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GSOR Collection: USDA Core Collection
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The USDA Core Collection containing about 10% of the whole NSGC Rice Collection was assembled by stratified random sampling method in 2002, evaluated comprehensively for 25 characteristics and proven to be highly representative of the whole collection. Information drawn from the Core Collection can effectively be used to assess the whole collection with 88% certainty. A single plant was selected from each Core accession in 2006 and bulk seed from the single plant selection produced in 2007 is deposited in the GSOR. DNA extracted from the selected plant has been analyzed with one indel marker and 71 SSR (Single Sequence Repeat) markers that cover the entire rice genome about 30 cM apart. A Mini-Core Collection containing about 10% of the Core Collection has been developed and fingerprinted with 155 SSR markers, averaging one marker every 10 cM in the genome.

Because the Core and Mini-Core were developed from single-plant selections from the NSGC accessions which may be phenotypically variable, there is the possibility that the GSOR seed sources are not exactly the same as the NSGC sources.

See first accession in GRIN-Global here.

Please click here to download an Excel file of the Core Collection; click here to download the Mini-Core Collection.

For information on how to order part or all of the Core Collection, please contact the GSOR by telephone at 870-672-6128 or by email at


Recent publication: 

Barnaby, Jinyoung Y., Trevis D. Huggins, Hoonsoo Lee, Anna M. McClung, Shannon R. M. Pinson,  Mirae Oh, Gary R. Bauchan, Lee Tarpley, Kangjin Lee, Moon S. Kim and Jeremy D. Edwards. 2020. "Vis/NIR hyperspectral imaging distinguishes sub-population, production environment, and physicochemical grain properties in rice". Sci Rep 10, 9284.; Keywords: Genome-wide association studies, High-throughput screening, Plant breeding

Rohila, Jai S., Jeremy D. Edwards, Gioi D. Tran, Aaron K. Jackson, and Anna M. McClung. 2019. "Identification of Superior Alleles for Seedling Stage Salt Tolerance in the USDA Rice Mini-Core Collection" Plants 8, no. 11: 472.; Keywords: rice, salt stress, GWAS, salt tolerance, SNP, abiotic stress