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-- Publications
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| 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 1999 - 2001 |

Year 2006

Bowman SA. 2006. Television-viewing characteristics of adults: correlations to eating practices and overweight and health status. Preventing Chronic Disease. 3(2):1-11.

Year 2005

Cook A, Friday J. CNRG Table Set 3.0: Pyramid Servings Intakes in the United States, 1999-2002, 1 Day. USDA, Agricultural Research Service. Available at /Services/docs.htm?docid=8503. March 21, 2005.

Bowman SA. 2005. A comparison of food label use by men and women in the United States. [Abstract]. Annual Meeting of the Institute of Food Technologists Abstract Book. P71 e-1

Chester D. Does Spirituality Predict Better Diet and Exercise Habits in African American Women? American Public Health Meetings, November 5-9, 2005.

Bowman S. Health and Dietary Status of 55 Years of Age Or Older Caucasian and African American Males.(ABSTRACT). 29th National Nutrient Databank Conference. April 1, 2005.

Harris E., Cotton P. A Community Model to Study Diabetes: Mapping Food And Physical Activity outlets in Six Communities. 18th International Congress of Nutrition, September 19-23, 2005

Bowman S. Dietary and Weight Status of Retired Americans (Abstract). Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior 37(1):s72-S78. July 23, 2005

Cook A, Friday J. Pyramid Servings Search Version 2.0. USDA, Agricultural Research Service. Available at /Services/docs.htm?docid=8503. March 20, 2005.

Cook A, Friday J. CNRG Table Set 2.0: Pyramid Servings Intakes in the United States, 1994-96, 1998, 1 Day. USDA, Agricultural Research Service. Available at /Services/docs.htm?docid=8503. March 17, 2005.

Cook A, Friday J. CNRG Table Set 1.1: Pyramid Servings Intakes in the United States, 1994-96, 1998, 2 Day. USDA, Agricultural Research Service. Available at /Services/docs.htm?docid=8503. March 17, 2005.

Bowman SA. 2005. (Invited commentary). Pediatrician's office: A solution in the prevention of childhood obesity. Acta Peadiatrica. 94(6):652-654.

Bowman SA (invited book 2005). Dietary and lifestyle practices of normal weight and overweight U.S. adults. In: Body Mass Index: New Research, pp123-145. Editor: Linda A. Ferrara. Nova Science Publishers, Inc.; Hauppauge, NY, USA. July 2005.

Bowman SA. 2005. Food shoppers' nutrition attitudes and relationship to dietary and lifestyle practices. Nutrition Research. 25:282-293.

Year 2004

Bowman SA, Gortmaker SL, Ebbeling CB, Pereira MA, Ludwig DS. Effects of fast food consumption on energy intake and diet quality among children in a national household survey. Pediatrics. 2004;113:112-118.

Cotton PA, Subar AF, Friday JE, Cook A. (in press). Dietary Sources of Nutrients Among US Adults, 1994 to 1996. Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 2004.

Bowman SA, Harris EW. Food Security, Dietary Choices, and Television-Viewing Status of Preschool-Aged Children Living in Single- Parent or Two-Parent Households. Family Economics and Nutrition Review. 2003;15(2)29-34. (Date of publication March 2004

Bowman SA., Vinyard BT. 2004. fast food consumers vs. non-fast food consumers: a comparison of heir energy intakes, diet quality, and overweight status. Journal of the American College of Nutrition. 23(2):163-168.

Bowman SA. 2004. Food price affects food choices and diet quality [Abstract]. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior. 36(Supplement 1):S49.

Bowman SA 2004. Dietary and lifestyle practices of normal weight and overweight adults. Proceedings of the 28th national Nutrient Databank Conference. P68.

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Year 2003

Bowman SA. Attitude toward nutrition while food shopping affects food choices and diet quality. Proceedings of the Society for Nutrition Education Annual Conference. p53. July 26-31, 2003. Philadelphia, PA. (abstract)

Cook, AJ, Friday, JE. Food Mixture or ingredient sources for dietary calcium: shifts in food group contributions using four grouping protocols. Journal of the American Dietetic Association. 2003;103(11):1513-1519.

Harris EW, Maziya-Dixon B, Jackson C. Nigeria Food Consumption Survey 2000-2001: Food Instruction Booklet Design. Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Dietary Assessment Methods. January 26-29, 2003. Chiang Rai, Thailand. Abstract C1.4.

