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USDA Announces 2023 Awardees of 1890 Faculty Research Sabbatical Program, Accepting Applications for 2024

Contact: Nirav Shah
Email: Nirav Shah

WASHINGTON, September 13, 2023 – Today, the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Agricultural Research Service (ARS) announced its 2023 awardees for the 1890 Faculty Research Sabbatical Program and is now accepting applications for the 2024 program.  

ARS established this program in 2015 to honor the 125th anniversary of 1890 Land-grant Universities. Since then, the program has provided 34 tenure and research track faculty at historically black Land-grant Universities opportunities to collaborate with ARS laboratories nationwide.

"For the past eight years, this program is a win-win opportunity to strengthen our research partnerships across the 1890 Land-grant University system," said ARS Administrator Dr. Simon Liu. “As a result of these collaboration experiences, faculty scientists and USDA scientists gain meaningful knowledge in their research. The faculty scientists utilize the knowledge learned to expand research at their universities and the USDA scientist gain partnerships that further support the facilitation of research opportunities."

The 2023 awardees are:

Each year, ARS invests up to $500,000 in the program to support expenses such as salary, housing, personal living, fee, travel and research. The six to 12-month research sabbatical program expands to two years and funds awardees up to $125,000 to cover supplies, equipment and other related costs. The summer research sabbatical program funds awardees up to $75,000.

Those interested in applying for the 2024 program should email no later than March 1, 2024, and visit the ARS website for more information.

The Agricultural Research Service is the U.S. Department of Agriculture's chief scientific in-house research agency. Daily, ARS focuses on solutions to agricultural problems affecting America. Each dollar invested in U.S. agricultural research results in $20 of economic impact.