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Brett Allen
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Brett L. AllenBrett L. Allen

Research Agronomist 


Phone: 406.433.9402
Fax: 406.433.5038

 • Education • Current Research • Research Experience • Publications •


Additional Pages: Research Projects,*Publications*
*Taken from the Agricultural Research Information System (ARIS) database.




  B.S. Agronomy   1998  Brigham Young University, Provo, UT
  M.S. Soil Science   2000  Brigham Young University, Provo, UT
  Ph.D. Soil Science 
     & Water Resources
  2004    Iowa State University, Ames, IA 


Brett joined NPARL in March 2007 and serves as a research agronomist for dryland cropping systems.  Working collaboratively with other scientists, his research program focuses on diversified dryland cropping systems that enhance soil and water quality, conserve natural resources, reduce dependence on agrochemicals, and maintain sustainable economic returns to producers.



Before joining the USDA-ARS, Brett worked as a post-doctoral research associate at Iowa State University.  He made important contributions to better understand manure management impacts on crop growth and on environmental soil and surface water quality in corn-soybean cropping systems that currently predominate in the Midwest.  Much of this research employed the use of an outdoor rainfall simulation technique that induced runoff following various rates, timing, and incorporation of manure from swine (liquid), poultry, or beef.


Brett's Ph.D. work at Iowa State focused on alternatives to improve agronomic and environmental phosphorus management following application of fertilizer or manure. A portion of the work from Brett's post-doc and doctoral research programs is being used to validate the Iowa Phosphorus Index, which is a voluntary assessment tool for the purpose of evaluating the potential of off site phosphorus movement under various management practices.  During this period of time, Brett also conducted collaborative research with federal and state agencies on the row crop component of the National Phosphorus Runoff Project, which is a multi-state effort to improve water quality by quantifying relationships between phosphorus levels in surface runoff and those in soil. 


While working on his M.S. degree at Brigham Young University, Brett was presented with the opportunity to collaborate with researchers at the USDA-ARS facility in Kimberly, ID, where he investigated mechanisms of nutrient uptake in sweet corn and dry bean as affected by previous cropping to wheat or fallow on exposed subsoil amended with dairy manure.


Please note: The most recent publications by this scientist may not yet be listed here. Please check the ARIS "Publications" page for possible new titles.