Smiciklas-Wright H, Mitchell DC, Mickle SJ, Cook AJ, Goldman JD. 2002. Foods Commonly Eaten in the United States 1989-91 and 1994-96: Are Portion Sizes Changing? Journal of the American Dietetic Association. 2003;103(1):41-47.

Bowman SA, Harris EW. Food Security and Dietary and Television-Viewing Status of Preschool-Aged Children Living in Single- Parent or Two-Parent Households. Family Economics and Nutrition Review. 2003;15(2)29-34.

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Year 2002

Bowman SA. Beverage choices of young females: changes and impact on nutrient intakes. Journal of the American Dietetic Association. 2002;102(8): 1234-1239.

Bowman SA, Spence JT. A comparison of low-carbohydrate vs. high-carbohydrate diets: energy restriction, nutrient quality, and correlation to body mass index. Journal of the American College of Nutrition. 2002; 21(3):268-274.

Bowman SA. Women of different ethnic origin: their beliefs and behavior toward dietary fat. Proceedings of the Society for Nutrition Education Annual Conference. p59. July 27-31, 2002. St. Paul, MN. (abstract)

Bowman SA. An evaluation of high protein diets: their energy content and nutrient profile. Proceedings of the Society for Nutrition Education Annual Conference. p59. July 27-31, 2002. St. Paul, MN. (abstract).

Bowman SA. Children's diet: household income and food sources of empty calories. Proceedings of the Society for Nutrition Education Annual Conference. p.59. July 27-31, 2002. St. Paul, MN. (abstract).

Friday J, Cook A. Assigning Pyramid Servings to USDA Nutrient Database Codes. Proceedings of 26th National Nutrient Databank Conference, A-10. June 6-7, 2002. Baton Rouge, LA. (abstract).

Harris E, Nowverl A. Community Nutrition Mapping Project (CNMAP). On Line ARS Community Nutrition Research Group website at /ba/bhnrc/cnrg, January. 2002.

Cotton PA. Dietary intake, physical activity and body mass index in the united states: gender, race and age group differences. Annual Meeting of the International Society for Behavioral Nutrition Physical Activity. Seattle WA, 2002 (abstract).

Harris, EW, Nkungula A. Using e-Nutrition to collect data on food eating patterns on the campus of the University of Zimbabwe. IT in the Advancement of Nutrition in Africa, Nairobi, Kenya, July 21-25, 2002. (abstract).

Smiciklas-Wright H, Mitchell DC, Mickle SJ, Cook AJ, Goldman JD. Foods Commonly Eaten in the United States 1994-96: Quantities Consumed Per Eating Occasion and in a Day. USDA, ARS, NFS Report No. 96-5, 264pp. Available at /ARSUserFiles/80400530/pdf/Portion.pdf . November 2002.

USDA, Agricultural Research Service. Pyramid Servings Database for USDA Survey Food Codes. Available at 2002.

USDA, Agricultural Research Service. (2002). Pyramid Servings Intakes by U.S. Children and Adults, 1994-96, 1998. 2000. Available at:
http://www.ars, 2002.

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Year 2001

Bowman SA. Do teens with high added sugars intake have a poor diet? Proceedings of the Society for Nutrition Education Annual Conference. p67. July 20-24, 2001.Oakland, CA. (abstract)

Bronner Y, Harris E, et al., Historical Assessment of Nutrition Studies Using Only African American Subjects: Gender, Socioeconomic Status and Geographic Location. Ethnicity and Disease. 2001;11(1):134-143.

Cook A, Espinoza D, Friday J. Are the goals of the USDA Food Guide Pyramid for Children being met? Proceedings of the 34th Annual Conference of the Society of Nutrition Education, v 34 (1).p 58. July 22, 2001.Oakland, CA. (abstract)

Cotton PA. Physical activity, body mass index, and macronutrient intake in the U.S. population. BARC Poster Day. 2001. (abstract).

Cotton PA. Dietary intake, physical activity, and body mass index in the United States: gender, race and age group differences. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the American Dietetic Association. October 21-23, 2001. St. Louis, MO. (abstract).

Cotton PA. What We Eat in America. USDA Food and Nutrition Summer Institute, Strengthening Agriculture and Health Interventions to Improve Nutrition in Africa. July 15- 25, 2001. Accra, Ghana. (abstract).

