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Sensing and Instrumentation Technologies for Food Safety

The EMFSL Sensing Technologies group focuses on the development of optical sensing methods for non-destructive, rapid, and/or automated inspection and screening of food materials and food processing equipment to reduce food safety risks. Research areas include:

  • Hyperspectral and multispectral imaging using visible/near-infrared reflectance and UV/violet-excitation fluorescence
  • Whole-surface inspection of fresh produce for contamination detection
  • Raman chemical imaging for food authentication and adulterant detection
  • Handheld fluorescence imaging for cleaning and sanitation inspection (patented)
  • Laser-induced fluorescence (LIF) imaging for in-field contamination inspection for fresh produce
  • Automated hyperspectral platform for monitoring food safety and plant health of space crop production systems
    *** this ongoing project received the Federal Laboratory Consortium 2023 interagency partnership award ***
  • Gradient temperature Raman spectroscopy (GTRS)
  • Online poultry wholesomeness inspection (patented and licensed)

Current project, 2021 - 2026: Advancement of Sensing Technologies for Food Safety and Security Applications

Previous project, 2016 - 2021:Sensing Technologies for the Detection and Characterization of Microbial, Chemical, and Biological Contaminants in Foods

Previous project, 2011 - 2016: Development of Sensing and Instrumentation Technologies for Food Safety and Sanitation Inspection in Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Processing

Research Scientists

Research Support Staff

Postdoctoral Researchers, Research Associates and Students

  • Claudia Bellato
  • Chansong Hwang
  • Lalit Kandpal, postdoc
  • Hyun Jung Min, postdoc
  • Feifei Tao, postdoc
  • Andrew Van Tassell

Visiting Scientists

  • Sungyeon Kim, PhD
  • Ahyeong Lee, PhD

Tellus and and (archived) Agricultural Research Magazine articles and press releases featuring EMFSL Sensing Technologies research