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Dennis Corwin
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Dennis L. Corwin

  Dennis L. Corwin, Ph.D.
Research Soil & Environmental Scientist

Agricultural Water Efficiency and Salinity Research Unit
USDA-ARS United States Salinity Laboratory
450 West Big Springs Road
Riverside, CA 92507-4617

Tel: 909-845-2698

Research Interests:

  • Modeling and mapping of non-point source (NPS) pollutant distributions in the vadose zone using geographic information systems (GIS) and advanced information technologies (e.g., remote imagery, spatial statistics, GPS, hierarchical organization theory, etc.).
    • Salinity and trace elements (As, B, Mo) in the vadose zone
    • NPS pollutant loading to ground water or tile drains on irrigated agricultural soils
  • Application and use of geophysical techniques to measure, monitor, and map spatial variability.
    • Geospatial measurement of apparent soil electrical conductivity (ECa) using electromagnetic induction and electrical resistivity measurements to direct soil sampling for the characterization of spatial variability for the following applications:
      • Measurement, monitoring, and mapping of soil salinity distributions across the landscape of irrigated agricultural fields
      • ECa-directed soil sampling for precision agriculture applications including site-specific reclamation, site-specific crop management, and delineation of site-specific management units (SSMUs)
      • ECa-directed soil sampling for monitoring management-induced spatio-temporal changes resulting from degraded water reuse
      • Soil quality assessment
      • Identification of the soil edaphic and anthropogenic factors influencing crop yield
  • Landscape-scale and hydropedologic processes as related to vadose zone transport of contaminants.
  • Degraded water reuse (e.g., drainage water, dairy lagoon water, municipal wastewater) impact on soil properties and agricultural sustainability.
  • Field- to regional-scale salinity assessment using remote imagery and geophysical techniques.
  • Assessing the impact of climate change on the accumulation of salinity in agricultural areas using proximal and remote sensors.

Current research is focused on (1) mapping the complex local- and field-scale spatial variations in soil salinity under micro-irrigation systems, (2) data fusion of proximal and remote sensors to differentiate matric and osmotic stress at field scale, regional-scale salinity assessment, (3) climate change impacts on soil salinity in agricultural areas, (4) an alternative plant salt tolerance approach using apparent soil electrical conductivity (ECa) directed soil sampling, and (5) site-specific micro-irrigation management using proximal sensors.


Contributions, Impact, and Stature:

Dr. Corwin is the leading international authority on ECa-directed soil sampling to measure, map, and monitor soil salinity from field to landscape scales and a pioneer in the application of GIS to the modeling of NPS pollutants in the vadose zone. Dr. Corwin developed the internationally accepted guidelines and protocols for ECa-directed soil sampling to map soil spatial variability of soil salinity, soil water content, and texture in the root zone.

During his 40+ years in ARS, Dr. Corwin has been the author of over 200 technical papers, with 123 sole or senior-authored papers (senior author on 60% of his top 20 cited papers). Author of 100 technical peer-reviewed journal papers and 102 other technical publications (i.e., book chapters, technical reports, trade journal articles, research notes, etc.). According to Google Scholar, Dr. Corwin’s h-index is 54 and i10-index is 113 (over 11,100 total cites) and since 2018 his h-index is 32 and i10-index is 73 (over 4000 cites since 2018).

His research led to 215 professional invitations including 92 invited oral presentations, 42 invited book chapters, 33 invited peer-reviewed journal papers with 25 as senior author, 7 invited encyclopedia articles, and 41 invited short courses (34 domestic and 7 international including Mexico, Italy, Jordan, 3 in Denmark, and Spain). Scientists have come from 20 different countries to attend Dr. Corwin’s short courses. From 2008-2019 NRCS annually scheduled Dr. Corwin’s salinity assessment course (12 short courses total).

Dr. Corwin served on 72 professional society offices and committees within the American Geophysical Union (AGU), American Society of Agronomy (ASA), Soil Science Society of America (SSSA), and American Chemical Society (ACS); and on the editorial boards of four different scientific journals.

Dr. Corwin was the senior organizer of two international conferences: (1) Bouyoucos Conference entitled Applications of GIS to the Modeling of Nonpoint Source Pollutants in the Vadose Zone (1995) and (2) joint American Geophysical Union Chapman Conference/Soil Science Society of America Outreach Conference entitled Application of GIS, Remote Sensing, Geostatistics and Solute Transport Modeling to the Assessment of Non-point Source Pollution in the Vadose Zone (1997).

Dr. Corwin was the senior organizer of 6 special collections of papers: two for the Journal of Environmental Quality (“Applications of GIS to the Modeling of Nonpoint Source Pollutants in the Vadose Zone”, 1996; and “Environmental Impact and Sustainability of Degraded Water Reuse”, 2008), one for the Vadose Zone Journal (“Landscape-scale Vadose Zone Processes: Scale Issues, Modeling, and Monitoring”, 2006), one for Computers and Electronics in Agriculture (“Applications of ECa Measurements in Precision Agriculture”, 2004), one for Soil Use and Management (“Applications of Electromagnetic Induction Data to Digital Soil Mapping (DSM) for Improved Soil Use and Management: Past, Present, and Potential Applications”, 2016), and one for Sensors (“Application of Satellite and Proximal Sensors in Precision Agriculture”, 2018).

Dr. Corwin was the senior editor of two books: (1) SSSA Special Publication No. 48: Applications of GIS to the Modeling of Nonpoint Source Pollutants in the Vadose Zone (1996) and (2) AGU Geophysical Monograph No. 108: Assessment of Non-Point Source Pollution in the Vadose Zone (1999).

Recognition of Dr. Corwin’s scientific impact and stature is evident by his (1) appointment to the Editorial Board of the Journal of Environmental Quality (JEQ) as Associate Editor (2000-2001), Technical Editor (2002-2007), and Editor of JEQ (2008-2013); (2) appointment to Fellow of the Soil Science Society of America (2014); (3) appointment to Fellow of the American Society of Agronomy (2014); (4) 215 professional invitations; and (5) recipient of the Cox Visiting Professor Award from Stanford University (2000) in recognition of his “pioneering work and continued accomplishments in the area of applying advanced information technologies to assess non-point source pollutants.” Dr. Corwin has received $2,708,406 in grant and extramural funds.

Academic Experience:

Ph.D. 1984 Soil Science Department of Environmental Sciences
University of California, Riverside, California
B.S.   Biochemistry/Biology Department of Biological Sciences
University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California

Professional Experience:

1986-Present Research Soil Scientist USDA-ARS, United States Salinity Laboratory, Riverside, California
1985-1986 Soil & Environmental Chemist Morrison-Knudsen Engineers, Inc., Denver, Colorado
1980-1985 Soil Scientist USDA-ARS, U.S. Salinity Laboratory, Riverside, California

Selected Editorial Activities:

  1. Editor of the Journal of Environmental Quality (2008-2013).
  2. Technical Editor of the Journal of Environmental Quality (2002-2007).
  3. Associate Editor of the Journal of Environmental Quality (2000-2001).
  4. Guest Editor of the special collection of papers in the Journal of Environmental Quality entitled “Environmental Impact and Sustainability of Degraded Water Reuse” (2007-2008); Guest Editor of the special issue in Soil Use and Management entitled “Applications of Electromagnetic Induction Data to Digital Soil Mapping (DSM) for Improved Soil Use and Management: Past, Present, and Potential Applications” (2014-2016); Guest Editor of the special issue in Sensors entitled “Application of Satellite and Proximal Sensors in Precision Agriculture” (2017-2018).
  5. Member of advisory board for Nature (2009-2011).
  6. Member of the Editorial Board for Crop Research (2008-2010).
  7. Member of the Editorial Board for The Open Environmental Engineering Journal (2007-2009).
  8. Guest Editor of the Special Issue of Vadose Zone Journal entitled “Landscape-scale Vadose Zone Processes: Scale Issues, Modeling, and Monitoring” (2005-2006).
  9. Guest Editor of the Special Issue of Computers and Electronics in Agriculture entitled “Applications of ECa Measurements in Precision Agriculture” (2003-2004).
  10. Senior Editor of AGU Geophysical Monograph No. 108: Assessment of Non-Point Source Pollution in the Vadose Zone (1999).
  11. Member of the Editorial/Publication Board for the Journal of Soil and Water Conservation (appointed 1996-1997, reappointed 1997-2000). Soil and Water Conservation Society, Ankeny, IA.
  12. Senior Editor of SSSA Special Publication No. 48: Applications of GIS to the Modeling of Nonpoint Source Pollutants in the Vadose Zone (1996).

Selected Organizer/Chair Activities:

  1. Organizer/Chair of the Environmental Impact and Sustainability of Degraded Water Reuse Symposium for the 2007 ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meeting (New Orleans, LA; Nov. 4-8, 2007).
  2. Co-organizer of the Symposium on Landscape Processes: Monitoring, Mapping, and Modeling held at the 2004 Annual ASA-CSSA-SSSA Meetings (Seattle, WA; Oct. 31-Nov. 4, 2004).
  3. Organizer/Chair of the 1997 Joint AGU Chapman/SSSA Outreach Conference “Applications of GIS, Remote Sensing, Geostatistics, and Solute Transport Modeling to the Assessment of Nonpoint Source Pollutants in the Vadose Zone” (Mission Inn, Riverside, CA; Oct. 19‑24, 1997).
  4. Organizer/Chair of the 1995 SSSA Bouyoucos Conference “Applications of GIS to the Modeling of Nonpoint Source Pollutants in the Vadose Zone” (Mission Inn, Riverside, CA; May 1‑3, 1995).

Offices and Committee Appointments:

Served on 72 different offices, committees, editorial boards, and symposia and conference chairs for ASA-CSSA-SSSA, AGU, and ACS, of which 40 of the most significant are:

  1. Appointed the American Society of Agronomy Liaison Representative to the American Chemical Society (1994-1997).  America Society of Agronomy, Madison, WI.
  2. Appointed member of the International Affairs Committee of the Soil and Water Conservation Society (1994-1995, 1995-1996 & 1996-1997).  Soil and Water Conservation Society, Ankeny, IA.
  3. Appointed member to the 1994-95 Annual Meeting Program Committee for the Soil and Water Conservation Society.  Appointed member of the SWCS Plenary Speakers Subcommittee.  Soil and Water Conservation Society, Ankeny, IA.
  4. Appointed Affiliate Board Member of Stanford University’s Center for Earth Science Information Research (CESIR) from 1996 to 2000.  Stanford University, Stanford, CA.
  5. Appointed to the Steering Committee for the USDA-ARS Soil Management Framework Team by National Program Staff’s Mike Jawson (appointed Nov. 2002; 2003-2005).
  6. Appointed to the Steering Committee for the SSSA Hydropedology Working Group (appointed Nov. 2002).
  7. Appointed Group Leader of ECa Protocols for the ARS Precision Agriculture Working Group on Standard Operating Procedures. (Appointed Mar. 27, 2003; 2003-2005).
  8. Seven times appointed member of the S478 Soil Science Applied Research Award Committee of ASA-CSSA-SSSA (2005-2006, 2013-2014, 2015-2016, 2017-2018, 2019-2020, 2021-2022, and 2023-2024).
  9. Appointed member of Science Review Panel for California Regional Water Quality Control Board - Central Valley Region to critique research evaluating the impact of disposed food processing wastes on CA Central Valley soil.  (Appointed May 10, 2006; 2006-2008).
  10. Appointed group leader of USDA-ARS SOP Committee of ECa Applications to Precision Agriculture (2008).
  11. Appointed by the University of California Water Resources Center to the Leaching Requirement Workgroup to review and rewrite California irrigation guidelines (2007-2008).
  12. Six times appointed member of the S495 Soil Science Society of America Fellows Committee of ASA-CSSA-SSSA (2008-2009, 2010-2011, 2014-2015, 2016-2017, 2018-2019, and 2023-2024). Abstained in 2014 because nominated as an SSSA Fellow.
  13. Appointed to advisory and reader panel of Nature (2009-2011).
  14. Appointed member of the Agricultural Geophysics Workshop Development and Planning Committee for the 2011 SAGEEP Conference (April 11-14, 2011; Charleston, SC) (2010-2011).
  15. Appointed member of the EEGS Agricultural Geophysics Work Group Planning and Development Committee (2011-2012).
  16. Appointed member of the A301 – ASA Editorial Affairs, Policies and Practices Committee (2008-2013).
  17. Appointed member of the ACS321 – Editorial Affairs Committee (2008-2013).
  18. Appointed member of the Agricultural Geophysics Committee of EEGS (2013-2014).
  19. Appointed consultant to the USAID-MERC Environmental Panel (2013-2014).
  20. Appointed member of the 3rd International Salinity Forum Advisory Committee (2013-2014).
  21. Two times appointed member of the S491 L.R. Ahuja Ag Systems Modeling Award Committee of ASA-CSSA-SSSA (2013-2014, 2017-2018).
  22. Appointed Chair of the S491 L.R. Ahuja Ag Systems Modeling Award Committee of ASA-CSSA-SSSA (2015).
  23. Two times appointed member of the S483 Don and Betty Kirkham Soil Physics Award Committee of ASA-CSSA-SSSA (2014-2015, 2016-2017). Appointed Committee Chair in 2017.
  24. Appointed member of ASA Communications Task Force (2014-2015).
  25. Appointed Guest Associate Editor and co-organizer of special collection of papers entitled “Digital Soil Mapping Using Electromagnetic Induction: Past, Present and Potential” for Soil Use and Management (2015).
  26. Appointed member of the SSSA International Year of Soils Committee (2014-2015).
  27. Appointed member of the S475 Emil Truog Soil Science Research Award Committee of ASA-CSSA-SSSA (2015-2017).
  28. Appointed member of the A522 Communications Committee (2015-2017).
  29. Four times appointed member of the A447 Environmental Quality Research Awards Committee of ASA-CSSA-SSSA (2011-2012, 2016-2017, 2018-2019, 2020-2021). Appointed Committee Chair in 2012 and 2013.
  30. Two times appointed member of the S471 Soil Science Research Award Committee of ASA-CSSA-SSSA (2015-2016, 2016-2017).
  31. Appointed member of the Agronomy Feeds the World Video Committee (2017).
  32. Appointed member of the S491.2 Special Awards Committee of ASA-CSSA-SSSA (2017-2018).
  33. Invited Guest Editor and organizer of the special issue entitled “Application of Satellite and Proximal Sensors in Precision Agriculture” in Sensors (2017-2019).
  34. Invited Guest Editor of the special issue entitled “Monitoring Extreme Climate Events and Impacts within Agro-forested Ecosystems using Remote Sensing” in Eur. J. Soil Sci. (2017-2019) and co-convener of a session in EGU General Assembly (April 8-13, 2017; Vienna, Austria) by the same title.
  35. Appointed member of the Scientific Committee for the IWA Conference on Water Reuse and Salinity Management (11-15 June 2018; Murcia, Spain) (2018).
  36. Appointed member of the Scientific Committee for the 2019 Saline Futures Conference “Addressing Climate Change and Food Security”.
  37. Two times appointed member of the S478 Soil Science Applied Research Award Committee (2020-2021, 2022-2023).
  38. Two times appointed member of the American Geophysical Union Smith Award Selection Committee (2018-2019; 2020-2021).
  39. Six times appointed member of the A441 ASA Fellows Committee of the American Society of Agronomy (2013-2014, 2015-2016, 2017-2018, 2019-2020; 2021-2022, and 2023-2024).

