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Bennett, E.R., Moore, M.T., Cooper, C.M., Smith Jr, S., Shields Jr, F.D., Drouillard, K.D., Schulz, R. 2005. Vegetated agricultural drainage ditches for the mitigation of pyrethroid associated runoff. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 24(9):2121-2127. Bennett, E.R., Moore, M.T., Cooper, C.M., and Smith, S. Jr. 2000. Method for the simultaneous method for the extraction and analysis of two current use pesticides, atrazine and lambda-cyhalothrin, in sediment and aquatic plants. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. 64:825-833. Bouldin, J.L., Farris, J.L., Moore, M.T., Smith Jr, S., Cooper, C.M. 2007. Assessment of diazinon toxicity in sediment and water of constructed wetlands using deployed corbicula fluminea and laboratory testing. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 53(2):174-182. Bouldin, J.L., Farris, J.L., Moore, M.T., Smith Jr, S., Cooper, C.M. 2006. Hydroponic uptake of atrazine and lambda-cyhalothrin in Juncus effusus and Ludwigia peploides. Chemosphere. Vol 65/6 pp 1049-1057. Bouldin, J.L., Farris, J.L., Moore, M.T., Smith Jr, S., Cooper, C.M. 2005. Evaluated fate and effects of atrazine and lambda-cyhalothrin in vegetated and unvegetated microcosms. Environmental Toxicology. 20:487-498. Bouldin, J.L., Milam, C.D., Farris, J., Moore, M.T., Smith Jr, S., Cooper, C.M. 2004. Evaluating toxicity of ASANA XL (Esfenvalerate) amendments in agricultural ditch mesocosms. Chemosphere. 56(7): 677-683. Bouldin, J.L., Farris, J.L., Moore, M.T., Cooper, C.M. 2004. Vegetative and structural characteristics of agricultural drainage in the Mississippi Delta landscape. Environmental Pollution. 132(3):403-411. Burkepile, D.E., Moore, M.T., and Holland, M.M. 2000. Effects of diazinon on non-target aquatic organisms. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. 64:114-121. Cooper, C.M., Moore, M.T., Bennett, E.R., Smith Jr., S., Farris, J.L., Milam, C.D., Shields, Jr., F.D. 2004. Innovative uses of vegetated drainage ditches for reducing agricultural runoff. Water Science and Technology. v. 49. p. 117-123. Cooper, C.M., Smith Jr, S., Moore, M.T. 2003. Surface water, ground water and sediment quality in three oxbow lake watersheds in the Mississippi Delta agricultural region: Pesticides. International Journal of Ecology and Environmental Sciences. 29:171-184. Cooper, C.M., Moore, M.T. 2003. Wetland and agriculture. In: Holland, M.M., Blood, E.R. and Shaffer, L.R., editors. Achieving Sustainable Freshwater Systems: A web of connections. Washington, D.C.: Island Press. p. 221-235. Cooper, C.M., Moore, M.T., Bennett, E.R., Smith, S. Jr., and Farris, J.L. 2002. Alternative environmental benefits of agricultural drainage ditches. Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol. 28:1678-1682. Dabney, S.M., Moore, M.T., Locke, M.A. 2006. Integrated management of in-field, edge-of-field, and after-field buffers. Journal of the American Water Resources Association. 42(1): 15-24 Deaver, E., Moore, M. T., Cooper, C. M., Knight, S. S. 2005. Efficiency of three aquatic macrophytes in mitigating nutrient runoff. International Journal of Ecology and Environmental Sciences. 31(1):1-7. Fiello, M., Mikell, A.T., Jr., Moore, M.T., and Cooper, C.M. 2014. Variability in the characterization of total coliforms, fecal coliforms, and Escherichia coli in recreationalwater supplies of north Mississippi, USA. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 93(2):133-137. Greenway, S.L., Moore, M.T., Farris, J.L., and Rhoton, F.E. 2011. Effects of fluidized gas desulfurization (FGD) gypsum on non-target freshwater and sediment dwelling organisms. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. 86(5):480-483. Iseyemi, O.O., Farris, J.L., Moore, M.T., and Choi, S. 2016. Nutrient mitigation efficiency in agricultural drainage ditches: An influence of landscape properties. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. 96:750-756. Knight, S.S., Lizotte Jr, R.E., Moore, M.T., Smith Jr, S., Shields Jr, F.D. 2009. Mississippi Oxbow Lake Sediment Quality During an Artificial Flood. