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New Issue of ARS Food and Nutrition Research Briefs Posted to Web
By Marcia WoodAugust 14, 2007
New discoveries about good-for-you antioxidants in familiar fruits, and findings about the relation between calcium, dairy foods and body fat are among the research findings highlighted in the latest edition of the Agricultural Research Service's ARS Food and Nutrition Research Briefs.
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This popular, reader-friendly newsletter also reports that:
- Edible films that won't change the taste of your favorite frozen foods—but will keep them from becoming soggy—might someday be made from a surprising source: gelatin from Alaskan pollock skins.
- Kid-oriented foods, sold in packaging that boasts "good source of nutrient x, y, or z" on the front, might also be high in problematical ingredients such as saturated fat, sodium or sugar, a review of more than 57,000 packaged foods has shown.
- Flour for breads, pastas, cookies and other foods might tomorrow be milled from distillers' dried grains, left over after ethanol is distilled from corn.
- Plump, white great northern beans, new from ARS plant geneticists in the Pacific Northwest, fend off a major microbial foe.
The new edition—and 50 previous issues—are archived on the World Wide Web for handy reference. To run a keyword search, simply go to: /is/search.htm. Then select "Food & Nutrition Research Briefs" and enter the keywords of your choice in the space provided.
ARS is the U.S. Department of Agriculture's chief scientific research agency.