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Plant Stress Tolerance, page 4
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Experiments in Action, continued

d. Screening for salt stress tolerance at seedling stage

/ARSUserFiles/60280500/images/Rohila/red tubs.jpg
When water is limited, problems can occur with high salt build up in the soil that can damage the growth of young seedlings. Here 20 different cultivars are being evaluated for tolerance to salt using 6 different levels of salt in a hydroponic system.  Using this system we have screened USDA minicore collection and a mutant population and have identified few useful salt tolerant lines. Collaborators: Anna McClung, Georgia Eizenga, Gioi Tran (CLRRI, Vietnam)

e. AWD-driven arsenic cycling in rice paddies

Visiting post-doc Dr. Haijun Zhao  measuring various gas exchange parameters to determine photosynthesis rates among rice cultivars. /ARSUserFiles/60280500/images/Rohila/Haijun.jpg

Heat Stress at the reproductive stage of rice affects both yield (through spikelet sterility) and quality (through poor grain-filling capacity).  We are screening diverse rice cultivars for agronomic, physiological, and quality traits that indicate tolerance to heat stress. Our goal is to identify genetic markers that can be used to develop new varieties having heat stress tolerance in rice. (Collaborators: Anna McClung, Jinyoung Barnaby)


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