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 82(4): 496-500. Koontz, M.B., Koontz, J., Pezeshki, S.R., and Moore, M.T. 2013. Nutrient and growth responses of Leersia oryzoides, rice cutgrass, to varying degrees of soil saturation and water nitrogen concentration. Journal of Plant Nutrition. 36(14):2236-2258. Kröger, R., Moore, M.T., and Brandt, J.R. 2012. Current and past-use pesticide prevalence in drainage ditches in the Lower Mississippi Alluvial Valley. Pest Management Science. 68:303-312. Kröger, R., Pierce, S.C., Littlejohn, K.A., Moore, M.T., and Farris, J.L. 2012. Decreasing nitrate-N loads to coastal ecosystems with innovative drainage management strategies in agricultural landscapes: An experimental approach. Agricultural Water Management. 103:162-166. Kröger, R., Moore, M.T., and Farris, J.L. 2011. Concentrated standing tailwater: A mechanism for nutrient delivery to downstream aquatic ecosystems. Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology Part B 1:773-777. Kröger, R., Moore, M.T., Farris, J.L., and Gopolan, M. 2011. Evidence for the use of low-grade weirs in drainage ditches to improve nutrient reductions from agriculture. Water Air & Soil Pollution. 221:223-234. Kröger, R. and Moore, M.T. 2011. Phosphorus dynamics within agricultural drainage ditches in the lower Mississippi Alluvial Valley. Ecological Engineering. 37:1905-1909. Kröger, R. and Moore, M.T. 2011. Chemical residence time and hydrological conditions influence fipronil reduction in vegetated aquatic mesocosms. Journal of Environmental Quality. 40:559-565. Kröger, R., Holland, M.M., Moore, M.T., and Cooper, C.M. 2009. Seasonal patterns of nitrogen and phosphorus losses in agricultural drainage ditches in northern Mississippi. In: Hudspeth, C.A. and Reeve, T.E. (Eds.) Agricultural Runoff, Coastal Engineering and Flooding. Nova Science Publishers, Inc. pp. 279-289. Kröger, R., Lizotte Jr, R.E., Moore, M.T. 2009. Survival, Growth, and Body Residues of Hyalella azteca (Saussure) Exposed to Fipronil Contaminated Sediments from Vegetated and Un-vegetated Microcosms. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 83(3): 369-373. DOI 10.1007/s00128-009-9759-8. Kröger, R., Moore, M.T., Locke, M.A., Cullum, R.F., Steinriede Jr, R.W., Testa III, S., Bryant, C.T., Cooper, C.M. 2009. Evaluating the Influence of Wetland Vegetation on Chemical Residence Time in Mississippi Delta Drainage Ditches. Agricultural Water Management, 96: 1175-1179. Kröger, R., Moore, M.T., Cooper, C.M., Holland, M.M. 2009. Diazinon Accumulation and Dissipation in Oryza sativa L. Following Simulated Agricultural Runoff Amendment in Flooded Rice Paddies. Water, Air & Soil Pollution 201: 209-218. Kröger, R., Moore, M.T. 2008. Utilization of common ditch vegetation in the reduction of fipronil and its sulfone metabolite. Pest Management Science. 64:1212-1217. Kröger, R., Cooper, C.M., Moore, M.T. 2008. A preliminary hydrological investigation into an innovative controlled drainage strategy in surface drainage ditches: low grade weirs. Agricultural Water Management. 95(6):678-687. Kröger, R., Holland, M.M., Moore, M.T., Cooper, C.M. 2008. Agricultural drainage ditches mitigate phosphorus loads as a function of hydrological variability. Journal of Environmental Quality. 37:107-113. Kröger, R., Holland, M.M., Moore, M.T., Cooper, C.M. 2007. Hydrological variability and agricultural drainage ditch nutrient mitigation capacity: Inorganic nitrogen. Journal of Environmental Quality. 36:1646-1652. Kröger, R., Holland, M.M., Moore, M.T., Cooper, C.M. 2007. Plant senescence: a mechanism for nutrient release in temperate agricultural wetlands. Environmental Pollution 146:114-119. Lizotte, R.E. Jr. and Moore, M.T. 2017. Do varying aquatic plant species affect phytoplankton and crustacean responses to a nitrogen-permethrin mixture? Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. 98:58-64. Lizotte, R.E., Moore, M.T., Locke, M.A., and Kröger, R. 2011. Effects of vegetation in mitigating the toxicity of pesticide mixtures in sediments of a wetland mesocosm. Water, Air & Soil Pollution. 