Development of RUSLE1.06c
No future development of RUSLE1.06c is planned. Users are encouraged to adopt RUSLE2, which is a superior model, and is available at this Internet site. However, users who prefer the simplicity of the USLE/RUSLE1.06c factors of R K L S C P can continue to use RUSLE1.06c. RUSLE2 can be used to compute values for these factors. Without question, RUSLE1.06c is much superior to the USLE. If you are using the USLE, you should definitely switch to RUSLE1.06c or RUSLE2. Maintenance of RUSLE1.06c will continue for the immediate future to fix errors that are found and reported.
RUSLE1.06c was developed by a RUSLE Development Team. When modifications to RUSLE1.06c were proposed, typically by members of the RUSLE Development Team, the entire RUSLE Development Team agreed on the need for the modification. Once the Team agreed that a modification was appropriate, the change was made in RUSLE1.06c and an interim version of RUSLE1 was distributed to each member of the Development Team for their review, evaluation, and recommendation.
In situations where the requirements were beyond the expertise of the RUSLE Development Team, outside assistance was used. An example was the enhancement of RUSLE for mining, construction, and reclaimed lands where the USDI-Office of Surface Mining, Reclamation, and Regulation assembled a group of experts to advise the RUSLE Development Team. This development activity was the primary driving force that resulted in version 1.06.
Each Team member reviewed proposed changes and checked the revised program once the changes have been incorporated into a developmental version of RUSLE1.06c to ensure that the changes operated as expected and that the program operated properly. Once each Team member formally concurred that the modified version of RUSLE worked properly and was satisfactory for general use, a new "official" version of RUSLE was released. The most recent (June 1, 2003) "official" version of RUSLE1, version 1.06c, is available on this Internet site.
Contact information for the RUSLE Development Team.
Alphabetical listing, by last name:
Bingner, Ron, ARS, Oxford, Mississippi
Dabney, Seth, ARS, Principal Contact, Oxford, Mississippi
McCool, Don, ARS, Pullman, Washington
Lightle, Dave, USDA-Natural Resources Conservation Service, Lincoln, NE
Yoder, Daniel, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tennessee
Overall ARS leadership for RUSLE is provided by M. Weltz, National Program Leader, Hydrology, National Program Staff, Beltsville, Maryland. Administrative, scientific oversight and project leadership for RUSLE is provided by M. J. M. R?mkens, Laboratory Director, National Sedimentation Laboratory, Oxford, Mississippi.
Bingner, Ron
USDA-Agricultural Research Service National Sedimentation Laboratory P.O. Box 1157 598 McElroy Drive Oxford, MS 38655
Telephone: 662-232-2966 FAX: 662-232-2915 Email:
Dabney, Seth M.
USDA-Agricultural Research Service National Sedimentation Laboratory P.O. Box 1157 598 McElroy Drive Oxford, MS 38655
Telephone: 662-232-2975 FAX: 662-232-2915 Email:
McCool, Don
Biological Systems Engineering Department Washington State University Pullman, WA 99164-6120
Telephone: 509-335-1347 FAX: 509-335-7786 Email:
Lightle, Dave
USDA-Natural Resources Conservation Service National Soil Survey Center 100 Centennial Mall N. Room 152 Lincoln, NE 68508-3866
Telephone: 402-437-4008 FAX: 402-437-5336
Yoder, Daniel
University of Tennessee Dept. Biosystems Engineering and Environmental Science P. O. Box 1071 Knoxville, TN 37901-1071
Telephone: 865-974-7116 FAX: 865-974-4514 Email: