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Structure for
GARA Executive Committee

The GARA Executive Committee will consist of seven positions, as described below.

Election of new members to the GARA Executive Committee is made by GARA partners every three years during a roll call of the GARA partners via e-mail, teleconference, or a General Assembly of the GARA.

Positions are filled with GARA Partners, Collaborators, or Stakeholders that are actively involved in the organisation and activities of the GARA.

The current Executive Committee members will approach potential replacements if any of the current members are no longer in a position to perform their duties on the Executive Committee.

Nominations for positions on the Executive Committee are made by any GARA Partner every three years.


  • Provides leadership within the GARA to ensure the GARA strategic objectives are achieved globally.
  • Recruit new partners, collaborators, and stakeholders
  • Represents the GARA at all official meetings and functions and delegates actionable functions and projects to Executive Committee members as needed
  • Responsible for chairing the GARA scientific workshops, including logistics and selecting relevant topics for the scientific program in collaboration with the Science Director and Executive Committee Members
  • Engage with the Finance Director and the Executive Committee members to secure funding and sponsors to support participation of ASF scientists worldwide, with special emphasis on developing countries
  • Provides leadership working with the Science Director to ensure the GARA Gap Analysis Report is regularly updated, especially regarding research priorities, which is the main purpose and thrust of the GARA scientific workshops every three years.
  • Provides leadership for active communication, working with the Executive Secretary to ensure the GARA website is updated with new and important information. Works directly with the GARA Chief Executive Officer to publish reports and a newsletter quarterly to inform the GARA members of activities, accomplishments, and relevant ASF news.
  • Provides leadership in organizing ASF workshops and conferences when needed in addition to the GARA scientific workshop, which occurs every three years.

Past President

  • Previous President remains on the Executive Committee for an additional two years
  • Primary role is to support the new President
  • Provides continuity and support for on-going and new GARA initiatives

Chief Executive (CE)

  • Works with Executive Committee to ensure the GARA strategic goals are implemented, remain relevant and adjust goals if necessary
  • Works with the President and Executive Secretary to ensure an active communications program is in place and the GARA website is updated as needed
  • Work closely with the Executive Committee to identify new GARA Partners, Collaborators, and Stakeholders and engage responsible persons to join the GARA
  • Responsible for operations, chairing Executive Committee meetings, ensuring the newsletter and reports are published
  • Work closely with the President in organising and facilitating GARA scientific workshops and other GARA functions
  • Work closely with the Science Director in organizing GARA workshops in conjunction with other ASF meetings: e.g., FAO ASF Global Platform meetings
  • Work with the Finance Director and assist in fund raising

Past Chief Executive

  • Previous CE remains on the Executive Committee for an additional two years
  • Primary role is to support the new CE
  • Provides continuity and support for on-going and new GARA initiatives

Science Director

  • Maintain scientific contact with all GARA Partners and Collaborators and provides regular feedback to the Executive Committee
  • Provide leadership in identifying research gaps with feedback to the Executive Committee for action
  • Engage with organizations with a stake in ASF research (FAO, OIE, STAR-IDAZ) and partner with them to organise GARA biennial scientific meetings
  • Chairs the scientific committee of biennial scientific meetings
  • Responsible for preparing GARA Gap Analysis Reports and coordinating the publication of GARA related reports and publications

Past Science Director

  • Remains on the Executive Committee for an additional two years
  • Primary role is to support the new Science Director
  • Provides continuity and support for on-going and new GARA initiatives

Finance Director

  • Responsible for fund raising to support biennial scientific meetings and enable the participation of ASF scientists at GARA workshops and scientific meetings
  • Identifies opportunities for funding research priorities
  • Work closely with Executive Committee members and stakeholders to obtain sponsors to support the activities of the GARA
  • With the assistance of the CE, responsible for feedback to funders on outcomes of GARA scientific meetings and workshops
  • Responsible for financial reconciliation if necessary

Past Finance Director

  • Remains on the Executive Committee for an additional two years
  • Primary role is to support the new Finance Director
  • Provides continuity and support for on-going and new GARA initiatives

Executive Secretary

  • Works closely with GARA President and CE to support GARA activities
  • Organise teleconferences in conjunction with the CE and providing agendas and minutes as needed
  • Assist Finance Director
  • Responsible for maintaining the GARA website
  • Assist CE in compiling mailing lists for various activities
  • Assist CE with publishing and distributing reports and newsletters
  • Contact relevant institutions to publish GARA reports on their institution websites

Past Executive Secretary

  • Remains on the Executive Committee for an additional two years
  • Primary role is to support the new Executive Secretary
  • Provides continuity and support for on-going and new GARA initiatives