220(1):69-79. Lizotte, R.E., Moore, M.T., Kröger, R., and Locke, M.A. 2011. Role of vegetation in a constructed wetland on nutrient-pesticide mixture toxicity to Hyalella azteca. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. 60(2):261-271. Milam, C.D., Bouldin, J.L., Farris, J.L., Schulz, R., Moore, M.T., Bennett, E.R., Cooper, C.M., Smith Jr, S. 2004. Evaluating acute toxicity of methyl parathion application in constructed wetland mesocosms. Environmental Toxicology. 19(5):471-479. Moore, M.T., Locke, M.A., and Kröger, R. 2016. Using aquatic vegetation to remediate nitrate, ammonium, and soluble reactive phosphorus in simulated runoff. Chemosphere. 160:149-154. Moore, M.T., Kröger, R., and Locke, M.A. 2016. Drying and storage methods affect cyfluthrin concentrations in exposed plant samples. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. 97(2):244-248. Moore, M.T., Pierce, J.R., and Farris, J.L. 2015. Water quality analysis of an intensively used on-farm storage reservoir in the northeast Arkansas delta. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 69:89-94. Moore, M.T., Kröger R., Locke, M.A., Lizotte, R.E. Jr., Testa III, S., and Cooper, C.M. 2014. Diazinon and permethrin mitigation across a grass-wetland buffer. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. 93:574-579. Moore, M.T. and Locke, M.A. 2013. Effect of storage method and associated holding time on nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations in surface water samples. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. 91(5):493-498. Moore, M.T., Tyler, H.L., and Locke, M.A. 2013. Aqueous pesticide mitigation efficiency of Typha latifolia (L.), Leersia oryzoides (L.) Sw., and Sparganium americanum Nutt. Chemosphere. 92(10):1307-1313. Moore, M.T., Kröger R., Locke, M.A., Tyler, H.L., and Cooper, C.M. 2013. Seasonal and interspecific nutrient mitigation comparisons of three emergent aquatic macrophytes. Bioremediation Journal 17(3):148-158. Moore, M.T. and Locke, M.A. 2012. Phytotoxicity of atrazine, S-metolachlor, and permethrin to Typha latifolia (Linneaus) germination and seedling growth. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 89:292-295. Moore, M.T., Denton, D.L., Cooper, C.M., Wrysinski, J., Miller, J.L., Werner, I., Horner, G., Crane, D., Holcomb, D.B., and Huddleston, G.M. III. 2011. Use of vegetated agricultural drainage ditches to decrease pesticide transport from tomato and alfalfa fields in California, USA. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 30(5):1044-1049. Moore, M.T. and Kröger, R. 2011. Evaluating plant species-specific contributions to nutrient mitigation in drainage ditch mesocosms. Water, Air & Soil Pollution. 217:445-454. Moore, M.T., Kröger, R., Farris, J.L., Locke, M.A., Bennett, E.R., Denton, D.L., and Cooper, C.M. 2011. From vegetated ditches to rice fields: Thinking outside the box for pesticide mitigation. In: Goh, K.S., Bret, B.L., Potter, T.L., Gan, J. (Eds.) Pesticide Mitigation Strategies for Surface Water Quality. American Chemical Society Symposium Series 1075. pp. 29-37. (Book chapter). Moore, M.T., Kröger, R., and Jackson, C.R. 2010. The role of aquatic ecosystems in the elimination of pollutants. In: Sánchez-Bayo, F., van den Brink, P.J., and Mann, R.M. (Eds.) Ecological Impacts of Toxic Chemicals. Bentham Science Publishers, Ltd. pp. 288-304. (Book chapter). Moore, M.T. and Kröger, R. 2010. Effect of three insecticides and two herbicides on rice (Oryza sativa) seedling germination and growth. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. 59:574-581. Moore, M.T., Kröger, R., Locke, M.A., Cullum, R.F., Steinriede, R.W. Jr., Testa III, S., Lizotte, R.E. Jr., Bryant, C.T., and Cooper, C.M. 2010. Nutrient mitigation capacity in Mississippi Delta, USA drainage ditches. Environmental Pollution. 158:175-184. Moore, M.T., Kröger, R., Cooper, C.M., Cullum, R.F., Smith, S. Jr., and Locke, M.A. 2009. Diazinon reduction and partitioning between water, sediment and vegetation in stormwater runoff mitigation through rice fields. Pest Management Science. 