In-house Research |
We conduct a wide range of in-house and extramural sponsored projects. All our Unit's projects are part of the ARS National Program Water Quality & Management (201). Our current in-house research is carried out under the ARS CRIS Project Number: 6060-13000-029-000D and includes the following projects:
- Linking Flow Hydraulics with the Transport of Suspended Solids
- Understanding the Interactions Between Stream Flow, Sediment Transport and the Topography of the River Bed
- Studies of Bed Load Transport in Streams
- Local Scour in the Vicinity of Spur Dikes
- Acoustic Measurement of Sediment Load
- Channel Evolution and Prediction of Future Channel Dimensions and Sediment Yields
- Mitigating Land Loss and Sediment Yield Due to Streambank Erosion
- Effects of Positive and Negative Pore Pressures and Soil Moisture on Bank-Material Strength and Streambank
- Dominant Discharge in Incised Channels
- Erosion and Sediment Yield Associated with Head-cut and Gully Development in upland Areas
- Leadership in the Development of AnnAGNPS, the Continuous Version of AGNPS