Selected Honors and Awards:

  1. American Society of Agronomy Fellow (2014).
  2. Soil Science Society of America Fellow (2014).
  3. USDA Certificate of Merit Award for superior performance in planning, conducting, and reporting research on field- to landscape-scale salinity assessment projects (2004).
  4. Stanford University Cox Visiting Professor Award (2000) in recognition of the pioneering contribution to the application of GIS to the modeling of non-point source pollutants in the vadose zone.
  5. ACS Certificate of Merit Award for authorship of the paper “A User-Friendly Functional Model of Contaminant Transport through the Vadose Zone” (1991).
  6. Commendation from the American Society of Agricultural Engineers (Soil Water Division Editorial Staff) for being an “Outstanding Technical Reviewer” (1998).
  7. USDA Certificate of Merit Award for superior performance in developing an automated GIS to identify potential salt hazard areas of irrigated lands and an improved computational technique to calculate soil electrical conductivity from remote electromagnetic induction measurements (1984).
  8. Paper citation awards: (1) Soil Science Society of America Journal Top Cited Paper (2020-2021) entitled “Field-scale Apparent Soil Electrical Conductivity” (Corwin and Scudiero, Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 84:1405-1441); (2) Soil Science Society of America Journal Top Cited Paper (2020-2021) entitled “Salinity: Electrical conductivity and total dissolved solids” (Corwin and Yemoto, Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 84:1442-1461); and (3) European Journal of Soil Science Top Cited Paper (2020-2021, 2021-2022) entitled “Climate Change Impacts on Soil Salinity in Agricultural Areas” (Corwin, Eur. J. Soil Sci. 72:842-862).

Selected Invitations since 1990:

Dr. Corwin received 215 professional invitations including 92 invited oral presentations, 42 invited book chapters, 33 invited peer-reviewed journal papers with 25 as senior author, 7 invited encyclopedia articles, and 41 invited short courses (34 domestic and 7 international including Mexico, Italy, Jordan, 3 in Denmark, and Spain). In addition, six foreign invitations to present talks or short courses were declined including 3 from the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2009, 2011, 2012; 1 from Iraq’s Ministry of Agriculture in 2009; 1 from European Geoscience Union in 2014; and 1 from University of Padova, Italy in 2016.  These international invitations were declined due to insufficient matching travel funds, scheduling conflicts, or health issues. Selected invitations since 1990 are provided:

