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Washita '94 Climate
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Data available as part of the National Climate Data Center (NCDC) files of daily observations by the Cooperative Observer network Summary of the Day (SOD) TD-3200 database were extracted for the region of the Little Washita Watershed as described for April of 1994.

Data for all stations for a single type of observation were compiled into a text file. The following data files are available here:

Little Washita Rainfall data Rainfall in inches
Little Washita Maximum Daily Air Temperature Maximum temperature in Fahrenheit
Little Washita Minimum Daily Air Temperature Minimum temperature in Fahrenheit
Little Washita Pan Evaporation Data Pan evaporation in inches

File structure

Station Name
Station id
Station Latitude (Deg:Min:Sec)
Station Longitude (Deg:Min:Sec)
Station Observations April 1-30