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GSOR Collection: USDA Mini-Core Collection
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The Mini-Core collection was developed as a smaller representative subset of the Core collection and consists of 217 accessions. The collection was developed from single-plant selections from the NSGC accessions. The GSOR seed source are not the same as the NSGC source and may be phenotypically variable. The Mini-Core collection was Next-Generation Sequenced in 2016 by Wang et al. 2016. The raw reads were downloaded, and SNPs called in-house.

Please click here to download a list of the Mini-Core accessions; download genotypic data in either VCF or HapMap (hmp.txt) format.  


Order accessions from the Mini-Core Collection - Please contact the GSOR at for information about requesting this germplasm.  The general distribution amount is 3 grams per accession.


We request that the source of these rice accessions be acknowledged when used as a resource for research publications or cultivar development. Suggested acknowledgement: Rice accessions (Oryza sativa) were obtained from the USDA-ARS, Dale Bumpers National Rice Research Center, Stuttgart, Arkansas, Genetic Stocks Oryza Collection (


Associated publications for the Mini-Core accessions are below.

Huggins, T. D., Chen, M. H., Fjellstrom, R. G., Jackson, A. K., McClung, A. M., & Edwards, J. D. (2019). Association analysis of three diverse rice (Oryza sativa L.) germplasm collections for loci regulating grain quality traits. The Plant Genome12(1), 170085.

Wang, H., Xu, X., Vieira, F. G., Xiao, Y., Li, Z., Wang, J., ... & Chu, C. (2016). The power of inbreeding: NGS-based GWAS of rice reveals convergent evolution during rice domestication. Molecular Plant9(7), 975-985.