  1. Senior author of the invitational presentation entitled “Delineating Areas of Salinity Development in Soils Using Computer-Assisted Mapping and a Geographic Information System” at the SCS Salinity Monitoring and Measurement Workshop, Davis, CA, Nov. 20, 1990).
  2. Author of the short course titled “Measuring and Predicting Salinity on Agricultural Land” presented at the request of the Bureau of Indian Affairs (Ali Parsa, Ph.D., U.S. Dept. of Interior) to the Colorado River Indian Tribes, Parker, AZ, Nov. 26, 1991.
  3. Invited speaker at the 1991 Broadview Water District annual meeting, presenting the talk entitled “Predicting Areas Susceptible to Salinity Development of Irrigated Soil”.
  4. Author of the invitational presentation/paper entitled “Use of the TETrans Model in Predicting ET Effects on Groundwater Quality” presented at the National Conference of the American Society of Civil Engineers, Baltimore, MD, Aug. 3-5, 1992.
  5. Invited short course presented at the Nacional del Agua y el Colegio de Postgraduados in Montecillo (University of Montecillo Graduate School), Mexico entitled “Development and Use of Models to Predict the Movement of Salinity on Irrigated Agricultural Soils” (Oct. 14 and 15, 1993).
  6. Senior author of the invitational presentation/paper entitled “Predicting the Areal Distribution of a Nonpoint-Source Pollutant at a Regional Scale” presented in the Porous Media Flow Session at the 1994 American Society of Agricultural Engineers International Winter Meeting, Atlanta, GA, Dec. 13-16, 1994.
  7. Chair of the Agriculture Session of the Third International Conference/Workshop on Integrated GIS and Environmental Modeling held in Santa Fe, New Mexico (Jan. 21-25, 1996).
  8. Author of the invitational presentation entitled “Modeling Non-Point Source Pollutants in the Vadose Zone with GIS” at Stanford University’s Department of Geology and Environmental Sciences Hydrogeology Seminar Series (February 19, 1997).
  9. Computer Demo/Poster Session Chair of the Joint AGU Chapman/SSSA Outreach Conference - Application of GIS, Remote Sensing, Geostatistics and Solute Transport Modeling to the Assessment of Non-Point Source Pollutants in the Vadose Zone, Riverside, CA, October 19-24, 1997).
  10. Co-author of the invitational paper entitled “Regional-Scale Assessment of Non-Point Source Groundwater Contamination” in a special issue of Hydrological Processes entitled GIS Application in Hydrology (A. Gurnell and D. Montgomery, eds.), 1998.
  11. Author of the invitational presentation “Assessment of Salinity in Irrigated Agricultural Soils” at the California Soil & Plant Conference (Stockton, CA; Jan. 19-20, 2000).
  12. Author of the invitational presentation “Salinity Monitoring Techniques” at the First Annual Site-Specific Farming Roundtable for the San Joaquin Valley (West Side Research and Extension Center, Firebaugh, CA; May 9, 2000).
  13. Author of the invitational presentation “Modeling Salt-Loading to Groundwater with GIS” at the 2000 SSSA Kirkham Conference (Iowa State University, IA; November 2-3, 2000).
  14. Author of the invitational presentation entitled “Soil EC Theory and Principles: What It Is and How Does It Work?” in the Soil Electrical Conductivity in Precision Agriculture Symposium at the 2000 ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meetings (Minneapolis, MN; November 5-9, 2000).
  15. Author of the invitational presentation entitled “Salinity Assessment Technology: Measurement and Modeling” at Stanford University’s Department of Geology and Environmental Sciences Hydrogeology Seminar Series (March 7, 2001).
  16. Senior author of the invited poster entitled “Spatial Distributions of ECa for Precision Agriculture Applications” at the IUSS Symposium - Sustained Management of Irrigated Land for Salinity and Toxic Element Control (Riverside, CA; June 25-27, 2001).
  17. Co-author of the invitational presentation entitled “Practical Salinity Assessment Techniques via EM38 Survey Information” presented at the 2001 Conference on Electromagnetic Techniques for Agricultural Resource Management (Yanco, Australia; July 3-5, 2001).
  18. Invited senior & co-author of sections of “Chapter 6.1: Solute Content and Concentration - Suction Cups, Porous Matrix Sensors, Electrical Resistivity: Wenner Array and Four-Electrode Probe” for the book Methods of Soil Analysis, Part 4, Physical Methods, 2002.
  19. Senior author of the invitation paper entitled “Assessment and Field-scale Mapping of Soil Quality of a Saline-sodic Soil” in a special issue of Geoderma entitled Soil Quality 2003.
  20. Author of the invitational encyclopedia article entitled “Soil Salinity Measurement” in the Encyclopedia of Water Science, 2002.
  21. Co-author of the invitational paper entitled “Multiresolution Analysis of Data on Electrical Conductivity of Soil Using Wavelets” presented in the Nielsen Symposium at the ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meetings (Charlotte, NC; Oct. 21-25, 2001) and invited for publication in a Special Issue of the Journal of Hydrology, 2002.
  22. Senior author of the invitational paper entitled “Application of Soil Electrical Conductivity to Precision Agriculture: Theory, Principles, and Guidelines” in the Soil Electrical Conductivity in Precision Agriculture Symposium section of Agronomy Journal, 2003.
  23. Senior author of the invitational presentation entitled “Geospatial Measurements of ECa to Characterize Soil Spatial Variability for Precision Agriculture” in the Applications of Geophysical Methods in Agriculture Symposium at the Annual ASAE International Meeting 2003 (Las Vegas, NV; July 20-23, 2003).
  24. Author of the invitational short course on “Landscape-Scale Modeling of Non-Point Source Pollutants in the Vadose Zone” presented at the Gruppo Ricerca Italiano Fitofarmaci Ambiente (GRIFA) Pesticide and Environment 2003 Summer School (Portonova, Ancona, Italy; Sept. 1-5, 2003). Sponsored by GRIFA, Università di Milano, Università di Ancona, Unversità Cattolica del Sacro Cuore.
  25. Senior author of the invitational presentation “Characterizing Soil Spatial Variability for Precision Agriculture using Geophysical Measurements” in the 17th Annual Symposium on the Application of Geophysics to Engineering and Environmental Problems (SAGEEP; Colorado Springs, CO; Feb. 22-26, 2004).
  26. Co-author of the invitational paper “Point and Non-point Source Pollution” in the Encyclopedia of Hydrological Sciences (M. Anderson, ed.) published by John Wiley & Sons, 2004.
  27. Senior author of the invitational presentation “Landscape-scale Characterization of Spatial Variability using Geospatial ECa Measurements” for the Landscape Processes: Monitoring, Mapping, and Modeling Symposium at the 2004 ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meetings (Seattle, WA; Oct. 31-Nov. 4, 2004).
  28. Author of the invitational presentation “Salinity Assessment at Field- and Landscape-scales Using ECa Sensing Data” at the Instituto Mexicano de Tecnologia del Aqua (IMTA) Workshop on Remote Sensing Technologies (Jiutepec, Morelos, Mexico; Nov. 17-19, 2004).
  29. Senior author of the invitational book chapter “Multidisciplinary Approach for Assessing Subsurface Non-point Source Pollution” in Soil-Water-Solute Process Characterization: An Integrated Approach (Javier Álvarez-Benedí and Rafael Muñoz Carpena, eds.), 2005.
  30. Author of the invitational book chapter “Geospatial Measurements of Apparent Soil Electrical Conductivity for Characterizing Soil Spatial Variability” in Soil-Water-Solute Process Characterization: An Integrated Approach (Javier Álvarez-Benedí and Rafael Muñoz Carpena, eds.) published by CRC Press, 2005.
  31. Senior author of the invitational paper “Apparent Soil Electrical Conductivity Measurements in Agriculture” for a special issue of Computers and Electronics in Agriculture on Applications of Apparent Soil Electrical Conductivity in Precision Agriculture, 2005.
  32. Senior author of the two-part invitational paper “Characterizing Soil Spatial Variability with Apparent Soil Electrical Conductivity: I. Survey Protocols” and “Characterizing Soil Spatial Variability with Apparent Soil Electrical Conductivity: II. Case Study” for a special issue of Computers and Electronics in Agriculture on Applications of Apparent Soil Electrical Conductivity in Precision Agriculture, 2005.
  33. Senior author of three invited encyclopedia articles for The Encyclopedia of Water (Jay H. Lehr, Ph.D., Editor; Wiley & Sons, Inc.) entitled “Soil Salinity” (D.L. Corwin), “Characterizing Soil Spatial Variability” (D.L. Corwin and S.M. Lesch), and “Modeling Non-point Source Pollutants in the Vadose Zone Using GIS” (D.L. Corwin and K. Loague); and co-author of the invited encyclopedia article “Groundwater Vulnerability to Pesticides: An Overview of Approaches and Methods of Evaluation” (K. Loague and D.L. Corwin, 2005.
  34. Co-author of the invited book chapter entitled “Scale Issues” in Groundwater Engineering Handbook (J. Delleur and J. Cushman, eds.), 2005.
  35. Author of the invitational keynote presentation “Mapping, Monitoring, and Assessment of Salinity Using Apparent Soil Electrical Conductivity” at the 2005 International Salinity Forum (Riverside, CA; April 25-28, 2005).
  36. Author of the invitational introductory-speaker presentation “Delineating Site-Specific Crop Management Units: Precision Agriculture Application in GIS” for the Precision Agriculture and Site-Specific Management session at the 25th Annual ESRI International User Conference (San Diego, CA; July 25-29, 2005).
  37. Senior author of the invitational presentation entitled “Characterizing Spatial Variability at Landscape Scales with ECa-Directed Soil Sampling” in the Hydropedology Symposium at the 2003 ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meetings (Denver, MN; Nov. 2-6, 2003) and senior author of the invitational paper “Monitoring Management-Induced Spatio-Temporal Changes in Soil Quality with Soil Sampling Directed by Apparent Soil Electrical Conductivity” for a special issue of Geoderma containing selected Hydropedology Symposium papers from the 2003 ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meetings, 2006.
  38. Author of the invited presentation entitled “ECa-directed soil sampling for characterizing spatial variability: Monitoring management-induced change” for the Near-Surface Geophysics and Estimation of Soil Properties and Processes session of the 2006 American Geophysical Union Meeting (Baltimore, MD; May 23-26, 2006).
  39. Senior author of the invitational introductory symposium presentation entitled “Use of Advanced Information Technologies to Characterize Soil Spatial Variability for Precision Agriculture” in the symposium Percepción Remota y SIG en la Planeación Agrícola para el Uso Sustentable del Suelo at the Congreso Nacional de la Cianca del Suelo (Sept. 18-20, 2006; Universidad Autonoma de Tamaulipas, Cd. Victoria, Mexico).
  40. Senior author of the invitational presentation “Short-Term Sustainability of Drainage Water Reuse on a Forage Crop: Impacts on Soil Properties” and invited to serve on the discussion panel for the Management, Use, and Reuse of Waters of Impaired Quality Symposium at the Annual ASA-CSSA-SSSA Meeting (Indianapolis, IN; Nov. 12-16, 2006).
  41. Sole author of the invited talk “Mapping, Monitoring, and Assessment of Soil Salinity at Field Scales” at the UC Salinity/Drainage Conference (Mar. 28, 2007; Sacramento, CA).
  42. Senior author of the invited presentation entitled “GIS, Soil Salinity Mapping, and Interpretation” and co-author of the invited presentation entitled “Field Measurement of Salinity - Sensors, EM, and Four-Probe” at the National Salinity Technology Transfer Workshop (May 9-11, 2007; Lake Arrowhead, CA).
  43. Sole author of the invited presentation “Mapping and Monitoring Soil Salinity at Field Scales: Case Studies and Applications” and served on the salinity discussion panel at the SWCS Soil and Water Science Summit 2007 (June 12-14, 2007; North Dakota).
  44. Invitational presentation of 4-hour short courses on “Salinity Measurement, Monitoring, and Mapping” and “Leaching Requirement” at the USDA-FAS Workshop to Improve Water Management in Iraq (Aug. 5-9, 2007; Amman, Jordan).
  45. Senior author of the 3 invitational chapters “Agricultural Geophysics - Past, Present, and Future”, “Theoretical Considerations of Geophysical Methods: Apparent Soil Electrical Conductivity”, and “Delineating Site-specific Management Units Using Geospatial ECa Measurements” in Handbook of Agricultural Geophysics (Barry Allred, Jeffrey Daniels, and Reza Ehsani, eds.), 2008.
  46. Author of the invited presentation “Delineating Site-Specific Irrigation Management Units” at the USDA-NRCS 7th Soil Symposium (June 11, 2008; Indio, CA).
  47. Author of the invited presentation “Technology for Site-Specific Crop Management” at the NRCS-Burkland Farm sponsored Workshop on Precision Agriculture (Grand Forks, ND; Sept. 22-26, 2008).
  48. Invited speaker for the NRCS Dryland Saline and Sodic Soil Workshop (29 Sept.-1 Oct. 2009; Carrington, ND).
  49. Invited speaker at the Workshop for Iraqi Borlaug Fellows and Mentors (ICARDA, Aleppo, Syria; May 23-26, 2010).
  50. Senior author of the invited book chapter “Delineating Site-Specific Management Units with Proximal Sensors” in Geostatistical Applications in Precision Agriculture (M. Oliver, ed.), 2010.
  51. Senior author of the invited paper “Comparison of model- and design-based sampling strategies for characterizing spatial variability with ECa-directed soil sampling” for a special collection of papers on Agricultural Geophysics in J. Environ. Eng. Geophysics. 2010.
  52. Keynote speaker at the International Workshop for Diagnosis and Control of Diffuse Pollution in Mediterranean Irrigated Agriculture (Zaragosa, Spain; 20-21 Oct. 2010).
  53. Senior author of the invited paper “Comparison of model- and design-based sampling strategies for characterizing spatial variability with ECa-directed soil sampling” for a special collection of papers on Agricultural Geophysics in J. Environ. Eng. Geophysics. 2010.
  54. Two invited short courses entitled “Electromagnetic Induction and Electrical Resistivity” for the Soil Sensor: Theory and Application Course (Foulum Center, Aarhus University, Denmark; 22-28 Aug. 2011 and 19-24 Aug. 2013).
  55. Sole author of the invitational short-course “Soil Salinity Monitoring and Mapping” at the Application of Geophysical Technologies to Agroecosystems Workshop at the 2011 SAGEEP Conference (Apr. 11-14, 2011; Charleston, SC).
  56. Sole author of the invitational short course “Effective Field Survey Techniques for Assessing and Diagnosing Soil Salinity “at the NRCS National Salinity Management for Soil and Water Course (Ft. Collins, CO; May 16-20, 2011).
  57. Senior author of two invitational chapters (“Chapter 10 - Laboratory and Field Measurements” and “Chapter 25 - Leaching Requirement: Steady-State vs. Transient Models”) and co-author of one invitational chapter (“Chapter 12 - Leaching and Control of Root Zone Salinity”) in the ASCE Salinity Manual No. 71 Agricultural Salinity Assessment and Management (K.K. Tanji and W. Wallender ed.). 2012.
  58. Sole author of the invited book chapter “Use of Advanced Information Technologies for Water Conservation on Salt-Affected Soils” in GIS Applications in Agriculture (Mueller et al., eds.), 2012.
  59. Sole author of the invited book chapter “Site-Specific Management Units” in Precision Agriculture for Food Security and Environmental Protection (Oliver, ed.), 2012.
  60. Annual invitation to present short courses for NRCS-NECD: “Field-scale Assessment and Diagnosis of Soil Salinity” and “Effective Field Survey Techniques for Assessing Soil Salinity” short courses at the 2012, 2013, 2014 NRCS Salinity Management for Soil and Water Training (Las Cruces, NM on May 7-11, 2012; Phoenix, AZ on May 6-10, 2013; and Billings, MT on June 9-13, 2014, respectively).
  61. Invited by the Westside Resource Conservation District Board to present the technology transfer talk entitled “Regional-scale Salinity Assessment of the San Joaquin Valley” (Five Points, CA; Jan. 17, 2013).
  62. Presented the invited 1-day short course “Agricultural Geophysics: Methods Employed and Recent Applications – Characterization of Soil Spatial Variability in Agriculture Using Electromagnetic Induction and Soil Salinity Assessment using Geophysical Techniques” at the Environmental and Engineering Geophysics Society SAGEEP Conference (Denver, CO; 18-22 Mar. 2013).
  63. Presented two invited webinars entitled: (1) “Identification of San Joaquin Valley Agricultural Lands for HRJ Feedstock Production” for the Office of Naval Research annual Biofuel Project Meeting held in Temple, TX (Mar. 11, 2013) and (2) Agricultural Geophysics: Use of EM to Assess Field-scale Salinity and to Delineate Site-specific Management Units (Dec. 2013).
  64. Senior author of the invited paper “Delineating Site-Specific Irrigation Management Units for Managing Soil Salinity” for the 2014 ASA California Plant and Soils Conference (Fresno, CA; 4-5 Feb. 2014).
  65. Presented a requested technology transfer short course for NRCS field staff on Field-scale Salinity Assessment Using ECa-directed Soil Sampling (9-12 Apr. 2013; Riverside, CA) and University of California Cooperative Extension (11 Mar. 2014; Riverside, CA).
  66. Senior author of the invited paper “Combined Use of Remote Imagery and Apparent Soil Electrical Conductivity Directed Sampling to Map Water Content and Salinity at Field Scale and Larger Spatial Extents” for the II Brazilian Symposium on Salinity (Fortaleza, Brazil; April 13-16, 2014).
  67. Senior author of the invited introductory paper “Use of Electrical Conductivity Techniques to Map Soil Salinity” for the 2014 European Geosciences Union (EGU) Meeting (27 Apr-2 May, 2014; Vienna, Austria).
  68. Senior author of the invited paper “Mapping and Monitoring Salinity at Field and Regional Scales” for the 3rd International Salinity Forum (Riverside, CA; June 16-18, 2014).
  69. Presented a requested technology transfer short course for University of California Cooperative Extension Precision Ag Work Group (21-22 Aug. 2014; Riverside, CA) on Field-scale Soil Salinity Assessment for Site-specific Irrigation and Salinity Management.
  70. Sole author of the invited paper “Mapping and Monitoring Salinity” for the Western Nutrient Management Conference (Reno, NV; Mar. 5-6, 2015).
  71. Senior author of the invited paper “Spatio-temporal Impacts of Dairy Lagoon Water Reuse on Soil: Heavy Metals and Salinity” for the special collection of papers on Waste and Recycling in Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts (2015).
  72. Presented a requested 3-day technology transfer short course “Field-scale Salinity Assessment” to personnel from Helena Chemical Company, NRCS, and Imperial Irrigation District (Riverside, CA; June 16-18, 2015).
  73. Invited by Prof. Francesco Morari to present a research seminar to the Agronomy Department of the University of Padova, Italy (2016-declined due to schedule conflict).
  74. Sole author of the invited paper “Salinity Measurement: ECa-Directed Soil Sampling for Site-Specific Water and Salinity Management” at the UCANR Proven Solutions to Drought Stress Workshop (Modesto, CA; Jan. 12-13, 2016).
  75. Senior author of two invited papers for the online SSSA publication Methods of Soil Analysis: “Field-scale Apparent Soil Electrical Conductivity” (2016) and “Salinity: Electrical Conductivity and Total Dissolved Solids” (2017).
  76. Presented a requested 1-day technology transfer short course “Apparent Soil Electrical Conductivity Directed Sampling for Mapping Soils” to personnel from Farm Data Systems (John Williamson, 650-315-6949; Matt Angell; Chris Brittan) held in Riverside, CA (Feb. 5, 2016).
  77. Presented a requested 1-day technology transfer short course “ECa-directed Soil Sampling” to two PhD candidate students (Giuliano Galdi and Amninder Singh, CSU-Fresno) and one foreign graduate student (Ulysses Bottino Peres) held in Riverside, CA (Feb. 19, 2016).
  78. Presented a requested 1-day technology transfer short course “Soil Mapping at Field to Landscape Scale” to 6 scientists from Gallo Winery (contact: Dr. Luis Sanchez, EJ&J Gallo Winery, 209-613-3347, held in Riverside, CA (Mar. 14, 2016).
  79. Presented the invited talk entitled “Defining Site-specific Irrigation and Salinity Management Units Using Proximal Sensors” at the UC Precision Ag Workgroup meeting at UC-Davis, CA (Mar. 23, 2016).
  80. Senior author of the invited introductory talk entitled “Multiple-scale Proximal Sensor and Remote Imagery Technology for Sustaining Agricultural Productivity During Climate Change” in the Near Surface Geophysical Applications to Soil Processes, Dynamics, and Agriculture session at the 2016 AGU Fall Meeting (Dec. 12-16, 2016).
  81. Senior author of the invited paper “Evaluation of Oilseed Biofuel Production Feasibility in California’s San Joaquin Valley Using Geophysical and Remote Sensing Techniques” for the special collection of papers on Sensors in Agriculture in Sensors (2017).
  82. Senior author of the invited talk entitled “Monitoring the Impact of Climate Change on Soil Salinity in Agricultural Areas Using Ground and Satellite Sensors” in the Applications of Geospatial Data and Remote Sensing for Food Security II session at the 2017 American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting (New Orleans, LA; Dec. 11-15, 2017).
  83. Senior author of the invited talk entitled “Soil-Water Salinity Surveying and Mapping” by Corwin and Scudiero at the UC Cooperative Extension Pistachio Field Day and Pistachio ET and Irrigation Workshop (Organizer: Daniele Zaccaria; Lemoore, CA; May 30, 2018).
  84. Senior author of the invited talk entitled “Salt Affected Soils and Agricultural Production: Assessment and Management of Salinity” at the Workshop on The Future of Water for Irrigation in California and Israel (UC-Davis, CA; July 16-18, 2018) co-organized by the California Institute for Water Resources (UC-CIWR), the US/Israel Binational Agricultural Research and Development Program (BARD), and the Israel Agricultural Research Organization (ARO), Volcani Center.
  85. Senior author of the invited talk entitled “Evaluation of Oilseed Biofuel Production Feasibility in California’s San Joaquin Valley Using Geophysical and Remote Sensing Techniques” in the Agricultural Geophysics Session at the 2018 Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG) Conference (Anaheim, CA; Oct. 14-16, 2018).
  86. Senior author of the invited talk entitled “Mapping Leaching Fraction at Field Scale Using Geophysical Techniques” by Corwin at the UC Cooperative Extension Imperial Fall Desert Crops Workshop (Organizer: Aliasghar Montazar; Imperial, CA; Dec. 4, 2018).
  87. Senior author of the invited talk entitled “Monitoring Climate Change Impacts in Agricultural Areas with Proximal and Remote Sensors: Soil Salinity” in the Agricultural Geophysics Session at the 2018 American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting (Washington, D.C.; Dec. 10-14, 2018).
  88. Senior author of the invited review paper entitled “Review of Soil Salinity Assessment for Agriculture Across Multiple Scales Using Proximal and/or Remote Sensors” in the #1 ranked soil science and agronomy journal Advances in Agronomy (2019).
  89. Author of the invited keynote presentation entitled “Monitoring Climate Change Impacts on Soil Salinity Across Multiple Scales Using Proximal and Remote Sensors” for the International Conference on Salt-Affected Soils (Weifang, Shandong Province, China; 6-8 September 2022) sponsored by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs (P. R. China) and United Nations FAO.
  90. Sole author of the invited technology transfer presentation entitled “Mapping and Management of Soil Salinity at Field-scale Using Geophysical Techniques” for the Avocado Irrigation Workshop (Escondido, CA; 28 September 2022).
  91. Sole author of the invited paper entitled “Dealing with the Impact of Climate Change-Induced Drought on the Management of Soil Salinity Under Irrigated Agriculture” in the #1 ranked soil science and agronomy journal Advances in Agronomy, 2023.
  92. Invited by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization’s International Network of Salt-Affected Soils to present and record 3 webinars: (1) Apparent Soil Electrical Conductivity (ECa) Directed Soil Sampling for Mapping Salinity and Sodicity at Field Scale, (2) Site-Specific Micro-Irrigation Management on Water-Scarce Salt-Affected Soils, and (3) Leaching Requirement: Steady-State vs Transient Models. (2023).


