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Page 1- Ordering ARSEF Isolates
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1 - Mycology
2 - Page 1- Ordering ARSEF Isolates
3 - Page 2 - ARSEF Catalogues





Taxonomy of Entomopathogenic Fungi

Phylogenetically based revisions in the past decade have dramatically impacted many fungal entomopathogens. A discussion of changes and impacts is included in the introductory material in all catalogs of ARSEF isolates.


We apologize that he LIVE SEARCH function of the database is currently offline due to an unfortunate hacking event at another USDA-ARS database site. The collection database is currently migrating to the cloud at the National Agricultural Library and we anticipate will be back online in Fall 2023. If the printed catalouge on page 2 of this site doesn't meet your needs, please contact the curator ( to obtain a custom search of your organism or host of interest and a special catalogue will be returned to you by e-mail.

Obtaining ARSEF Isolates

All requests for isolates should be communicated to:


phone: [+1]-607-255-1274




Attn: Kathryn Bushley
ARS Collection of Entomopathogenic Fungal Cultures
Robert W. Holley Center for Agriculture and Health
538 Tower Rd.
Ithaca, NY 14853-2901 (USA)

Please provide the following information with your request:

1. ARSEF numbers of requested isolates and taxonomic identification

We generally limit requests to:

12 isolates per request [up to 24 isolates per year]

For more than 12 isolates per request [25+ or more per year] – please contact the Curator.

2. Contact and shipping information of the recipient:


Shipping, Importation, and Permits

All recipients of ARSEF isolates must determine whether any applicable regulatory authorities require that they obtain appropriate permits to receive and to retain such entomopathogenic fungi. Recipients must provide those permits to ARSEF before requests will be processed.

Recipients located Inside the United States:

APHIS permits are required for domestic (U.S.) shipment and use of most of our isolates. These include either an APHIS Plant Protection (PPQ-526) permit (for most fungi in the collection, including insect biocontrol agents) or an APHIS veterinary (VS) permit for possible animal pathogenic isolates that could pose a risk to livestock or wildlife. Please contact the Curator if you have questions about applicable APHIS permits. The USDA-APHIS has recently updated and streamlined the process for application for an APHIS permit to the e-file system (, where all relevant information and online applications can be submitted. Applications for an APHIS permit may take a month or more, so please apply as soon in advance of needing an isolate as possible. If you have not received notice from APHIS within three months, please contact the Curator.

Recipients located Outside the United States:
International requestors are required to provide any permits required to work with an invertebrate pathogenic isolate within their country of origin. In addition, all international requestors must provide any customs documents needed for importation. Recipients of ARSEF isolates located in other countries must determine whether an importation permit is needed, and to provide that permit to ARSEF before cultures can be shipped. Isolates shipped without appropriate documents may be retained in customs and the ARSEF cannot assist in recovering the shipment.
Shipping Charges:

While we provide isolates free of charge, we ask that requestors provide either a pre-paid shipping label or a UPS, Fed-Ex, or other trackable service provider account number for the shipment. Persons requesting cultures from locations outside the US are required to provide the Curator an account number with a global courier service (Federal Express, DHL, etc.) to facilitate shipments and their clearance into the receiving country. ARSEF requests recipients to pay the cost of courier shipping in order to allow ARSEF to continue the breadth and level of our services. 

Packaging and Ship-from Address:

If you are ordering less than 10 isolates, we can usually fit within a 500g padded envelope. More than 10 isolates will require a 1 Kg box.

Ship from address:

Attn: ARSEF (Mike Wheeler)

USDA-ARS Emerging Pests and Pathogens Research Unit

Robert W. Holley Center for Agriculture and Health

538 Tower Road

Ithaca, New York 14853-2901 (USA)

     phone: [+1] 607-255-1274

Confirmation of Receipt:

We request confirmation of receipt and viability of cultures shipped. For strains that are inviable upon receipt, we will make every effort to send a replacement.

ARSEF reserves the right to refuse to ship strains:

The Cultures Arrived! Now What Do I Do?

Reviving Lyophilized ARSEF Isolates - A one page guide about how to revive freeze-dried isolates and how to interpret labels on ampules and serum-bottles. 
Recipes for Commonly Used Culture Media - Recipes and guidance about the solid and liquid media most frequently used in ARSEF and for shipped isolates. This also includes recipes of other media that might be used to culture some more fastidious entomopathogens. If you need recipes for media not included here, please contact the Curator.


Kathryn Bushley (Molecular Biologist/Curator of ARSEF)

USDA-ARS Emerging Pests and Pathogens Research Unit
Robert W. Holley Center for Agriculture and Health
538 Tower Road
Ithaca, New York 14853-2901 (USA)

       phone: [+1] 607-255-1274
     fax: [+1] 607-255-1132


Micheal M. Wheeler, Biological Technician

USDA-ARS Emerging Pests and Pathogens Research Unit
Robert W. Holley Center for Agriculture and Health
538 Tower Road
Ithaca, New York 14853-2901 (USA)
     phone: [+1] 607-255-1274
     fax: [+1] 607-255-1132



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