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Kirk Broders is a plant pathologist with training in mycology and microbial ecology. He received his BSc. in Biology from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln (2004) and his PhD in Plant Pathology from The Ohio State University (2008) where he studied the ecology and epidemiology of soilborne pathogens of corn and soybean. Dr. Broders completed a post-doctoral research position at the University of Guelph from 2009-2010 where he studied the population genetics and ecology of invasive plant pathogens. Dr. Broders was a faculty member at the University of New Hampshire from 2010-2014 and Colorado State University from 2014-2018 where his research focused on the ecology, evolution and epidemiology of plant pathogens in both forested and agricultural ecosystems. Prior to joining the ARS he was a staff scientist at the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute in Panama where he was studying the role of fungal and oomycete pathogens in driving tree species diversity in the tropics. In his position as the Curator of the NRRL Dr. Broders will be responsible for managing the ARS Culture Collection and will work to increase collaborative efforts between the collection and other units at the National Agricultural Utilization Research Center as well as researchers from other ARS units, Universities and industry.
Click to Access my Publications
Management and Characterization of Microbial Genetic Resources and Associated Descriptive Information In-House Appropriated (D) Accession Number:443864
Broders, K.D., Capador-Barreto, H.D., Iriarte, G., Wright, S.J., Espinosa, H., Bauer, M., Lemus-Peralta, M.A., Rojas, E., Spear, E.R. 2024. Oomycete communities in lowland tropical forest soils vary in species abundance and comprise saprophytes and pathogens of seeds and seedlings of multiple plant species. American Journal of Botany. https://doi.org/10.1002/ajb2.16425.
Jung, T., Milenkovic, I., Balci, Y., Janousek, J., Kudlacek, T., Nagy, Z.A., Baharuddin, B., Bakonyi, J., Broders, K.D., Cacciola, S.O., et al. 2024. Worldwide forest surveys reveal forty-three new species in Phytophthora major Clade 2 with fundamental implications for the evolution and biogeography of the genus and global plant biosecurity. Studies in Mycology. https://doi.org/10.3114/sim.2024.107.04.
Jobe, T.O., Urner, M., Ulloa, M., Broders, K.D., Hutmacher, R., Ellis, M.L. 2024. A secreted in xylem (six) gene is highly conserved in fusarium oxysporum f. Sp. Vasinfectum race 4. National Cotton Council Beltwide Cotton Conference.
Jobe, T.O., Abdurakhmonov, I.Y., Ulloa, M., Broders, K.D., Hutmacher, R., Buriev, Z.T., Shermatov, S.E., Makamov, A.K., Usmanov, D.E., Ellis, M.L., Darmanov, M.M. 2024. A recent survey and characterization of Fusarium oxysporum isolates collected in Uzbekistan. National Cotton Council Beltwide Cotton Conference.
Zuffa, S., Schmid, R., Bauermeister, A., Gomes, P.P., Caraballo-Rodriguez, A., El Abiead, Y., Aron, A.T., Gentry, E.C., Zemlin, J., Dorrenstein, P., Broders, K.D., et al. 2024. microbeMASST: A taxonomically informed mass spectrometry search tool for microbial metabolomics data. Nature Microbiology. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41564-023-01575-9.
Heiden, N., Broders, K.D., Hutin, M., Ortiz Castro, M., Roman-Reyna, V., Toth, H., Jacobs, J. 2023. Bacterial leaf streak diseases of plants: Symptom convergence in monocot plants by distant pathogenic Xanthomonas species. Phytopathology. 113(11):2048-2055. https://doi.org/10.1094/PHYTO-05-23-0155-IA.
Abad, Z.G., Burgess, T.I., Bourret, T., Bensch, K., Cacciola, S.O., Scanu, B., Mathew, R., Kasiborski, B., Srivastava, S., Kageyama, K., Bienapfl, J.C., Verkleij, G., Broders, K., Schena, L., Redford, A.J. 2023. Phytophthora: taxonomic and phylogenetic revision of the genus. Studies in Mycology. 106:259–348. https://doi.org/10.3114/sim.2023.106.05.
Harmon, C., Castlebury, L.A., Boundy-Mills, K., Broders, K.D., Hyten, A.M., Jacobs, J., Knight-Connoni, V., Mollov, D.S., Riojas, M.A., Sharma, P. 2023. Standards of diagnostic validation: recommendations for reference collections. PhytoFrontiers. 3(1):43-50. https://doi.org/10.1094/PHYTOFR-05-22-0050-FI.
Wyka, S., Broders, K. 2022. Brome grasses represent the primary source of Claviceps purpurea inoculum associated with barley fields in the San Luis Valley of Colorado. Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology. 45(1):15-29. https://doi.org/10.1080/07060661.2022.2091041.
Nottingham, A.T., Scott, J.J., Saltonstall, K., Broders, K., Montero-Sanchez, M., Puspok, J., Baath, E., Meir, P. 2022. Microbial diversity declines in warmed tropical soil and respiration rise exceed predictions as communities adapt. Nature Microbiology. 7:650–1660. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41564-022-01200-1.
Broders, K., Iriarte-Broders, G., Bergstrom, G.C., Byamukama, E., Chilvers, M., Cruz, C., Dalla-Lana, F., Duray, Z., Malvick, D., Mueller, D., Paul, P., Plewa, D., Raid, R., Robertson, A.E., Salgado, C., Smith, D., Telenko, D., VanEtten, K., Kleczewski, N.M. 2022. Phyllachora species infecting maize and other grass species in the Americas represents a complex of closely related species. Ecology and Evolution. 12(4): Article e8832. https://doi.org/10.1002/ece3.8832.
Broders, K., Aspin, A., Bailey, J., Chapman, T., Portier, P., Weir, B.S. 2022. Building more resilient culture collections: A call for increased deposits of plant-associated bacteria. Microorganisms. 10(4). Article 741. https://doi.org/10.3390/microorganisms10040741.
Wyka, S., Mondo, S., Liu, M., Nalam, V., Broders, K. 2022. A large accessory genome and high recombination rates may influence global distribution and broad host range of the fungal plant pathogen Claviceps purpurea. PLoS Pathogens. 17(2). Article e0263496. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0263496.
O'Donnell, K., Whitaker, B.K., Laraba, I., Proctor, R.H., Brown, D.W., Broders, K., Kim, H.-S., McCormick, S.P., Busman, M., Aoki, T., Torres-Cruz, T.J., Geiser, D.M. 2022. DNA sequence-based identification of Fusarium: A work in progress. Plant Disease. 106(6):1597-1609. https://doi.org/10.1094/PDIS-09-21-2035-SR.
Torres-Cruz, T.J., Whitaker, B.K., Proctor, R.H., Broders, K., Laraba, I., Kim, H.-S., Brown, D.W., O'Donnell, K., Estrada-Rodriguez, T.L., Lee, Y.-H., Cheong, K., Wallace, E.C., McGee, C.T., Kang, S., Geiser, D.M. 2022. FUSARIUM-ID v.3.0: An updated, downloadable resource for Fusarium species identification. Plant Disease. https://doi.org/10.1094/PDIS-09-21-2105-SR.
Liu, M., Findlay, W., Dettman, J., Wyka, S.A., Broders, K., Shoukouhi, P., Dadej, K., Kolarik, M., Basnyat, A., Menzies, J.G. 2021. Mining indole alkaloid synthesis gene clusters from genomes of 53 Claviceps strains revealed redundant gene copies and an approximate evolutionary hourglass model. Toxins. 13(11). Article 799. https://doi.org/10.3390/toxins13110799.