  1. Peck, D. E., D. L. Corwin and W. J. Farmer. Adsorption-desorption of diuron by freshwater sediments.  Journal of Environmental Quality, 9(1):101-106. 1980.
  2. Rhoades, J. D. and D. L. Corwin. Determining soil electrical conductivity - depth relations using an inductive electromagnetic soil conductivity meter.  Soil Science Society of America.  45(2):255-260. 1981.
  3. Rhoades, J. D., D. L. Corwin and G. J. Hoffman. Scheduling and controlling irrigations from measurements of soil electrical conductivity.  ASAE, Irrigation Scheduling Conference, Chicago, IL.  p. 106-115. 1981. (Proceedings).
  4. Corwin, D. L. and J. D. Rhoades. An improved technique for determining soil electrical conductivity - depth relations from above-ground electromagnetic   Soil Science Society of America Journal.  46(3):517-520. 1982.
  5. Corwin, D. L. and J. D. Rhoades. Measurement of inverted electrical conductivity profiles using electromagnetic induction.  Soil Science Society of America  48(2):288-291.  1983.
  6. Corwin, D. L. A study of the physicochemical dynamics of pesticide-sediment-water interactions using one-dimensional numerical diffusion models.  University of California-Riverside, 167 pp. 1984.  (Ph.D. Dissertation).
  7. Corwin, D. L. and W. J. Farmer. Nonsingle-valued adsorption-desorption of bromacil and diquat by freshwater sediments.  Environmental Science and Technology.  18(6):507-518. 
  8. Rhoades, J. D. and D. L. Corwin. Monitoring soil salinity.  Journal of Soil and Water Conservation.  39(3):172-175. 1984.
  9. Corwin, D. L. and W. J. Farmer. An assessment of the significant physicochemical interactions involved in pesticide diffusion within a pesticide-sediment-water system.  Chemosphere 13(12):1295-1317. 1984.
  10. Corwin, D. L. and W. J. Farmer. A mathematical model of diffusion under saturated conditions to assess the pollution potential of herbicides to aquatic systems.    53(3):1-35. 1984.
  11. Corwin, D. L. A one-dimensional model of chemical diffusion and sorption in saturated soil and aquatic systems.  Journal of Environmental Quality.  15(2):173-182. 1986.
  12. Corwin, D. L., J. W. Werle and J. D. Rhoades. The use of computer assisted mapping techniques to delineate potential areas of salinity development in soils:   A conceptual introduction.  Hilgardia.  56(2):1-17. 1988.
  1. Corwin, D. L. and J. D. Rhoades. The use of computer assisted mapping techniques to delineate potential areas of salinity development in soils: II.  Field verification of the threshold model approach.  Hilgardia.  56(2):18-32. 1988.
  2. Rhoades, J. D., D. L. Corwin and P. J. Shouse. Use of instrumental and computer assisted techniques to assess soil salinity.  In: Symposium Proceedings of Int'l Symposium on Solonetz Soils, Osijek, Yugoslavia. 1988.
  3. Corwin, D. L. Delineating areas of salinity development on irrigated agricultural land using ARC/INFO.  In:  Proceedings of the Ninth Annual ESRI User's Conference (Palm Springs, CA; May 22-26, 1989), ESRI, Redlands, CA. 1989.
  4. Corwin, D. L., M. Sorensen and J. D. Rhoades. Field testing of models which identify soils susceptible to salinity development.  Geoderma.  45:31-64. 1989.
  5. Rhoades, J. D. and D. L. Corwin. Soil electrical conductivity:  Effects of soil properties and application to soil salinity appraisal.  Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis.  21(11 & 12):837-860. 1990.
  6. Corwin, D. L. and J. D. Rhoades. Establishing soil electrical conductivity - depth relations from electromagnetic induction measurements.  Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis.  21(11 & 12):861-901. 1990.
  7. Corwin, D. L. and B. L. Waggoner. TETrans:  Solute transport modeling software user's guide (Macintosh version 1.6).  U. S. Salinity Laboratory publication.  Research Report No. 121.  92 pp. 1990. (Research Report).
  8. Corwin, D. L. and B. L. Waggoner. TETrans:  Solute transport modeling software user's guide (IBM-compatible version 1.5).  U. S. Salinity Laboratory publication.  Research Report No. 123. 120 pp. 1990.  (Research Report).
  9. Corwin, D. L. A user-friendly, functional model of contaminant transport through the vadose zone.  In:  1990 International Winter Meeting of the American Society of Agricultural Engineers (Chicago, IL; December 18-21, 1990), ASAE Paper No.902547, American Society of Agricultural Engineers, St. Joseph, MI. 1990.
  10. Corwin, D. L. and B. L. Waggoner. TETrans:  A user-friendly, functional model of solute transport.  Journal of Water Science and Technology.  24(6):57-65. 1991.
  11. Corwin, D. L., B. L. Waggoner and J. D. Rhoades. A functional model of solute transport which accounts for bypass.  Journal of Environmental Quality.  20(3):647-658. 1991.
  12. Rhoades, J. D., D. L. Corwin and S. M. Lesch. Effect of soil ECa - depth profile pattern on electromagnetic induction measurements.  U. S. Salinity Laboratory publication.  Research Report No. 125.  108 pp. 1991.
  13. Lund, L. J., J. D. Rhoades, and D. L. Corwin. Development of remote sensing techniques to identify salt-affected areas and sources of salt loading.  1990-91 Technical Report, U.C. Salinity/Drainage Task Force (October, 1991).  p. 27-49. 1991. (Technical Report).
  14. Corwin, D. L. Spatial and temporal estimates of hydraulic bypass in soil using chloride distributions.  In: Gish, T. J., and A. Shirmohammadi (eds.)  Proceedings of the National ASAE Symposium on Preferential Flow (Chicago, IL; Dec. 16-17, 1991), American Society of Agricultural Engineers, St. Joseph, MI.  p. 202-213. 1991.
  15. Corwin, D. L. A user‑friendly, contaminant transport software package for the preliminary assessment of soil and groundwater contamination: An overview of TETrans. p. 65‑80. In: Hoddinott, K. B., and Knowles, G. D. (eds.) Superfund Risk Assessment in Soil Contamination Studies. ASTM, Philadelphia, PA. 1992.
  16. Corwin, D. L., B. L. Waggoner, and J. D. Rhoades. Simulating the movement of a reactive solute through a soil column using a functional solute transport model. Journal of Environmental Science & Health: Part A, Environmental Science and Engineering. A27(7):1875‑1914. 1992
  17. Lesch, S. M., J. D. Rhoades, and D. L. Corwin. Mapping soil salinity using calibrated electromagnetic measurements. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 56(2):540‑548. 1992.
  18. Corwin, D. L., M. Sorensen, and J. D. Rhoades. Using GIS to map salinity development on irrigated, agricultural soils. In: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Geographic Information Systems. The Canadian Conference on GIS, Ottawa, Canada, 23‑26 March 1992. 1992.
  19. Corwin, Dennis L., Mark Sorenson and James D. Rhoades. Using GIS to locate salinity on irrigated soils.  In:  Proceedings of the ASCE 8th Conference on Computing in Civil Engineering, Symposium on Geographic Information Analysis (Dallas, TX; June 7-9, 1992).  p. 468-475. 1992.
  20. Corwin, D. L. Use of the TETrans model in predicting ET effects on groundwater quality. p. 152‑157. In: Irrigation & Drainage Session Proceedings Water Forum `92. 1992 ASCE National Conference on Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, Baltimore, MD, 3‑5 Aug. 1992. 1992.
  21. Corwin, D. L. Chapter 16 ‑ A contaminant transport software package for the preliminary assessment of soil contamination and solute loading to the groundwater. p. 237‑250. In: Kostecki, P., and Calabrese, E. (eds.) Hydrocarbon Contaminated Soils and Groundwater (Vol. 3). Lewis Publishers, Ann Arbor, MI. 1993.
  22. Corwin, D. L., P. J. Vaughan, H. Wang, J. D. Rhoades, and D. G. Cone. Coupling a solute transport model to a GIS to predict solute loading to the groundwater for a non‑point source pollutant. p. 485‑492. In: Proceedings of the ASAE Application of Advanced Information Technologies: Effective Management of Natural Resources. Spokane, WA, 18‑19 June 1993. 1993.
  23. Vaughan, P. J., D. L. Corwin and H. Wang. Coupling a chemical transport model to a GIS database for assessment of non-point source pollution in irrigated agricultural areas.  In:  Proceedings of the Thirteenth Annual ESRI User's Conference, Vol. 3 (Palm Springs, CA; May 24-28, 1993), ESRI, Redlands, CA.  p.127-138. 1993.
  24. Corwin, D, L., P. J. Vaughan, H. Wang, J. D. Rhoades, and D. G. Cone. Predicting areal distributions of salt‑loading to the groundwater. In: 1994 International Winter Meeting of the American Society of Agricultural Engineers. American Society of Agricultural Engineers, St. Joseph, MI. Paper No. 932566. 1993.
  25. Corwin, D. L., and R. D. LeMert. Construction and evaluation of an inexpensive weighing lysimeter for studying contaminant transport. J. of Contaminant Hydrology. 15(1&2):107‑1213. 1994.
  26. Vaughan, P. J., S. M. Lesch, and D. L. Corwin. Interfacing the GSLIB geostatistics package with GRID: Applied to a soil salinity survey. In: Proceedings of the Fourteenth Annual ESRI User's Conference (Palm Springs, CA; May 23-27, 1994), ESRI, Redlands, CA. 1994.
  27. Corwin, D. L., J. D. Rhoades, and P. J. Vaughan. Predicting the areal distribution of a nonpoint‑source pollutant at a regional scale. In: 1994 International Winter Meeting of the American Society of Agricultural Engineers. American Society of Agricultural Engineers, St. Joseph, MI. Paper No. 942568. 1994.
  28. Lesch, S. M., J. D. Rhoades, and D. L. Corwin. Statistical modeling and prediction methodologies for large scale spatial soil salinity characterization: A case study using calibrated electromagnetic measurements within the Broadview Water District. Research Report No. 131, U. S. Salinity Laboratory, Riverside, California.  44 p. 1994.  (Research Report).
  29. Corwin, D.L. Sensitivity analysis of a simple layer-equilibrium model for the one-dimensional leaching of solutes.  Journal of Environmental Science and Health. A30(1):201-238.  1995.
  30. Vaughan, P.J. and D.L. Corwin. A method of modeling vertical fluid flow and solute transport in a GIS context.  Geoderma.  64(1-2):139-154. 1995.
  31. Corwin, D.L., J.D. Rhoades, P.J. Vaughan, and S.M. Lesch. Salt-loading assessment methodology for managing soil salinity. In: Proceedings of the USDA      Clean Water - Clean Environment - 21st Century Conference (Kansas City, MO; Mar. 5-8, 1995), Vol. II: Nutrients.  p. 35-38. 1995. (Proceedings).
  32. Corwin, D.L., P.J. Vaughan, J.D. Rhoades, and D.G. Cone. Basin-scale assessment of a non-point source pollutant in the vadose zone.  In: Workshop on Computer Applications in Water Management (Ft. Collins, CO; May 23-25, 1995). p. 66-69. 1995. (Proceedings).
  33. Vaughan, P.J., S.M. Lesch, D.L. Corwin, and D.G. Cone. Water content effect on soil salinity prediction: A geostatistical study using cokriging.  Soil Science Society    of America Journal. 59:1146-1156. 1995.
  34. Vaughan, P.J., J. Simunek, D.L. Suarez, D.L. Corwin and J.D. Rhoades. Interfacing the Unsatchem model for water flow and multicomponent solute transport to a GIS for field-scale applications. In: Applications of GIS to the Modeling on Non-Point Source Pollutants in the Vadose Zone.  ASA-CSSA-SSSA Bouyoucos Conference (Mission Inn, Riverside, CA, May 1-3, 1995), U.S. Salinity Laboratory, Riverside, CA.  p. 371-378. 1995. (Proceedings).
  35. Corwin, D.L., J.D. Rhoades, P.J. Vaughan, and S.M. Lesch. An integrated methodology for assessing soil salinity and salt-loading to the groundwater at a regional scale.  In: Applications of GIS to the Modeling on Non-Point Source Pollutants in the Vadose Zone.  ASA-CSSA-SSSA Bouyoucos Conference (Mission Inn, Riverside, CA, May 1-3, 1995), U.S. Salinity Laboratory, Riverside, CA.  p. 356-370. 1995. (Proceedings).
  36. Corwin, D.L., and R.J. Wagenet. Applications of GIS to the modeling of non-point source pollutants in the vadose zone.  Journal of Environmental Quality.  25(3):403-411.  1996.
  37. Corwin, D.L., J.D. Rhoades, and P.J. Vaughan. GIS applications to the basin-scale assessment of soil salinity and salt-loading to the groundwater.  In: Corwin, D.L., and Loague, K. (eds.) Applications of GIS to the Modeling on Non-Point Source Pollutants in the Vadose Zone.  SSSA Special Publication No. 48, Soil Science Society of America, Madison, WI.  p. 295-313. 1996. (Peer-reviewed Book Chapter).
  38. Corwin, D.L. GIS applications of deterministic solute transport models for regional-scale assessment of non-point source pollutants in the vadose zone.  In: Corwin, D. L., and Loague, K. (eds.) Applications of GIS to the Modeling on Non-Point Source Pollutants in the Vadose Zone.  SSSA Special Publication No. 48, Soil Science Society of America, Madison, WI.  p. 69-100. 1996. (Peer-reviewed Book Chapter).
  39. Loague, K.M., and D.L. Corwin. Uncertainty in regional-scale assessments of non-point source pollutants.  In: Corwin, D.L., and Loague, K. (eds.) Applications of GIS to the Modeling on Non-Point Source Pollutants in the Vadose Zone.  SSSA Special Publication No. 48, Soil Science Society of America, Madison, WI.  p. 131-152. 1996. (Peer-reviewed Book Chapter).
  40. Corwin, D.L., and K.M. Loague. Preface: Applications of GIS to the modeling of non-point source pollutants in the vadose zone.   In: Corwin, D. L., and Loague, K. (eds.) Applications of GIS to the Modeling on Non-Point Source Pollutants in the Vadose Zone.  SSSA Special Publication No. 48, Soil Science Society of America, Madison, WI.  p. ix-xiv. 1996. (Peer-reviewed Preface).
  41. Vaughan, P.J., J. Simunek, D.L. Suarez, D.L. Corwin and J.D. Rhoades. Unsatchemgeo: Modeling water flow and multicomponent solute transport in a GIS context.   In: Corwin, D.L., and Loague, K. (eds.) Applications of GIS to the Modeling on Non-Point Source Pollutants in the Vadose Zone.  SSSA Special Publication No. 48, Soil Science Society of America, Madison, WI.  p. 235-246. 1996. (Peer-reviewed Book Chapter).
  42. Bourgault, G., A.G. Journel, S.M. Lesch, J.D. Rhoades and D.L. Corwin. Geostatistical analysis of a soil salinity data set.  Advances in Agronomy.  58:241-292. 1997.
  43. Corwin, D.L., P.J. Vaughan, and K. Loague. Modeling nonpoint source pollutants in the vadose zone with GIS.  Environmental Science & Technology.  31(8):2157-2175. 1997.
  44. Vaughan, P.J., D.L. Suarez, J. Simunek, D.L. Corwin, and J.D. Rhoades. Unsatchemgeo Geographic Information System Software for Simulating One-        dimensional Water Flow, Heat Transport, Carbon Dioxide Production and Transport, and Multicomponent Solute Transport in a Geographic Area.  Research Report No. 142, USDA-ARS, U.S. Salinity Laboratory, Riverside, CA. 1997. (Research Report).
  45. Loague, K., and D.L. Corwin. Regional-scale assessment of non-point source groundwater contamination.  Hydrological Processes.  12:957-965. 1998.
  46. Corwin, D.L., K. Loague, and T.R. Ellsworth. GIS-based modeling of nonpoint source pollutants in the vadose zone. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation.  53(1):34-38. 1998.
  47. Loague, K., D.L. Corwin, and T.R. Ellsworth. The challenge of predicting nonpoint source pollution.  Environmental Science & Technology.  32(5):130A-133A. 1998.
  48. Corwin, D.L., K. Loague, and T.R. Ellsworth. Assessing nonpoint source pollution in the vadose zone. Eos, Transactions, AGU 79(18):219-220. 1998.
  49. Corwin, D.L., J. Letey, and M.L.K. Carrillo. Modeling non-point source pollutants in the vadose zone: Back to the basics. In: Corwin, D.L., Loague, K., and Ellsworth, T.R. (eds.) Assessment of Non-Point Source Pollution in the Vadose Zone, Geophysical Monograph 108, American Geophysical Union, Washington, D.C.  p. 323-342. 1999. (Peer-reviewed Book Chapter).
  50. Corwin, D.L., K. Loague, and T.R. Ellsworth. Introduction: Assessing nonpoint source pollution in the vadose zone with advanced information technologies.  In: Corwin, D.L., Loague, K., and Ellsworth, T.R. (eds.) Assessment of Non-Point Source Pollution in the Vadose Zone, Geophysical Monograph 108, American Geophysical Union, Washington, D.C.  p. 1-20. 1999. (Peer-reviewed Book Chapter).
  51. Loague, K., D.L. Corwin, and T.R. Ellsworth. Are advanced information technologies the solution to NPS pollutant problems?  In: Corwin, D.L., Loague, K., and Ellsworth, T.R. (eds.) Assessment of Non-Point Source Pollution in the Vadose Zone, Geophysical Monograph 108, American Geophysical Union, Washington, D.C.  p. 363-369. 1999. (Peer-reviewed Book Chapter).
