Team |
Dr. David Bosch,
Hydrologist, USDA-SEWRL, Tifton, GA
Dr. Lee Altier, Professor & Organic Vegetable Project Director,
California State University, Chico, CA
Dr. Shreeram Inamdar, Director,
Water Science and Policy Graduate Program,
University of Delaware, Newark, DE
Dr. Dan Thomas,
Professor & Head, Biological and Agricultural Engineering Department,
Louisiana State University and the LSU Ag Center, Baton Rouge, LA
Dr. Bob Hubbard,
Soil Scientist, USDA-Retired, Tifton, GA
Dr. Richard Lowrance
Ecologist, USDA-Retired, Tifton, GA
Mr. Joe Sheridan,
Hydrologist, USDA-Retired, Tifton, GA
Mr. Randy Williams,
Agricultural Engineer, USDA-Retired, Tifton, GA