Cook A, Friday J, Espinoza D. Enhanced determination of dietary sources of nutrients: examination of calcium intakes from foods vs ingredients. Proceedings of the 34th Annual Conference of the Society of Nutrition Education, v 34 (1).p 69. July 22, 2001.Oakland, CA. (abstract)

Friday J and Cook A. Pyramid Servings Search. USDA, Agricultural Research Service. Available at /Services/docs.htm?docid=8503. May 2001.

Harris E, Bronner Y. Food Counts in the African American Community: Chartbook 2001. Baltimore, MD: Morgan State University Press.

Kennedy ET, Bowman SA. Assessment of the effect of fat-modified foods on diet quality in adults, 19 to 50 years, using data from the Continuing Survey of Food Intakes by Individuals. Journal of the American Dietetic Association.2001;101(6): 455-460.

Kennedy ET, Bowman SA, Spence JT, Freedman M, King J. Popular diets: Correlations to health, nutrition, and obesity. Journal of the American Dietetic Association.2001;101(6): 411- 420.

Maziya-Dixon B, Harris E, et al. Food Insecurity, Nutrient Intakes and Nutritional Status of Women and Children in Nigeria: Preliminary Results from a Pilot Study. Proceedings of the 17th International Congress of Nutrition. Vienna, Austria. August 27-31, 2001. Ann Nutr Metab 45 (suppl 1): 21. Abstract A.02.110.

Perloff BP, Cook AJ, Bodner JE, Friday JE, Ahuja JK. Translating Food Consumption into Commodities. Proceedings of the 17th International Congress of Nutrition. August 27-31, 2001. Vienna, Austria. Ann Nutr Metab 45 (suppl 1): 539. Abstract 7.B2.114.

Nowverl A. (2001). The Development of Community Nutrition Map (CNMap). The 33rd Symposium on the Interface of Computer Science and Statistics, Costa Mesa, California. June 13-16.(Abstract)

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Year 2000

Cook A, Friday JE. Pyramid Servings Database for USDA Survey Food Codes. USDA, Agricultural Research Service. Available at /Services/docs.htm?docid=8503. November 1, 2000.

Cook A, Friday JE. Pyramid Servings Intakes by U.S. Children and Adults, 1994-96, 1998. USDA, Agricultural Research Service. Available at /ba/bhnrc/cnrg. November 1, 2000.

Cook A, Friday JE. Identifying Universal Requirements for Translating Data from Food Intake Surveys into Ingredients and Commodities. Round Table Discussion Group. Procedings of the Fourth International Conference on Dietary Assessment Methods, Abstracts p.F.7.2. Tucson, AZ, September 19, 2000.

Cook A, Friday, JE. A Method for Translating USDA CSFII to Ingredients, Pyramid Servings, and Commodities. Concurrent Session on Dietary Assessment Methods for Various Food Components. Procedings of the Fourth International Conference on Dietary Assessment Methods, Abstracts p.F.7.3. Tucson, AZ, September 19, 2000.

Cook AJ, Friday JE, Lang C, Schneider B, Perloff B. Food Commodity Intake Database (FCID): CSFII 1994-96, 1998. CD-ROM. NTIS Accession No. PB2000-500101. Available through August 8, 2000.

Harris E, Nowverl A. What's Happening to Soul Food: Regional and Income Differences in the African American Diet. Ecology of Food and Nutrition. 2000;38:587-603.

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Year 1999

Bowman SA. Diets of individuals grouped based on energy intakes from added sugars. Family Economics Nutrition Review. 1999;12(2): 31-38.

Bronner Y, Harris E. Diet and Lifestyle Practices of African American Males. Harvard Journal of African American Public Policy .1999;V:15-31.

Kennedy ET, Bowman SA, Lino M., Gerrior SA, Basiotis PP. Diet Quality of Americans: Healthy Eating Index America's Eating Habits: Changes and Consequences. Frazao. E (editor). U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agriculture Information Bulletin 750: 133-160. 1999. (Book Chapter)

Kennedy ET, Bowman SA, Powell R. Dietary-fat intake in the U.S. population. Journal of the American College of Nutrition. 1999;18(3): 207-212.

Moshfegh, AJ, Friday JE, Goldman, JP, Ahuja JK. Presence of inulin and Oligofructose in the diets of Americans. Journal of Nutrition 1999;129(7S):1407S-1411S.