  52. Mayer, S., T.R. Ellsworth, D.L. Corwin, and K. Loague. Identifying effective parameters for solute transport models in heterogeneous environments.  In: Corwin, D.L., Loague, K., and Ellsworth, T.R. (eds.) Assessment of Non-Point Source Pollution in the Vadose Zone, Geophysical Monograph 108, American Geophysical Union, Washington, D.C.  p. 119-133.  1999. (Peer-reviewed Book Chapter).
  53. King, J.L., and D.L. Corwin. Science, information technology, and the changing character of public policy in non-point source pollution.  In: Corwin, D.L., Loague, K., and Ellsworth, T.R. (eds.) Assessment of Non-Point Source Pollution in the Vadose Zone, Geophysical Monograph 108, American Geophysical Union, Washington, D.C.  p. 309-322. 1999. (Peer-reviewed Book Chapter).
  54. Rhoades, J.D., D.L. Corwin, and S.M. Lesch. Geospatial measurements of soil electrical conductivity to determine soil salinity and diffuse salt loading from irrigation.  In: Corwin, D.L., Loague, K., and Ellsworth, T.R. (eds.) Assessment of Non-Point Source Pollution in the Vadose Zone, Geophysical Monograph 108, American Geophysical Union, Washington, D.C.  p. 197-215. 1999. (Peer-reviewed Book Chapter).
  55. Corwin, D.L., K. Loague, and T.R. Ellsworth. Advanced information technologies for assessing nonpoint source pollution in the vadose zone.  Journal of Environmental Quality.  28(2): 357-365. 1999.
  56. Corwin, D.L., M.L.K. Carrillo, P.J. Vaughan, D.G. Cone, and J.D. Rhoades. Evaluation of a GIS-linked model of salt loading to groundwater.  Journal of Environmental Quality.  28(2):471-480. 1999.
  57. Vaughan, P.J., D.L. Suarez, J. Simunek, D.L. Corwin, and J.D. Rhoades. Role of groundwater flow in tile drain discharge.  Journal of Environmental Quality.  28(2):403-410.  1999.
  58. Corwin, D.L., A. David, and S. Goldberg. Mobility of arsenic in soil from the Rocky Mountain Arsenal area.  Journal of Contaminant Hydrology.  39:35-58. 1999.
  59. Corwin, D.L., S. Goldberg, and A. David. Evaluation of a functional model for simulating boron transport in soil. Soil Science.  164(10):697-717. 1999.
  60. Corwin, D.L. Evaluation of a simple lysimeter-design modification to minimize sidewall flow.  Journal of Contaminant Hydrology.  39:35-58. 2000.
  61. Kaffka, S., D.L. Corwin, S.M. Lesch, and G. Fitzgerald. Field-scale soil electrical conductivity characteristics and sugarbeet emergence, growth and yield. In:  Proceedings 2000 California Plant and Soil Conference:  Farming in Crisis - Sustaining Agriculture in California (Stockton, CA; Jan. 19-20, 2000).  p. 17-29. 2000. (Proceedings).
  62. Corwin., D.L. Assessment of salinity in irrigated agricultural soils.  In: Proceedings 2000 California Plant and Soil Conference: Farming in Crisis - Sustaining Agriculture in California (Stockton, CA; Jan. 19-20, 2000).  p.12-16. 2000. (Proceedings).
  63. Loague, K., and D.L. Corwin. Regional-scale assessment of non-point source groundwater contamination.  In:  Gurnell, A.M., and Montgomery, D.R. (eds.) Hydrological Applications of GIS.  John Wiley and Sons, Chichester, UK.   p. 137-145. 2000. (Peer-reviewed Book Chapter).
  64. Lesch, S.M., J.D. Rhoades, and D.L. Corwin. ESAP-95 Version 2.01R - User Manual and Tutorial Guide.  U. S. Salinity Laboratory publication.  Research Report No. 146. 161 pp. 2000. (Research Report).
  65. Kaffka, S.R., D.L. Corwin, and S.M. Lesch. Sugarbeet response to variable soil texture and salinity. In: Proc. 31st Biennial American Society of Sugarbeet Technologist. American Society of Sugarbeet Technologist, Vancouver B.C. p. 92-95. 2001. (Proceedings).
  66. Kaffka, S.R., D.L. Corwin, and S.M. Lesch. Sugarbeet yield and quality variation at field scale in response to soil salinity and correlated soil properties in California. In: 65th Congress of the International Sugarbeet Research Institute (Brussels, Belgium; Feb. 2002). p. 159-170. 2002. (Proceedings).
  67. Hendrickx, J. M. H., B. Borchers, D. L. Corwin, S. M. Lesch, A. C. Hilgendorf, and J. Schlue. Inversion of soil conductivity profiles from electromagnetic induction measurements: Theory and experimental verification.  Soil Science Society of America Journal.  66:673-685.  2002.
  68. Kaffka, S.R., J.D. Oster, and D.L. Corwin. Using forages and livestock to manage drainage water in the San Joaquin Valley. In: Proc. of the World Congress of Soil Science (Bangkok, Thailand; Aug. 14-21, 2002), Symp. 34, no. 2059. p. 1-12. 2002. (Proceedings).
  69. Corwin, D.L. Chapter 6.1.3: Miscible solute transport - Solute content and concentration - Measurement of solute concentration using soil water extraction - Suction cups, porous matrix sensors & electrical resistivity: Wenner array, and electrical resistivity: Four-electrode probe.  In: Dane, J.H., and Topp, G.C. (eds.) Methods of Soil Analysis.  Part 4.  Physical Methods.  SSSA Book Series No. 5.  Soil Science Society of America, Madison, WI.  p. 1253-1322. 2002. (Peer-reviewed Book Chapter).
  70. Corwin, D.L., S.R. Kaffka, J.D. Oster, J. Hopmans, Y. Mori, J.W. van Groenigen, C. van Kessel, and S.M. Lesch. Assessment and field-scale mapping of soil quality of a saline-sodic soil. Geoderma.  114(3-4):231-259. 2003.
  71. Corwin, D.L. Soil salinity measurement.  In: Stewart, B.A., and Howell, T. (eds.) Encyclopedia of Water Science.  Marcel Dekker, New York, NY.  p. 852-857. 2003. (Peer-reviewed Encyclopedia Article).
  72. Lark, R.M., S.R. Kaffka, and D.L. Corwin. Multiresolution analysis of data on electrical conductivity of soil using wavelets.  J. of Hydrology.  272:276-290. 2003. 
  73. Barnes, E.M., K.A. Sudduth, J.W. Hummel, S.M. Lesch, D.L. Corwin, C. Yang, C.S. T. Daughtry, and W.C. Bausch. Remote- and ground-based sensor techniques to map soil properties.  Journal of Photogrammetry & Remote Sensing.  69(6):619-630. 2003.
  74. Corwin, D.L., S.M. Lesch, P.J. Shouse, R. Soppe, J.A. Jobes, J. Fargerlund, and J.E. Ayars. Identifying soil properties that influence cotton yield using soil sampling directed by apparent soil electrical conductivity.  Agronomy Journal.  95(2):352-364. 2003.
  75. Lesch, S.M., and D.L. Corwin. Using the Dual Pathway Parallel Conductance model to determine how different soil properties influence conductivity survey data.  Agronomy Journal.  95(2):365-379. 2003.
  76. Corwin, D.L., and S.M. Lesch. Application of soil electrical conductivity to precision agriculture: Theory, principles and guidelines.  Agronomy Journal.  95(3):455-471. 2003.
  77. Corwin, D.L., S.M. Lesch, P.J. Shouse, R. Soppe, and J.E. Ayars. Characterizing soil spatial variability for precision agriculture using geophysical measurements.  In: Proc. of the 2004 Symposium on the Application of Geophysics to Engineering and Environmental Problems (SAGEEP; Colorado Springs, CO; Feb. 22-26, 2004).  CD-ROM. 2004. (Proceedings).
  78. Corwin, D.L.,and K. Loague. Multidisciplinary approach for assessing subsurface non-point source pollution.  In: Alvarez-Benedi, J., and Munoz-Carpena, R. (eds.) Soil - Water - Solute Process Characterization:  An Integrated Approach.  CRC-Press, Boca Raton, FL.  p. 1-58.  2005. (Peer-reviewed Book Chapter).
  79. Corwin, D.L. Geospatial measurements of apparent soil electrical conductivity for characterizing soil spatial variability.  In: Alvarez-Benedi, J., and Munoz-Carpena, R. (eds.) Soil - Water - Solute Process Characterization:  An Integrated Approach.  CRC-Press, Boca Raton, FL.  p. 639-672. 2005. (Peer-reviewed Book Chapter).
  80. Loague, K., and D.L. Corwin. Point and non-point source pollution. In: Anderson, M.G. (ed.) Encyclopedia of Hydrological Sciences.  John Wiley & Sons, New York, NY. 1427-1439.  2005.
  81. Corwin, D.L., and S.M. Lesch. Apparent soil electrical conductivity measurements in agriculture.  Computers and Electronics in Agriculture.  46(1-3):11-44. 2005.
  82. Corwin, D.L., and S.M. Lesch. Characterizing soil spatial variability with apparent soil electrical conductivity: I. Survey protocols.  Computers and Electronics in Agriculture.  46(1-3):103-134. 2005.
  83. Corwin, D.L., and S.M. Lesch. Characterizing soil spatial variability with apparent soil electrical conductivity: II. Case study.  Computers and Electronics in Agriculture.  46(1-3):135-152. 2005.
  84. Kaffka, S.R., S.M. Lesch, K.M. Bali, and D.L. Corwin. Site-specific management in salt-affected sugar beet fields using electromagnetic induction.  Computers and Electronics in Agriculture.  46(1-3):329-350. 2005.
  85. Lesch, S.M., D.L. Corwin, and D.A. Robinson. Apparent soil electrical conductivity mapping as an agricultural management tool for arid zone soils.  Computers and Electronics in Agriculture.  46(1-3):351-378. 2005.
  86. Johnson, C.K., K.M. Eskridge, and D.L. Corwin. Apparent soil electrical conductivity: Applications for designing and evaluating field-scale experiments.  Computers and Electronics in Agriculture.  46(1-3):181-202. 2005.
  87. Corwin, D.L., and R.E. Plant. Applications of ECa measurements in precision agriculture.  Computers and Electronics in Agriculture.  46(1-3):1-10. 2005.
  88. Corwin, D.L. Mapping, monitoring, and assessment of salinity using apparent soil electrical conductivity. In: Donald Suarez et al. (eds.) Proceedings of the International Salinity Forum, Managing Saline Soils and Water: Science, Technology, and Soil Issues (Riverside, CA; April 25-27, 2005).  p. 125-128. 2005. (Proceedings).
  89. Corwin, D.L., and S.M. Lesch. Delineating site-specific management units on an irrigated, arid-zone soil. In: Donald Suarez et al. (eds.) Proceedings of the International Salinity Forum, Managing Saline Soils and Water: Science, Technology, and Soil Issues (Riverside, CA; April 25-27, 2005).  p. 39-42. 2005. (Proceedings).
  90. Kaffka, S.R., J.D. Oster, M. Hoque, and D.L. Corwin. Forage yield, quality and livestock production using saline drainage water in the San Joaquin Valley. In: Donald Suarez et al. (eds.) Proceedings of the International Salinity Forum, Managing Saline Soils and Water: Science, Technology, and Soil Issues (Riverside, CA; April 25-27, 2005).  p. 269-272. 2005. (Proceedings).
  91. Corwin, D.L. Salinity assessment at field- and landscape-scales using ECa sensing data. In: Proceedings of the IMTA Workshop on Remote Sensing Technologies.  Taller de Análisis de Tecnologías para la Identificación de Suelos Ensalitrados, Mediante Percepción Remota.  Instituo Mexicano de Tecnologia del Agua.  (Jiutepec, Morelos, Mexico; 17-19 Nov. 2004).  p. 11-20. 2005. (Proceedings).
  92. Goldberg, S., D.L. Corwin, P.J. Shouse, and D.L. Suarez. Prediction of boron adsorption by field samples of diverse textures. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 69(5):1379‑1388. 2005.
  93. Lesch, S.M., and D.L. Corwin. Field surveying techniques / assessment and diagnosis of salinity problems. NRCS-USDA Book Publication, Conservation Program Book No. 2.  National Employment Development Center, Washington, D.C. 2005.  pp. 1-41.  (Technology transfer publication).
  94. Corwin, D.L. Delineating site-specific crop management units: Precision agriculture application in GIS. Proceedings of the 2005 ESRI International User’s Conference (San Diego, CA; 25-29 July 2005). CD-ROM 2005.  (Proceedings).
  95. Corwin, D.L. Soil salinity. In: Lehr, J.H. and Keeley, J. (eds.) Water Encyclopedia: Surface and Agricultural Water.  John Wiley & Sons, Inc, New York, NY.  p. 673-677. 2005.
  96. Corwin, D.L., and S.M. Lesch. Characterizing soil spatial variability. In: Lehr, J.H. and Keeley, J.(eds.) Water Encyclopedia: Ground Water.  John Wiley & Sons, Inc, New York, NY.  p. 465-471. 2005.
  97. Corwin, D.L., and K. Loague. Modeling Non-point Source Pollutants in the Vadose Zone Using GIS. In: Lehr, J.H. (ed.) The Encyclopedia of Water (Volume 5).  John Wiley & Sons, Inc, New York, NY.  p. 299-305. 2005.
  98. Loague, K., and D.L. Corwin. Groundwater vulnerability to pesticides: An overview of approaches and methods of evaluation. In: Lehr, J.H. (ed.) The Encyclopedia of Water (Volume 5).  John Wiley & Sons, Inc, New York, NY.  p. 594-599. 2005.
  99. Lesch, S.M., D.L. Corwin, D.L. Suarez, and A. Chakravartty. Spatial/temporal analysis of the 1999-2004 South Gila depth to water table and 1995-2002 groundwater discharge data. U.S. Salinity Laboratory Publication. USDA-ARS, U.S. Salinity Laboratory, Riverside, CA, pp. 1-127. 2005.
  100. Corwin, D.L., S.M. Lesch, J.D. Oster, and S.R. Kaffka. Monitoring management-induced spatio-temporal changes in soil quality with soil sampling directed by apparent soil electrical conductivity. Geoderma.  131:369-387. 2006.
  101. Corwin, D.L., J.W. Hopmans, and G. de Rooij. From field- to landscape-scale vadose zone processes: Scale issues, modeling, and monitoring. Vadose Zone Journal.  5:129-139. 2006.
  102. Lesch, S.M., C.A. Sanchez, D.L. Corwin, and D.L. Suarez. Statistical assessment of the relationship between marketable lettuce yield, soil salinity, and the depth to water table across the South Gila and Yuma CWUA water districts. Bureau of Reclamation Technical Report IA Number 03-AA-34-0001. 2006. (Technology transfer publication).
  103. Loague, K., and D.L. Corwin. Scale issues. p. 25.1–25.21. In: Delleur, J., and Cushman, J., (eds.) Groundwater Engineering Handbook.  CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL. 2006. (Peer-reviewed Book Chapter).
  104. Corwin, D.L., J.D. Rhoades, and J. Simunek. Leaching requirement for soil salinity control: Steady-state vs. transient-state models. Agric. Water Manage. 90(2):165-180. 2007.
  105. Sanden, B.L., L. Ferguson, C. Kallsen, D. Corwin. Large-scale utilization of saline groundwater for development and irrigation of pistachios (P. integerrima) interplanted with cotton (G. barbadense). Proceedings of the Vth International Symposium on Irrigation of Horticultural Crops, Eds:  I. Goodwin and M.G. O’Connel, Acta Horticulturae, ISHS 792:551-558. 2007.
  106. Corwin, D.L. Agricultural geophysics - Past, present, and future. p. 17-44.  In: Allred, B., Daniels, J., and Ehsani, R. (eds.) Handbook of Agricultural Geophysics.  CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL. 2008.  (Peer-reviewed Book Chapter).
  107. Corwin, D.L., and H. Farahani. Theoretical considerations of geophysical methods: Apparent soil electrical conductivity. p. 59-83. In: Allred, B., Daniels, J., and Ehsani, R. (eds.) Handbook of Agricultural Geophysics. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL. 2008.  (Peer-reviewed Book Chapter).
  108. Corwin, D.L., S.M. Lesch, P.J. Shouse, R. Soppe, and J.E. Ayars. Delineating site-specific management units geospatial ECa measurements. p. 242-248. In: Allred, B., Daniels, J., and Ehsani, R. (eds.) Handbook of Agricultural Geophysics. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL. 2008.  (Peer-reviewed Book Chapter).
  109. Corwin, D.L., S.M. Lesch, J.D. Oster, and S. R Kaffka.. Short-term sustainability of drainage water reuse: Spatio-temporal impacts on soil chemical properties. J. Environ. Qual. 37:S-8–S-24. 2008
  110. Segal, E., S.A. Bradford, P.J. Shouse, N. Lazarovitch, and D.L. Corwin. 2008. Integration of hard and soft data to characterize field-scale hydraulic properties for flow and transport studies.  Vadose Zone Journal. 7(3):878-889. 2008.
  111. Lesch, S. M., and D. L. Corwin. Prediction of spatial soil property information from ancillary sensor data using ordinary linear regression models: Model derivations, residual assumptions, and model validation tests. Geoderma 148:130-140. 2008.
  112. Corwin, D. L., and S. A. Bradford. Environmental impacts and sustainability of degraded water reuse. J. Environ. Qual. 37:S-1–S-7. 2008.
  113. Corwin, D.L., and S.M. Lesch. Application of geo-referenced geophysical measurements to precision agriculture. Environmental & Engineering Geophysical Society FastTIMES 13(2):29-37. 2008. (Technical Magazine Article).
  114. Segal, E., P.J. Shouse, S.A. Bradford, T.H. Skaggs, and D.L. Corwin. Measuring particle size distribution using laser diffraction technique: Effect on hydraulic properties prediction. Soil Sci. 174(12):639-645. 2010.
  115. Lobell, D. B., S. M. Lesch, D. L. Corwin, M. Ulmer, K. Anderson, D. Potts, J. Doolittle, M. Matos, and M. Baltes. Regional-scale assessment of soil salinity in the Red River Valley using multi-year MODIS EVI. J. Environ. Qual. 39(1):35-41.  2010.
  116. Corwin, D. L., S. M. Lesch, E. Segal, P. J. Shouse, T. H. Skaggs, and S. A. Bradford. Comparison of model- and design-based sampling strategies for characterizing spatial variability with ECa-directed soil sampling. J. Environ. Eng. Geophysics 15(3):147-162. 2010.
