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ARS Home » Midwest Area » St. Paul, Minnesota » Cereal Disease Lab » People » Yue Jin

Yue Jin
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  • PhD plant pathology, North Dakota State University 1990
  • MS applied statistics, North Dakota State University 1990
  • MS plant pathology, North Dakota State University 1988
  • BS plant protection, Inner-Mongolia College of Agriculture 1982


Biology and Population Genetics of Cereal Rust Fungi and Host Resistance 

My main research interests are in the biology and population genetics of cereal rust fungi and host resistance to rusts in wheat and barley. I conduct nationwide surveys and monitoring of the race composition and dynamics of the stem rust pathogen Puccinia graminis on small grain cereal crops, accessory hosts, and the alternate host, Berberis spp. I investigate forces causing race dynamics in the stem rust populations. I collaborate with international scientists in the investigations of the race evolution in the TTKS (or Ug99) lineage and to monitor the movement of this race group through a worldwide monitoring network. I conduct research in host resistance by identifying new sources of resistance from crop species and their wild relatives, characterizing the genetics of resistance, and developing molecular markers for stem rust resistance genes. I help wheat and barley improvement programs nationwide by providing sources of stem rust resistance and by characterizing breeding germplasm for stem rust reaction.