65:1182-1188. Moore, M.T., Lizotte Jr, R.E., Kröger, R. 2009. Efficiency of Experimental Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Fields in Mitigating Diazinon Runoff Toxicity to Hyalella azteca. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 82: 777-780. Moore, M.T., Cooper, C.M., Smith Jr, S., Cullum, R.F., Knight, S.S., Locke, M.A., Bennett, E.R. 2009. Mitigation of two pyrethroid insecticides in a Mississippi Delta constructed wetland. Environmental Pollution. 157: 250-256. Moore, M.T., Kröger, R., Cooper, C.M., Smith Jr, S. 2009. Ability of four emergent macrophytes to remediate permethrin in mesocosm experiments. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. 57: 282-288. Moore, M.T., Greenway, S.L., Farris, J.L., Guerra, B. 2008. Assessing Caffeine as an Emerging Environmental Concern Using Conventional Approaches. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. 54:31-35. Moore, M.T., Denton, D.L., Cooper, C.M., Wrysinski, J., Miller, J.L., Reece, K., Crane, D., Robins, P. 2008. Mitigation assessment of vegetated drainage ditches for irrigation runoff in California. Journal of Environmental Quality. 37:486-496. Moore, M.T., Cooper, C.M., Kröger, R. 2007. Using rice (Oryza sativa) as a potential phytoremediation tool for nutrient runoff. 11(4):165-170. Bioremediation Journal. Moore, M.T., Lizotte Jr, R.E., Smith Jr, S. 2007. Responses of Hyalella azteca to a Pyrethroid Mixture in a Constructed Wetland. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. 78:245-248. Moore, M.T., Lizotte Jr, R.E., Smith Jr, S. 2007. Toxicity Evaluation of Diazinon Contaminated Leaf Litter. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 78:158-161. Moore, M.T., Lizotte Jr, R.E., Knight, S.S., Smith Jr, S., Cooper, C.M. 2007. Assessment of pesticide contamination in three mississippi delta oxbow lakes using hyalella azteca. Chemosphere. 67(11):2184-2191. Moore, M.T., Cooper, C.M., Smith Jr, S., Cullum, R.F., Knight, S.S., Locke, M.A., Bennett, E.R. 2007. Diazinon Mitigation in Constructed Wetlands: Influence of Vegetation. Water Air & Soil Pollution 184:313-321. Moore, M.T., Bennett, E.R., Cooper, C.M., Smith Jr, S., Farris, J.L., Drouillard, K.G., Schulz, R. 2006. Influence of vegetation in mitigation of methyl parathion runoff. Environmental Pollution. 142 (2006) 288-294. Moore, M.T., Lizotte Jr., R.E., Cooper, C.M., Smith Jr., S., Knight, S.S. 2004. Survival and growth of Hyalella Azteca exposed to three Mississippi oxbow lake sediments. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. 72:777-783. Moore, M.T., Schulz, R., Cooper, C.M., Smith, S. Jr., and Rodgers, J.H. Jr. 2002. Mitigation of chlorpyrifos runoff using constructed wetlands. Chemosphere. 46:827-835. Moore, M.T., Bennett, E.R., Cooper, C.M., Smith, S. Jr., Shields, F.D. Jr., Milam, C.D., and Farris, J.L. 2001. Transport and fate of atrazine and lambda-cyhalothrin in an agricultural drainage ditch in the Mississippi Delta, USA. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment. 87:309-314. Moore, M.T., Rodgers, J.H. Jr., Cooper, C.M., and Smith, S. Jr. 2001. Mitigation of metolachlor-associated agricultural runoff using constructed wetlands. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment. 84:169-176. Moore, M.T., Rodgers, J.H. Jr., Cooper, C.M., and Smith, S. Jr. 2000. Constructed wetlands for mitigation of atrazine-associated agricultural runoff. Environmental Pollution. 110:393-399. Moore, M.T., Huggett, D.B., Huddleston, G.M. III, Rodgers, J.H. Jr., and Cooper, C.M. 1999. Herbicide effects on Typha latifolia (Linneaus) germination and root and shoot development. Chemosphere. 38:3637-3647. Moore, M.T., Pierce, J.R., Milam, C.D., Farris, J.L., and Winchester, E.L. 1998. Responses of non-target aquatic organisms to aqueous propanil exposure. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. 61:169-174. Moore, M.T., Huggett, D.B., Gillespie, W.B. Jr., Rodgers, J.H. Jr., and Cooper, C.M. 1998. Comparative toxicity of chlordane, chlorpyrifos, and aldicarb to four aquatic testing organisms. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. 