  117. Allred, B., J. Butnor, D. L. Corwin, R. Eigenberg, H. Farahani, K.H. Johnsen, S. Lambot, D. McInnis, E. Pettinelli, L. Samuelson, and B. Woodbury. Section 9.5 - Agricultural geophysics. In:  Turk, A.S., Hocaoglu, A.K., and Vertiy, A.A. (eds.) Subsurface Sensing.  John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Australia, p. 618-643. 2011. (Peer-reviewed Book Chapter).
  118. Khan, H. A., A. Ghafoor, D. L. Corwin, M. A. Aziz, Saifullah, and M. Sabir. Organic and inorganic amendments affect soil concentration and accumulation of cadmium and lead in wheat in calcareous alkaline soils. J. Commun. Soil Sci. Plant Anal. 42:111-122. 2011.
  119. Letey, J., G. J. Hoffman, J. W. Hopmans, S. R. Grattan, D. Suarez, D. L. Corwin, J. D. Oster, L. Wu, and C. Amrhein. Evaluation of soil salinity leaching requirement guidelines. Agric. Water Manage. 98:502-506. 2010.
  120. Corwin, D. L., and S. M. Lesch. Chapter 6 - Delineating site-specific management units with proximal sensors. In: Oliver, M. (ed.) Geostatistical Applications in Precision Agriculture. Springer, New York, NY. p. 139-166. 2010. (Peer-reviewed Book Chapter).
  121. Corwin, D. L., S. M. Lesch, and D. B. Lobell. Chapter 10 - Laboratory and field measurements. In: Wallender, W.W. and Tanji, K.K. (ed.) Agricultural Salinity Assessment and Management, 2nd edition.  ASCE Manuals and Reports on Engineering Practice No. 71.  ASCE, New York, NY. p. 295-341.  2012. (Peer-reviewed Book Chapter).
  122. Corwin, D. L., J. D. Rhoades, and J. Simunek. Chapter 26 - Leaching Requirement: Steady state vs. transient models. In: Tanji, K.K. (ed.) Agricultural Salinity Assessment and Management, 2nd edition.  ASCE Manuals and Reports on Engineering Practice No. 71.  ASCE, New York, NY. p. 801-824. 2012. (Peer-reviewed Book Chapter).
  123. Ayars, J. E., G. J Hoffman, and D. L. Corwin. Chapter 12 - Leaching and control of root zone salinity. In: Tanji, K. K. (ed.) Agricultural Salinity Assessment and Management, 2nd edition.  ASCE Manuals and Reports on Engineering Practice No. 71.  ASCE, New York, NY. p. 371-403. 2012. (Peer-reviewed Book Chapter).
  124. Alonso, M. F., D. L. Corwin, J. D. Oster, J. Maas, and S. R. Kaffka. Modeling a Bermuda grass (Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers.) production system under saline conditions in the western San Joaquin Valley of California. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment. 2012 (Submitted).
  125. Segal, E., P. J. Shouse, S. A. Bradford, T. H. Skaggs, and D. L. Corwin. Field-Scale water flow characterization. J. Environ. Hydrol. 2012. (Submitted).
  126. Corwin, D. L., and S. Goldberg. Simulation of Mo transport through the root zone with a functional model. J. Contamin. Hydrol. 2012. (Submitted).
  127. Ahmad, H. R., D. L. Corwin, A. Aziz, A. Ghafoor, and M. Sabir. Retention and availability of Ni, Zn, and Pb as affected by incubation time from a contaminated soil treated with farmyard manure. Sci. Total Environ. 2012 (Submitted).
  128. Corwin, D. L. Chapter 8: Use of advanced information technologies for water conservation on salt-affected soils. In: Mueller, T. G., and Sassenrath, G. F. (eds.) GIS Applications in Agriculture, Volume 4: Conservation Planning, Chapter 8. Taylor and Francis Group, Boca Raton, FL.  p. 119-150. 2015. (Peer-reviewed Book Chapter).
  129. Corwin, D. L. Chapter 8 - Site-specific management and the Use of Management Units. In: Oliver, M. (ed.) Precision Agriculture for Food Security and Environmental Protection. Earthscan, London, UK. p. 135-157. 2013. (Peer-reviewed Book Chapter).
  130. Corwin, D. L. Field-scale monitoring of the long-term impact and sustainability of drainage water reuse on the west side of California’s San Joaquin Valley. J. Environ. Monitoring. 14(6):1576-1596. 2012.
  131. Loague, K., J. S. Blanke, M. B. Mills, R. Diaz-Diaz, and D. L. Corwin. Data related uncertainty in near-surface vulnerability assessments for agrochemicals in the San Joaquin Valley. J. Environ. Qual. 41:1427-1436. 2012.
  132. Corwin, D. L., and S. M. Lesch. Protocols and guidelines for the field-scale measurement of soil salinity distribution with ECa-directed soil sampling. J. Environ. Eng. Geophysics. 18(1):1-25. 2013.
  133. Scudiero, E., P. Teatini, D. L. Corwin, R. Delana, A. Berti, and F. Morari. Delineation of site-specific management units in a saline region of Venice Lagoon, Italy using soil reflectance and apparent soil electrical conductivity. Comput. Electron. Agric. 99:54-64 2013.
  134. Alonso, M. F., D. L. Corwin, J. D. Oster, J. Maas, and S. R. Kaffka. Modeling a sustainable salt tolerant grass-livestock production system under saline conditions in the western San Joaquin Valley of California. Sustainability. 5:3839-3857. 2013.
  135. Skaggs, T. H., D. L. Suarez, and D. L. Corwin. Global sensitivity analysis for UNSATCHEM simulations of crop production with degraded waters. Vadose Zone J. doi: 10.2136/vzj2013.09.0171. 2014.
  136. Corwin, D. L., and S. M. Lesch. A simplified regional-scale electromagnetic induction - salinity calibration model using ANOCOVA modeling techniques. Geoderma. 230-231:288-295. 2014.
  137. Scudiero, E., P. Teatini, D. L. Corwin, N. Dal Ferro, G. Simonetti, and F. Morari. Spatio-temporal response of maize yield to edaphic and meteorological conditions in a saline farmland using ground-based canopy reflectance. Agron. J. 106(6):2163-2174. 2014.
  138. Scudiero, E., T. D. Skaggs, and D. L. Corwin. Regional Scale Soil Salinity Evaluation Using Landsat 7, Western San Joaquin Valley, California, USA. Geoderma Regional. 2-3:82-90. 2014.
  139. Skaggs, T. H., R. G. Anderson, D. L. Corwin, and D. L. Suarez. Analytical steady-state solutions for water-limited cropping systems using saline irrigation water. Water Resources Research. 50:9656-9674, doi:10.1002/2014WR016058. 2014.
  140. Corwin, D. L., and H. R. Ahmad. Spatio-temporal impacts of dairy lagoon water reuse on soil: Heavy metals and salinity. Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts. 17:1731-1748. doi:10.1039/C5EM00196J. 2015.
  141. Scudiero, E., T. D. Skaggs, and D. L. Corwin. Regional-scale soil salinity assessment using Landsat ETM+ canopy reflectance. Remote Sensing of the Environment. 169:335-343. doi:10.1016/j.rse.2015.08.026. 2015.
  142. Corwin, D. L. Chapter 8: Use of advanced information technologies for water conservation on salt-affected soils. In: Mueller, T. G., and Sassenrath, G. F. (eds.) GIS Applications in Agriculture, Volume 4: Conservation Planning, Chapter 8. Taylor and Francis Group, Boca Raton, FL.  p. 119-150. 2015. (Peer-reviewed Book Chapter).
  143. Scudiero, E., D. L. Corwin, B. J. Weinhold, B. Bosley, J. F. Shanahan, and C. K. Johnson. Downscaling Landsat 7 canopy reflectance employing a multi-soil sensor platform. Precision Agriculture. 17(1):53-73. doi:10.1007/s11119-015-9406-9. 2016.
  144. Huang, J., E. Scudiero, H. Choo, D. L. Corwin, and J. Triantafilis. Mapping soil moisture across an irrigated field using electromagnetic imaging. Agricultural Water Management. 163:285-294. 2016.
  145. Huang, J., E. Scudiero, H. Choo, W. Clary, D. L. Corwin, and J. Triantafilis. Time-lapse monitoring of soil water content using electromagnetic conductivity imaging. Soil Use and Management. doi:10.1111/sum.12261. 2016.
  146. Corwin, D. L., and S. M. Lesch. Validation of the ANOCOVA model for regional-scale ECa - ECe calibration. Soil Use and Management. doi:10.1111/sum.12262. 2016.
  147. Scudiero, E., S. M. Lesch, and D. L. Corwin. Validation of sensor-directed spatial simulated annealing soil sampling strategy. J. Environ. Qual. 45:1226-1233. doi:10.2134/jeq2015.09.0458. 2016.
  148. Scudiero, E., D. L. Corwin, F. Morari, R.G. Anderson, and T. H. Skaggs. Spatial interpolation quality assessment for soil sensor transect datasets. Comput. Electron. Agric. 123:74-79. doi:10.1016/j.compag.2016.02.016. 2016.
  149. Huang, J., E. Scudiero, D. L. Corwin, and J. Triantafilis. Monitoring scale-specific and temporal variation in electromagnetic conductivity images. Irrigation Science. 34:187-200. doi:10.1007/s00271-016-0496-6. 2016.
  150. Scudiero, E., D. L. Corwin, R. G. Anderson, and T. H. Skaggs. Comparative regional-scale soil salinity assessment with near-ground apparent electrical conductivity and remote sensing canopy reflectance. Ecological Indicators. 70:276-284. doi:10.1016/j.ecolind.2016.06.015. 2016.
  151. Scudiero, E., D. L. Corwin, R. G. Anderson, and T. H. Skaggs. Moving forward on mapping and monitoring soil salinity at the regional-scale with remote sensing. Frontiers Environ. Sci. 4:1-5. doi:10.3389/fenvs.2016.00065. 2016.
  152. Allred, B. J., V. I. Adamchuk, R. A. Viscarra Rossel, J. Doolittle, R. S. Freeland, K. R. Grote, and D. L. Corwin. Geophysical methods for soil science. In: Lal, R. (ed.) Encyclopedia of Soil Science, 3rd edition. Taylor & Francis, Boca Raton, FL. 2016.
  153. Corwin, D. L., and E. Scudiero. Field-scale apparent soil electrical conductivity. In: Logsdon, S. (ed.) Methods of Soil Analysis Online, vol. 1. SSSA, Madison, WI. doi:10.2136/methods-soil.2015.0038. 2016. (Peer-reviewed Book Chapter).
  154. Abbas Aziz, M., H. R. Ahmad, D. L. Corwin, M. Sabir, K. R. Hakeemand M. Ozturk. Influence of farmyard manure on retention and availability of nickel, zinc and lead in metal-contaminated calcareous loam soils. J. Environ. Eng. Landscape Manage. 25(3):289-296. doi:10.3846/16486897.2016.1254639. 2017.
  155. Scudiero, E., D. L. Corwin, R. G. Anderson, K. Yemoto, W. Clary, Z. Wang, and T. H. Skaggs. Remote sensing is a viable tool for mapping soil salinity in agricultural lands. California Agriculture. 71(2):1-8. doi:10.3733/ca.2017a0009. April 3, 2017. (Available online at 2017.
  156. Scudiero, E., T. H. Skaggs, and D. L. Corwin. Simplifying field-scale assessment of spatiotemporal changes of soil salinity. Science of the Total Environment. 587-588:273-281. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.02.136. 2017.
  157. Corwin, D. L., and K. Yemoto. Salinity: Electrical conductivity and total dissolved solids. In: Logsdon, S. (ed.) Methods of Soil Analysis Online, vol. 2. SSSA, Madison, WI. doi:10.2136/msa2015.0039. 2017. (Peer-reviewed Book Chapter).
  158. Corwin, D. L., K. Yemoto, W. Clary, G. Banuelos, T. H. Skaggs, and E. Scudiero. Evaluation of oilseed biofuel production feasibility in California’s San Joaquin Valley using geophysical and remote sensing techniques. Sensors. 17:2343-2367. doi:10.3390/s17102343. 2017.
  159. Corwin, D.L., and S.R. Grattan. Are existing irrigation salinity leaching requirement guidelines overly conservative or obsolete? J. Irrig. Drain. Eng. 144(8):02518001. doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)IR.1943-4774.0001319. 2018.
  160. Whitney, K., E. Scudiero, H. M. El-Askary, T. H. Skaggs, M. Allali, and D. L. Corwin. Validating the use of MODIS time series for salinity assessment over agricultural soils in California, USA. Ecological Indicators. 93:889-898. doi:10.1016/j.ecolind.2018.05.069. 2018.
  161. Corwin, D.L., and E. Scudiero. Mapping soil spatial variability with apparent soil electrical conductivity (ECa) directed soil sampling. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. doi:10.2136/sssaj2018.06.0228. 2018.
  162. Corwin, D.L., and K. Yemoto. Measurement of soil salinity: Electrical conductivity and total dissolved solids. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. doi:10.2136/sssaj2018.06.0221. 2018.
  163. Scudiero, E., T.H. Skaggs, and D.L. Corwin. Mapping soil salinity from space: Keeping an eye on degradation of the world’s farmland. Available at, doi:10.31988/SciTrends.46281. 2018.
  164. Corwin, D. L., and E. Scudiero. Review of soil salinity assessment for agriculture across multiple scales using proximal and/or remote sensors. Adv. Agron. 158:1-130. 2019. doi:10.1016/bs.agron.2019.07.001.
  165. Marino, G., D. Zaccaria, R. Snyder, O. Lagos, L. Ferguson, B. Lampinen, S. Grattan, C. Little, K. Shapiro, M. Maskey, D.L. Corwin, E. Scudiero, and B. Sanden. 2019. Evapotranspiration, tree performance, and water productivity of micro-irrigated pistachio orchards grown on saline soils in the San Joaquin Valley of California. Agriculture, 9, 76. doi:10.3390/agriculture9040076.
  166. Corwin, D. L. Compilation of literature using apparent soil electrical conductivity with geophysical techniques to measure soil properties. Mendeley Data. doi:10.17632/vfb6mzzwyw.1. Available at 2019. (Published dataset).
  167. Montazar, A., R. Krueger, D. Corwin, A. Pourreza, C. Little, S. Rios, and R. L. Snyder. Determination of actual evapotranspiration and crop coefficients of California date palms using the residual of energy balance approach. Water. 12:2253. 2020. doi:10.3390/w12082253.
  168. Montazar, A., O. Bachie, D. Corwin, and D. Putnam. Feasibility of moderate deficit irrigation as a water tool in California’s Low Desert alfalfa. Agronomy. 10(11):1640. 2020. doi:10.3390/agronomy10111640.
  169. Corwin, D. L., and E. Scudiero. Field-scale apparent soil electrical conductivity. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 84:1405-1441. 2020. doi:10.1002/saj2.21153.
  170. Corwin, D. L., and K. Yemoto. Salinity: Electrical conductivity and total dissolved solids. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 84:1442-1461. 2020. doi:10.1002/saj2.20154.
  171. Corwin, D. L. Climate change impacts on soil salinity in agricultural areas. Eur. J. Soil Sci. 72:842-862. 2021. doi:10.1111/ejss.13010.
  172. Corwin, D. L., E. Scudiero, and D. Zaccaria. Modified ECa – ECe protocols for mapping soil salinity under micro-irrigation. Agric. Water Manage. 269:107640. 2022.
  173. Bughici, T., T. H. Skaggs, D. L. Corwin, and E. Scudiero. Ensemble HYDRUS-2D modeling to improve apparent electrical conductivity sensing of soil salinity under drip irrigation. Agric. Water Manage. 2022.
  174. Corwin, D. L., and E. Scudiero. Chapter 13 - Assessing the impact of climate change-induced drought on soil salinity development in agricultural areas using ground and satellite sensors. In: Zhang, K., Hong, Y., and AghaKouchak, A. (eds.) Remote Sensing of Water-Related Natural Hazards. Geophysical Monograph 271. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 272 pp. 2022. (Peer-reviewed Book Chapter).
  175. Corwin, D. L. Module 6 - Effective field survey techniques for assessing and diagnosing soil salinity. NRCS Salinity Management for Soil and Water. U.S. Government Publication, National Resource Conservation Service-National Employee Development Center. 2022. (Peer-reviewed Book Chapter).
  176. Corwin, D. L. Chapter 7 - Soil salinity. In: Yash Dang, Neal Menzies, and Ram Dalal (eds.) Soil Constraints to Crop Production. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle, UK. p. 139-171. 2022. (Peer-reviewed Book Chapter).
  177. Corwin, D. L. Chapter 19 - Climate change impacts on soil salinity in California’s San Joaquin Valley. In: Yash Dang, Neal Menzies, and Ram Dalal (eds.) Soil Constraints to Crop Production. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle, UK. p. 442-459. 2022. (Peer-reviewed Book Chapter).
  178. J. E. Ayars, and D. L. Corwin. Chapter 4 - Salinity management. In: J. E. Ayars, D. Zaccaria, and K. M. Bali (eds.) Microirrigation for Crop Production. Elsevier. 2022. (Peer-reviewed Book Chapter).
  179. Scudiero, E., D. L. Corwin, P. Markley, A. Pourreza, T. Rounsaville, and T. H. Skaggs. A platform for on-the-go sensing in micro-irrigated orchards. Soil & Tillage Res. 2023. (Submitted).
  180. Corwin, D. L. An improved plant salt tolerance methodology using apparent soil electrical conductivity directed soil sampling. Front. Plant Sci. 2023. (Submitted).
  181. Corwin, D.L. Digital soil mapping of salinity for site-specific leaching. Front. Soil Sci. 2023. (Submitted).
  182. Corwin, D. L. Dealing with the impact of climate change-induced drought on the management of soil salinity under irrigated agriculture. Adv. Agron. 2023. (Submitted).
  183. Corwin, D. L. Soil salinity measurement for site-specific leaching. In: Saeid Eslamian (ed.) Handbook of Climate Change Impact on River Basin Management. 2023. (Submitted, Peer-reviewed Book Chapter).
  184. Corwin, D. L. Irrigation for soil salinity control. In: Saeid Eslamian (ed.) Handbook of Climate Change Impact on River Basin Management. 2023. (Submitted, Peer-reviewed Book Chapter).


