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Citrus Fruits Study for Men and Women
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Citrus Fruits Study for Men and Women




Who is conducting this study?

The study is conducted by Betty Jane Burri, Ph.D. The study has been reviewed and approved by the UC Davis Committee for the Protection of Human Studies. 


What is the purpose of the study?

The study will learn how well people absorb lycopene and beta-crytoxanthin from fruit. These compounds are phytonutrients which are naturally occurring in foods. 


Who can participate?

Healthy, non-smoking men and women, ages 18 - 65 are invited to participate in this 29-day study.  Participants must be willing and able to come to the WHNRC on the UC Davis campus for five (5) study visits.


Who is NOT eligible to participant?

••         Persons who are smokers

••         Persons who take medications to lower cholesterol or triglycerides

••         Persons who take weight loss products

••          Women who are pregnant, planning a pregnancy or lactating

••         Persons who are allergic to citrus fruits


What do I need to do to participate?

You will complete a health screening visit (visit 1) at WHNRC, 430 West Health Sciences Drive on the UC Davis campus. The 60 minute morning visit includes an overnight fasting blood draw, height, weight, vital signs, and completing questionnaires. Fasting means that no food is consumed for 12 hours prior to the appointment, but water is allowed and encouraged.  


If you are selected for the study, you will be asked to avoid foods that contain a lot of lycopene or beta-crytoxanthin for the next 29 days. Foods that you will be asked to avoid are watermelon, pink grapefruit, pink guava, tangerines, oranges, papaya, pumpkin, mangoes, red peppers, tomatoes, and tomato sauces. You will also be asked to avoid fruit juices and mixed dishes that contain the above foods.


About two weeks later, after you have been avoiding the above foods, you will be asked to come to WHNRC for study day 2, which will require you to arrive in a fasted state. This is a study visit that includes eating a brunch meal containing citrus fruit, lunch and dinner meal, and having five blood draws throughout the day. You are free to leave and return during the study day. You will return early the next day for study day 3 to have a fasting blood draw at about 7 am followed by a snack and a second blood draw at about 9:30 am.


Two weeks later, for study day 4, you will return to the WHNRC in a fasted state and repeat the previous testing schedule that includes eating a brunch meal containing citrus fruit, lunch and dinner meal, and having five blood draws. You will return early the next day for study day 5 to have a fasting blood draw at about 7 am followed by a snack and a second blood draw at about 9:30 am.


What are your compensations from the study?

You receive eight meals during the 2 full day study visits and financial compensation: $15 for each blood draws (15) during the study with a total of $225.


What should I do if I have questions?

Call (530) 752-5177 and press # 4, please your name and a staff person will return your call.