Nutrient Intakes 1 Percent of population 2 years old and over with adequate intakes based on average requirement | West Virginia | All U.S. |
Protein | 89.3 | 88.9 |
Vitamin A | 43.5 | 46.0 |
Vitamin C | 51.2 | 51.0 |
Vitamin E | 12.6 | 13.6 |
Thiamin | 81.9 | 81.6 |
Riboflavin | 88.1 | 89.1 |
Niacin | 87.9 | 87.2 |
Vitamin B6 | 72.5 | 73.9 |
Folate | 58.5 | 59.7 |
Vitamin B12 | 77.0 | 79.7 |
Phosphorus | 86.9 | 87.2 |
Magnesium | 41.6 | 43.0 |
Iron | 89.5 | 89.5 |
Selenium | 92.0 | 91.5 |
Zinc | 69.4 | 70.8 |
Copper | 84.7 | 84.2 |
Percent of population 2 years old and over with adequate intakes | West Virginia | All U.S. |
Calcium | 29.1 | 30.9 |
Fiber | 6.8 | 8.0 |
Potassium | 7.1 | 7.6 |
Healthy Eating Patterns 1 Percent of population | West Virginia | All U.S. |
Using supplements | 47.1 | 47.7 |
2 years old and over meeting grain recommendation | 42.6 | 42.3 |
2 years old and over meeting vegetable recommendation | 13.8 | 14.4 |
2 years old and over meeting fruit recommendation | 19.4 | 20.9 |
2 years old and over meeting dairy recommendation | 18.6 | 19.0 |
2 years old and over meeting meat recommendation | 47.1 | 45.6 |
With percent calories from total fat <= 35% | 61.8 | 59.4 |
With percent calories from saturated fat < 10% | 42.6 | 40.8 |
With cholesterol intake < 300mg | 68.5 | 68.4 |
With Sodium intake <= 2,300mg | 27.7 | 29.9 |
Physical Activity and Body Weight Indicators 1 Percent of population | West Virginia | All U.S. |
With healthy weight | 45.2 | 44.8 |
Children overweight age 2 to 20 | 19.9 | 20.0 |
Overweight | 52.5 | 52.9 |
12 years old and over who exercise at least once a month | 66.3 | 67.7 |
12 years old and over who exercise 4 or more days a week | 20.8 | 22.1 |
Food Security Indicators | West Virginia | All U.S. |
Percent of individuals not experiencing hunger 1 | 92.0 | 91.8 |
Number of farmers markets in the National directory | 24 | 3,671 |
Percent of households receiving food stamps 2004 | 12.7 | 8.4 |
Demographics | West Virginia | All U.S. |
Population, 2004 estimate | 1,815,354 | 293,655,404 |
Population, 2000 | 1,808,344 | 281,421,906 |
Persons under 5 years old, percent, 2000 | 5.6 | 6.8 |
Persons under 18 years old, percent, 2000 | 22.3 | 25.7 |
Persons 65 years old and over, percent, 2000 | 15.3 | 12.4 |
White persons, percent, 2000 | 95.0 | 75.1 |
Black or African American persons, percent, 2000 | 3.2 | 12.3 |
Asian persons, percent, 2000 | 0.5 | 3.6 |
Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander, percent, 2000 | 0.0 | 0.1 |
Persons reporting some other race, percent, 2000 | 0.2 | 5.5 |
Persons reporting two or more races, percent, 2000 | 0.9 | 2.4 |
Persons of Hispanic or Latino origin, percent, 2000 | 0.7 | 12.5 |
Persons 25 years and over who are high school graduates, percent, 2000 | 75.2 | 80.4 |
Persons 25 years or over with Bachelor's degree or higher, percent, 2000 | 14.8 | 24.4 |
Median household income, 2004 | $33,993 | $44,334 |
Persons below poverty, percent, 2004 | 16.2 | 12.7 |