Agricultural crops produce an array of low value by-products. FFR scientists isolate and examine these materials for their chemical, physical and functional attributes to develop new high value uses. Nutraceuticals, natural pesticides, enhanced soil amendments, adhesives, and preservatives are applications developed at NCAUR from these renewable agri-materials.
Pulses (dried beans) are an excellent low impact crop packing a powerful healthy nutritional punch that includes proteins, carbohydrates and antioxidants. FFR scientists are developing unique processing, chemical, and enzymatic methods to create new enhanced pulse flours, starches, and protein preparations for use in foods, baked goods, and beverages.
Foods having mono- or poly-unsaturated oils are highly recommended as part of a heart healthy diet. These oils can be damaged during heat processing that include cooking and frying. FFR scientists are investigating new ways to use natural antioxidants to protect these valuable oils and bioactive lipids and provide foods with maximum nutritional benefits.
Saturated fats and artificial trans fats are mainly found in processed foods. FFR scientists are developing ways to improve margarines, spreads, and shortenings used in processed foods. By creating new technologies to reduce or eliminate saturated and trans fats, NCAUR scientists are working to develop healthier processed foods to the public.
Functional Food Research (FFR) Unit
Phone: (309)681-6551
Fax: (309)681-6685
Functional Foods Research
1815 N. University Street
Peoria, IL 61604