Dr. Corwin has developed collaborative research relations with colleagues from various institutions and disciplines, including Keith Loague and David Lobell (Stanford University); John King (U.C. Irvine); John Letey, Jirka Simunek, James Oster, Elia Scudiero (U.C. Riverside); Richard Plant, Stephen Kaffka, Blake Sanden, Daniele Zaccaria, Ali Montazar (U.C. Davis); Jan Hendrickx (New Mexico Tech); Tim Ellsworth (Univ. of Illinois-Urbana); Anne David (BRCM, France); Cindy Johnson (Plainview Farms, CO); David Cone (Broadview Water District); Delores Quilez Sáez de Viteri (Centro de Investigacion y Tecnologias Agroalimentaria, Zaragoza, Spain); Esperanza Amezketa Lizarraga and Vicente Urdanoz (Tracasa, Sarriguren, Navarra, España); Hamaad Ahmad Khan (Univ. of Agriculture-Faisalabad, Pakistan); as well as researchers within USDA-ARS, including Todd Skaggs, Scott Bradford, and Sabine Goldberg (Riverside, CA); Jim Ayars and Gary Banuelos (Parlier, CA); Brian Weinhold and John Shanahan (Lincoln, NE); and researchers within USDA-NRCS including Clarence Prestwich (Portland, OR), Hamid Farahani (Greensboro, NC), Mike Ulmer (Fargo, ND), James Doolittle (Newton Square, PA).


