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Washita '92 Photos
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These photos were obtained during the Washita 92 campaign. Some were taken on the ground and a few from low altitude aircraft. The series that all include a clear id in the photo itself were obtained as part of the vegetation sampling. All thumbnails are in gif format. The larger images viewed by clicking on the thumbnails are in jpg format. The file names correspond to the field ids. When there is more than one photo the id is followed by a sequential letter. Locations are shown in the SITE MAP.

Click on the thumbnail shown to see a full-size image.

AG001a AG001a AG001b AG001b
AG001c AG001c AG002 AG002
AG003a AG003a AG004a AG004a
MS001a MS001a MS001b MS001b
MS001c MS001c MS001d MS001d
MS002a MS002a MS002b MS002b
MS002c MS002c MS002d MS002d
MS002e MS002e MS002f MS002f
MS002g MS002g MS002h MS002h
MS002i MS002i MS002j MS002j
MS003a MS003a MS003b MS003b
MS004a MS004a MS004b MS004b
MS004c MS004c RG122a RG122a
RG122b RG122b RG122c RG122c
RG123a RG123a RG123b RG123b
RG123c RG123c RG130a RG130a
RG131a RG131a RG131b RG131b
RG131c RG131c RG132a RG132a
RG133a RG133a RG134a RG134a
RG134b RG134b RG134c RG134c
RG134d RG134d RG136a RG136a
RG136b RG136b RG136c RG136c
RG137a RG137a RG137b RG137b
RG137c RG137c RG145a RG145a
RG145b RG145b RG145c RG145c
RG146a RG146a RG146b RG146b
RG146c RG146c RG148a RG148a
RG148b RG148b RG148c RG148c
RG182c RG182c
RL001a RL001a RL001b RL001b
RL001c RL001c RL002a RL002a
RL002b RL002b RL002c RL002c
RL003a RL003a RL003b RL003b
WS001a WS001a WS001b WS001b
WS001c WS001c WS001d WS001d
WS002a WS002a
WW001a WW001a WW001b WW001b
WW002a WW002a WW002b WW002b
WW003a WW003a  WW003c WW003c
WW003d WW003d WW003b WW003b

Scouting Party
Soil Moisture Samplers
Radiosonde Crew