Environmental Fate and Transport Research - Download Code - SSDA Files
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Data Assimilation in Soil Water Flow Modeling
Click here to download one zipped file (SSDA_ARS.zip, 3750kb) containing all the files below.
- SSDA.exe (990kb)
Test Files (35 files in this directory)
- A_LEVEL.OUT (2kb)
- Atmosph.in (3 kb)
- Biases.dat (1kB)
- data15cmD.txt (38 kb)
- data55cmD.txt (38kb)
- data75cmD.txt (38 kb)
- dircont.txt (3kb)
- I_CHECK.OUT (80kb)
- InitialWaterContents.txt (1kb)
- Input.dat (2kb)
- NOD_INF.OUT (121kb)
- OBS_NODE.OUT (31kb)
- Profile.dat (50kb)
- PROFILE.OUT (59kb)
- Profile_template.dat (27kb)
- RUN_INF.OUT (12kb)
- Selector.in (6kb)
- sim_01.txt (36kb)
- sim_02.txt (115kb)
- sim_03.txt (265kb)
- sim_04.txt (64kb)
- sim_05.txt (37kb)
- sim_06.txt (60kb)
- T_LEVEL.OUT (31kb)
- wout_obs015.txt (1kb)
- wout_obs055.txt (1kb)
- wout_obs075.txt (1kb)
- wout_sim015.txt (1kb)
- wout_sim035.txt (1kb)
- wout_sim055.txt (1kb)
- wout_sim075.txt (1kb)
- wout_sim095.txt (1kb)
Source Files(13 files in this directory)
- DA_SSDA.for (10kb)
- dircont.txt (1kb)
- INPUT.FOR (27kb)
- OUTPUT.FOR (17kb)
- SINK.FOR (4kb)
- SOLUTE.FOR (24kb)
- SSDA.FOR (39kb)
- TEMPER.FOR (6kb)
- TIME.FOR (3kb)
- w_to_h.for (3kb)
- w_to_h_b.for (4kb)
- WATFLOW.FOR (15kb)
- Pan, F., Pachepsky, Y., Jacques, D., Guber, A., and Hill, R.L. Data Assimilation with Soil Water Content Sensors and Pedotransfer Functions in Soil Water Flow Modeling. Soil Science Society of America Journal 76:829-844 (2011) doi:10.2136/sssaj2011.0090
(pdf file size 2.5MB)
Comments, questions, and suggestions will be gratefully received by email at yakov.pachepsky@usda.gov
While visiting EMFSL in 2016, Dr. Javier Valdes-Abellan from the University of Alicante, Spain, noted an error in the test files for the SSDA code at this site. He has offered corrections that are now made.