WQERU evaluate how nutrients, pesticides, and sediments interact with watershed hydrology to influence mechanisms regulating water quality and aquatic ecosystem structure and function in this agricultural watershed.
WQERU Contacts and Collaborators
Richard Lizotte Research Ecologist
Jason Taylor Research Ecologist
Justin Murdock Assistant Professor, Tennessee Technological University
Cliff Ochs Professor, The University of Mississippi