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March 2010

>  Dr. Bill Pettigrew gave the oral presentation ???Impact of Planting Date and Irrigation Level on Cotton Lint Yield and Fiber Quality??? at the 2010 Cotton Beltwide Production Conference in New Orleans, LA. A follow-up phone interview with Amanda Huber of Cotton Farming magazine about the research behind the 2010 Beltwide oral presentation resulted in this March 2010 Cotton Farmer magazine article ???Pros and Cons of Early Planting???.  A PDF of the article may be viewed here.

>  Dr. Bill Pettigrew gave an invited lecture ???Potassium influence on crop yield and quality??? at The International Symposium ???Importance of Soil Management and Potash Fertilization for Sustainable Agricultural Development of Central America and the Caribbean??? sponsored by the International Potash Institute in cooperation with the Soil Science Association of El Salvador at San Salvador, El Salvador. While there he also served as an international judge for a student poster competition and meet with local officials, industry representatives, and university faculty. Tours of coffee and sugar cane growing regions occurred on the days immediately prior to and after the symposium.

>  Dr. Renata Gaj is a visiting scientist from Poland, collaborating with Dr. Gretchen Sassenrath.  She received a fellowship from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) on a project entitled ???Evaluation of nutrient balances as an indicator for the impact of agriculture on environment - a comparison of case studies from the US and Poland???. Dr. Gaj is an Assistant Professor in the Agriculture Faculty at Poznan University in Poland. Her research focuses on plant nutrition and soil fertility, particularly of nitrogen and phosphorus management in soils and plants.

February 2010

>  Dr. Krishna Reddy  has received the 2010 WSSA Fellow Award at Weed Science Society of America (WSSA)annual meeting in Denver, CO for meritorious service to the Society and to the field of Weed Science. He is also a recipient of 2008 WSSA Outstanding Research Award.  (2/7-2/11).

January 2010

>  Five members of the Crop Production Systems Research Unit and Chinese visiting scientist Wei Ding attended the Southern Weed Science Society, held in Little Rock, Arkansas.  Dr. Bryson presented a paper on Blue sedge and its spread from Gypsies and cemeteries.  Dr. Bob Hoagland presented information on the interaction of the herbicide quinclorac with the bioherbicide Myrothecium verrucaria. Dr. Jason Krutz???s presentation summarized the agronomic and environmental aspects of enhanced degradation of the triazine herbicides. A biological assessment of drift damage to corn from a glyphosate aerial application was presented by Dr. Krishna Reddy and Dr. Bob Zablotowicz presented a risk assessment of glufosiante effects on sensitive and resistant soybean growth, nitrogen assimilation and nitrogen fixation.    PDF's of all posters presented may be viewed here. (1/26-1/27).

July 2009

> The July issue of the Agricultural Research Magazine focuses on exotic invasive species and methods of their control.  In the article entitled 'Formidable fungus goes toe to toe with kudzu', SWSRU Plant Pathologist Dr. C. Douglas Boyette describes how he and SWSRU collegues Dr. Mark A. Weaver, Dr. Robert E. Hoagland, and Mr. Kenneth C. Stetina, along with CGPRU collaborater  Dr. Hamed Abbas, are testing a naturally occuring fungus, Myrothecium verrucaria, as a potential biocontrol agent for kudzu.

PDF link to the aforementioned article -

Link to the entire July 2009 'Invasives' Issue of the Agricultural Research Magazine

May 2009

Dr. Ding Wei has joined the Southern Weed Science Research Unit, Stoneville, MS as a Visiting Scientist. Dr. Wei is an Associate Professor and the Project Leader of the weed science program at the North East Agricultural University in Harbin Province, China. He will be working with Dr. Krishna Reddy on concepts of risk assessment in glyphosate resistant soybean, especially effects of the glyphosate metabolite AMPA.

April 2009

The paper entitled 'Formulation and adjuvant effects on the absorption and translocation of 14C-clethodim in wheat (Tricitum aestivum L.)', co-authored by SWSRU Plant Physiologist Dr. Krishna Reddy, and Mississippi State University collegues Vijay Nandula, Dan Poston and Trey Koger, was awarded the 2007 'Weed Biology and Management' Paper of the Year at the April 2009 meeting of the Weed Science Society of Japan.  (4/11)  PDF

These scientists also presented three additional posters by scientists in the unit that were unable to attend due to restricted funding. PDF's of all posters presented may be viewed here.(2/9-2/13)

ARS News Articles

Geospatial Technology Can Help Corn Producers Assess Potential Wind Damage in Fields
Oct 17, 2023
Gypsies, Graveyards and Mysterious Plants
Oct 19, 2011