45th Congress of the International Society for Applied Ethology
July 31 - August 4, 2011 | Hyatt Regency, Indianapolis, IN

Related Meetings

Delegates can add value to their trip by taking advantage of related meetings including:

BEHAVIOR 2011, Bloomington, IN (52 miles or 85 km from Indianapolis) on 25-30 July

20th Annual Conference of the International Society for Anthrozoology, in Indianapolis, IN (Hyatt Regency Hotel) on 5-6 August

From Good Care to Great Welfare, Detroit Zoological Society, Royal Oak, MI (320 miles or 515 km from Indianapolis) on 6-7 August.

5th International Workshop on the Assessment of Animal Welfare at Farm and Group Level, Guelph, ON, Canada (460 miles or 740 km from Indianapolis) on 8-11 August.