34: 152-157. Moore, M.T. and Farris, J.L. 1997. Acute and chronic toxicity of the herbicide propanil in laboratory and field exposures. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. 33: 199-202. Peacock, J.T., Mikell, A.T., Jr., Moore, M.T., and Smith, S. Jr. 2014. Application of a redox gradostat reactor for assessing rhizosphere microorganism activity on lambda-cyhalothrin. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 92:347-351. Pierce, S.C., Moore, M.T., Larsen, D., and Pezeshki, S.R. 2010. Macronutrient (N,P,K) and redoximorphic metal (Fe, Mn) allocation in Leersia oryzoides (rice cutgrass) grown under different flood regimes. Water, Air & Soil Pollution. 207:73-84. Pierce, S.C., Pezeshki, S.R., Larsen, D., Moore, M.T. 2009. Hydrology and Species-Specific Effects of Bacopa monnieri and Leersia oryzoides on Soil and Water Chemistry. Journal of Ecohydrology 2: 279-286. Pierce, S.C., Pezeshki, S., Moore, M.T. 2007. Ditch plant response to variable flooding: a case study of leersia oryzoides (rice cutgrass). Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, 62(4):216-225. Pierce, S.C., Pezeshki, S.R., Moore, M.T., and Larsen, D. 2009. Nutrient response of Bacopa monnieri (water hyssop) to varying degrees of soil saturation. Journal of Plant Nutrition. 32:1687-1701. Schultz, R., Moore, M.T., Bennett, E.R., Milam, C.D., Bouldin, J.L., Farris, J.L., Smith Jr, S., Cooper, C.M. 2003. Acute toxicity of methyl-parathion in wetland mesocosms: influence of aquatic plants. Archives Of Environmental Contamination And Toxicology. 45(3): 331-336. Schulz, R., Moore, M.T., Bennett, E.R., Farris, J.L., Smith, S. Jr., and Cooper, C.M. 2003. Methyl parathion toxicity in vegetated and non-vegetated wetland mesocosms. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 22(6):1262-1268. Shields, F.D. Jr., Cooper, C.M., Knight, S.S., and Moore, M.T. 2003. Stream corridor restoration research: A long and winding road. Ecological Engineering. 20(5):441-454. Smith Jr, S., Lizotte Jr, R.E., Moore, M.T. 2007. Toxicity Assessment of Diazinon in a Constructed Wetland Using Hyalella Azteca. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, #124. Stephens, W.W., Moore, M.T., Farris, J.L., Bouldin, J.L., Cooper, C.M. 2008. Considerations for assessments of wadeable drainage systems in the agriculturally dominated deltas of Arkansas and Mississippi. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. 55:432-441. Taylor, J.M., Moore, M.T., and Scott, J.T. 2015. Contrasting nutrient mitigation and denitrification potential of agricultural drainage environments with different emergent aquatic macrophytes. Journal of Environmental Quality 44:1304-1314. Tomer, M.D., Sadler, E.J., Lizotte, R.E., Bryant, R.B., Potter, T.L., Moore, M.T., Veith, T.L., Baffaut, C., Locke, M.A., and Walbridge, M.R. 2014. A decade of conservation effects assessment research by USDA-ARS: Progress overview and future outlook. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 69(5):365-373. Tyler, H.L, Locke, M.A., Moore, M.T., and Steinriede, R.W. Jr. 2016. Impact of conservation land management practices on soil microbial function in an agricultural watershed. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation. 71(5):396-403. Tyler, H.L., Khalid, S., Jackson, C.R., and Moore, M.T. 2013. Determining potential for microbial atrazine degradation in agricultural drainage ditches. Journal of Environmental Quality 42:828-834. Tyler, H.L., Moore, M.T., and Locke, M.A. 2012. Influence of three aquatic macrophytes on mitigation of nitrogen species from agricultural runoff. Water, Air & Soil Pollution 223(6):3227-3236. Tyler, H.L., Moore, M.T., and Locke, M.A 2012. Potential for phosphate mitigation from agricultural runoff by three aquatic macrophytes. Water, Air & Soil Pollution 223(7):4557-4564. Werner, I., Deanovic, L.A., Miller, J.L., Denton, D.L., Crane, D., Mekebri, A., Moore, M.T., and Wrysinski, J. 2010. Use of vegetated agricultural drainage ditches to decrease pesticide transport from tomato and alfalfa fields in California: Runoff toxicity. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 29(12):2859-2868. |