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GSOR: Request rice genetic stocks
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From the GSOR Collection Catalog, click the GSOR number link which will direct you to the GRIN page which will provide the availability status and the link 'Request this germplasm.' Clicking this link will populate an order form which you may continue to fill out by using the back button on your computer. Once you have finished selecting germplasm, you will click the 'Complete the germplasm request.' At that point you will be asked for your contact information.

Please send a message to if the seed is shown to be unavailable, or if you need assistance in ordering genetic stocks material.

The Genetic Stocks - Oryza Collection distributes genetic stocks to foreign requesters in compliance with federal quarantine regulations and restrictions of the United States and the recipient country.

The requester MUST provide an import permit (IP), when required, with English translation. If possible, the IP should be open dated. This assists us in resending material that did not survive original shipment. Phytosanitary certification can be obtained only after we have received the required IP from the requesting country. Whenever possible, please send or FAX a copy of the IP with the original plant request.

Your feedback regarding the seed would be appreciated, related to research use, benefit to research, and any publication which resulted from research using the GSOR material.