IPMP Dynamic Prediction |
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The USDA Integrated Pathogen Modeling Program - Dynamic Prediction (IPMP - Dynamic Prediction)
What is IPMP-Dynamic Prediction?
IPMP-Dynamic Prediction is an extension of the USDA Integrated Pathogen Modeling Program (IPMP). It is designed to simulate and predict microbial growth and inactivation under dynamic conditions. It differs from IPMP, which is design to analyze individual growth or inactivation curves. IPMP-Dynamic Prediction is used to predict the growth and inactivation of microorganisms exposed dynamically-changing temperature and other environmental conditions. A typical application of IPMP-Dynamic Prediction is predicting the growth of Clostridium perfringens in cooked meats during cooling.
What is required to use IPMP-Dynamic Prediction?
IPMP-Dynamic Prediction can be run under Microsoft Operating Systems (64 bit).
What models are included in IPMP-Dynamic Prediction?
IPMP-Dynamic Prediction has one model now for dynamic prediction of growth of foodborne pathogens in raw and processed foods. It includes 24 models now and will be expanded gradually to include more models.
Click for tutorial (link to IPMP_DynamicPredictionTutorial.pdf).
Download IPMP -Dynamic Prediction
IPMP-Dynamic Prediction has been compiled for the Windows operating system. It is distributed as a zip file under a directory (IPMP-Dynamic Prediction). Please download the zip file and unzip (copy) it to a directory (IPMP-Dynamic Prediction). Please keep every file under the same directory. For detailed installation instructions, please click (link to Installation instructions.pdf).
Link to download IPMP-Dynamic Prediction
For technical questions and comments, please contact lihan.huang@usda.gov
The USDA Integrated Pathogen Modeling Program-Dynamic Prediction (IPMP-Dynamic Prediction) is a software tool developed by the USDA Agricultural Research Service (ARS) for data analysis and model development in predictive microbiology. USDA grants to each recipient of this software non-exclusive, royalty free, world-wide, permission to use, copy, publish, distribute, perform publicly and display publicly this software. We would appreciate acknowledgement if the software is used.
The software is provided "as is", without warranty of any kind, express or implied, including but not limited to the warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, noninfringement and any warranty that this software is free from defects. In no event shall USDA be liable for any claim, loss, damages or other liability, whether in an action of contract, tort or otherwise, arising from, out of or in connection with the software or the use or other dealings in the software.
The risk of any and all loss, damage, or unsatisfactory performance of this software rests with you, the recipient. USDA provides no warranties, either express or implied, regarding the appropriateness of the use, output, or results of the use of the software in terms of its correctness, accuracy, reliability, being current or otherwise. USDA has no obligation to correct errors, make changes, support this software, distribute updates, or provide notification of any error or defect, known or unknown. If you, the recipient, rely upon this software, you do so at your own risk and you assume the responsibility for the results. Should this software prove defective, you assume the cost of all losses, including but not limited to, any necessary servicing, repair or correction of any property involved.
Please contact Dr. Lihan Huang (lihan.huang@usda.gov) for technical questions.