Ten Specific Research Contributions and Impacts:

Demonstrated Accomplishments and their Associated Impacts

  1. Measurement of soil salinity with electromagnetic induction (EMI). In collaboration, Dr. Corwin and Dr. James Rhoades were the first scientists to extensively investigate the application of EMI to measure apparent soil electrical conductivity, ECa, as a means of measuring soil salinity. Dr. Corwin did the pioneering research for determining soil salinity profile distributions from above-ground EMI measurements. Dr. Corwin collaborated with Dr. Rhoades on the development and application of EMI as a noninvasive tool for measuring and profiling soil salinity. Dr. Corwin introduced the use of horizontal and vertical ground-level electromagnetic measurements to measure soil salinity, which has become the accepted means of measurement. This research laid the foundation for Accomplishment 5 to use EMI to map soil salinity at field scales setting the stage for the current use of inverse methods to profile salinity. This research led to 15 published papers of which 6 were invited papers. Impact of this electromagnetic induction research is reflected in the extensive field use of EMI. Geospatial EMI measurements from mobile equipment platforms are now the most widely used physical measurement to map salinity and other soil properties with extensive application in field-scale salinity and soil quality assessment, site-specific management, and spatial variability mapping. Acknowledgment of Dr. Corwin’s impact on measuring soil salinity with ECa equipment is reflected in his invitational senior authorship of the sections concerning salinity measurement in the internationally respected texts SSSA Methods of Soil Analysis (2002 and 2019) and highly cited papers. 
  1. Non-point source (NPS) pollutant model development (TETrans). Developed a transient solute transport model (TETrans) simulating NPS pollutants in the vadose zone, particularly salts and trace elements. At its development, TETrans was unique in its user-friendly design, both in its input parameter requirements and GUI. TETrans’ design adhered to hierarchical theory of scale for model application and used readily available input parameters from agencies and water districts, making field-scale applications practical. TETrans was validated at field scale by coupling to a GIS. The technology-transfer impact of TETrans is reflected by the distribution of over 590 copies of TETrans to users in 23 countries. At the 200th American Chemical Society Meeting TETrans was awarded a Certificate of Merit Award judging the software “outstanding for material content and for manner of presentation.” Representative examples of impact are the use of TETrans by Dr. Anne David (BRGM, France) in her PhD field research, by Broadview Water District Manager David Cone to estimate salt loads, by consultants (Brock Taylor) and agencies (Bureau of Reclamation). Recently, TETrans was used in irrigation management simulations, which indicated that leaching requirement (LR) as traditionally estimated can be lowered in California’s Imperial Valley resulting in a potential yearly reduction of drainage water by 100,000 ac-ft. This published information resulted in the formation of the University of California Water Resources Center Leaching Requirement Workgroup (2009-2010) to evaluate irrigation guidelines for California. 
  1. Use of GIS and other advanced information technologies to assess NPS pollution. Pioneered and led the application of GIS and other advanced information technologies to model NPS pollutants in the vadose zone. This research brought attention to the multidisciplinary nature of the NPS pollution problem and established the direction of research in assessing NPS pollution. Dr. Corwin was the first researcher to link GIS with a transient solute transport model and was among a handful of scientists to validate their approach at landscape scale. Senior editor of two books entitled “Applications of GIS to the Modeling of Non-Point Source Pollution in the Vadose Zone” and “Assessment of Non-Point Source Pollution in the Vadose Zone.” Recipient of Stanford University’s Cox Visiting Professorship Award ($15,000) in recognition of “pioneering work and on-going contributions to the modeling of NPS pollutants in the vadose zone with GIS and other advanced information technologies.” Agency impact is reflected by USGS agency-wide distribution of Exhibit 3a (#25) by Dr. Curtis Price (GIS Specialist, USGS, Rapid City, SD). Further acknowledgement is reflected by invitations to (i) speak at the prestigious 2000 SSSA Kirkham Conference, (ii) organize two special issues of JEQ on NPS pollutants, (iii) serve as Guest Editor of the Landscape Processes special issue of Vadose Zone Journal, (iv) write 15 book chapters and 3 encyclopedia articles, and (v) present 2 international short courses. This research led to State Water Resources Control Board funding. 
  1. Use of ECa to delineate SSMUs. Integrated the use of GIS, geospatial ECa measurements, spatial and classical statistics, and response surface sampling design to direct soil sampling for precision agriculture applications. Dr. Corwin’s research led to a spatial approach for identifying edaphic properties influencing within-field crop yield variation as a means to delineate SSMUs on irrigated soils. Dr. Corwin is the first scientist to quantitatively delineate SSMUs based on a spatial model of yield related to edaphic and anthropogenic factors thereby providing management recommendations associated with SSMUs. This research was the basis for 19 publications of which 6 were journal articles and 9 were invited papers, and 25 presentations of which 15 were invited. The information and methodology from this research have been used by UC ag-extension specialists (e.g., Drs. Bruce Roberts and Blake Sanden at UC-Davis) and irrigation district managers (e.g., David Cone) to advise producers in the San Joaquin Valley on site-specific irrigation. Acknowledgment of the impact is reflected by the appointment of Dr. Corwin to be Guest Organizer and Editor of special issues of Computers and Electronics in Agriculture (2005, vol. 46, issues1-3) entitled “Applications of ECa Measurements to Precision Agriculture.” Six of the top 20 most cited papers in Computers and Electronics in Agriculture over the past 15 years are from this special issue and two of these papers authored by Corwin and Lesch are in the top 10. Further acknowledgement is reflected by invitations to write 3 book chapters. This research led to current NRCS funding. 
  1. ECa-directed soil sampling to map salinity and soil spatial variability. Mapping complex spatial patterns of soil salinity is crucial since salinity effects crop yield and impacts groundwater. Dr. Corwin combined knowledge from Accomplishments 1, 3, and 4 to develop and refine an integrated system of ECa-directed sampling and survey protocols, mobile ECa measurement equipment, and advanced information technologies to map soil salinity and to characterize spatial variability to assess soil quality. Dr. Corwin is the leading expert on field-to-landscape scale salinity assessment using proximal and remote sensors as reflected by regular international and domestic invitations to speak (24 invited presentations) and present short courses (40 invited short courses of which 6 are international), and numerous invitations to author technical papers and book chapters (36 publications of which 21 are invited). Scientists around the world have come to Riverside for instruction and mentorship by Dr. Corwin: Drs. Muhaimeed, Sallim, Razaq (Iraq); Drs. Quilez, Amezketa, Urdanoz (Spain); Dr. Khan (Pakistan); Drs. Zhichun, Shao, Xiujun (China); Dr. Scudiero (Italy), to mention a few. Protocols for mapping salinity have been adopted by NRCS (Drs. Jim Doolittle, Clarence Prestwich). There is worldwide acceptance of Dr. Corwin’s ECa-directed soil sampling protocols as the standard for field-scale salinity mapping. Further acknowledgment is reflected by invitations to author field-scale salinity assessment protocol chapters in internationally respected references such as Agricultural Salinity Assessment and Management, ASCE Manual #71 and Methods of Soil Analysis Online (2019) and by highly cited papers. 
  1. Sustainability and impact of degraded water reuse. Increased pressures on water supplies due to greater urban water demands and increased frequency of drought and increased difficulties in disposing of growing degraded water supplies have focused attention on the reuse of degraded waters as a potential alternative water supply. However, there are concerns over impact on the environment and the sustainability of degraded water reuse. Dr. Corwin developed the methodology to monitor the spatio-temporal impacts of degraded water reuse for evaluating its sustainability. A 5- and 12-year evaluation of drainage water reuse (#53 and #63, respectively) on marginally productive, saline-sodic soil revealed that drainage water can be suitably managed to (1) improve soil quality of a saline-sodic soil, (2) transform drainage water from an environmental burden to a water resource that produces forage to support livestock, and (3) reduce drainage water volumes disposed in evaporation ponds. This research was the basis of 8 publications of which 5 were peer-reviewed journal articles and 3 were invited, and 8 presentations of which 5 were invited. Acknowledgement of this work is indicated by the appointment of Dr. Corwin in 2007 to be the senior Guest Organizer and Editor of the special collection of papers in the Journal of Environmental Quality entitled “Environmental Impact and Sustainability of Degraded Water Reuse.” This research led to funded research by San Jacinto Resources Conservation District to look at spatio-temporal impacts of dairy lagoon water reuse. 
  1. Regional-scale salinity assessment using remote imagery and ECa-directed soil sampling. Changing climate patterns are believed to influence salinity development on agricultural lands. This is a NRCS concern in Minnesota’s Red River Valley (RRV) and California’s San Joaquin Valley (SJV). At the request of NRCS and funded by the Office of Naval Research, Dr. Corwin led a multi-disciplinary team of ARS, university, and NRCS scientists and field technicians to develop and evaluate methodology to assess soil salinity at regional scale for the RRV and SJV through the fusion of satellite imagery and ECa-directed soil sampling data. This research made a significant scientific advancement by developing a quantitative regional-scale root-zone salinity model relating HRSI to measured ground-truth salinity from ECa-directed soil sampling rather than prior qualitative salinity assessment. Evidence of the impact of this approach was demonstrated by funding from the Office of Naval Research to support a regional-scale salinity assessment of California’s San Joaquin Valley (SJV) to identify marginally productive saline-sodic soils to lower the cost of feedstock production for biofuel and access the feasibility of biofuel production in the SJV. This research was selected for a news article on “Using Remote Sensing to Map Regional‑scale Soil Salinity” published in ARS News and Events (2010). Dr. Corwin was interviewed by Debra Werner (Space News Remote Sensing/Climate Monitoring) for a feature article (2010). The research was cited by Drs. Marc Imhoff (NASA Terra Project Scientist) and Chris Scolese (NASA Associate Administrator) as an “innovative application of remote imagery for the study of impacts due to altered climate patterns”, resulting in 3 recent invitations (2016-2018) to present talks at AGU Meetings. 
  1. Mapping Soil Salinity Across Multiple Scales using Proximal and/or Remote Sensors. At the request and invitation of Dr. Donald Sparks (Editor of Advances in Agronomy, the top international soil science and agronomy journal), Dr. Corwin prepared a review and critical evaluation of the impactful research milestones for the use of proximal and remote sensors to assess soil salinity on agricultural soils across multiple scales. This compendium of research clearly shows the critical mass, depth, breadth, and scientific impact of the incumbent’s research in the use of proximal and soil sensors to assess soil salinity from field to regional scales. From his groundbreaking work using EMI to measure soil salinity, to the first-ever profiling of soil salinity with EMI, which has led to the current use of inversion modeling, to his milestone development of ECa-direct soil sampling protocols for mapping field-scale salinity and its fusion with remote sensing to map regional-scale salinity, the incumbent has been at the forefront of mapping salinity across multiple scales as well as its application to a wide range of innovative agricultural applications, including inventorying salinity from field to regional scale, delineation of site-specific irrigation management units, monitoring management-induced changes in soil salinity, modeling NPS pollutants in the vadose zone, modeling landscape-scale salt loading to groundwater, monitoring field-to-regional scale impact of climate change on soil salinity, and assessing the feasibility of biofuel production on marginal saline-sodic soils. The international impact of the incumbent’s key research role is reflected by the recent invitation (Dec. 2019) by the US State Department in Algeria for the incumbent to present a workshop and series of lectures to Algerian government and Ministry of Agriculture officials, private-sector and academic researchers, agricultural experts, and producers. 
  1. Desktop-computer GIS software for mapping soil salinity development. Developed a desktop-computer GIS software package in 1986 specifically designed to identify and map areas where soil salinity was likely to develop within an irrigated agricultural landscape. The user-friendly GIS software was unique because it had all of the sophisticated features necessary to digitize, edit, display, plot, and overlay spatial data, and yet it only required a mere 32K bytes of RAM. This desktop-computer GIS software package was not only ahead of its time from a GIS software perspective but was streamlined for compactness and efficiency and highly specialized for the task of coupling to the soil salinity development model described in Accomplishment 10. This research was the basis for two senior-authored peer-reviewed journal articles. The automated mapping/GIS software ultimately served as the technological tool for achieving Accomplishment 10, which involved the use of GIS to identify soils susceptible to salinity development. This software was used by Environmental Systems Research Institute’s (ESRI) Mark Sorensen in the mid-1980’s as the prototype for software on desertification and by James Werle & Associates for environmental impact analysis. This GIS software also served as the GIS prototype for Westland’s Water District’s salinity assessment and management program (SAM) incorporated into their 1992 Water Conservation Plan. In 1993, Byron C. Steinert, Westland Water District Conservation Coordinator, reported in The Westside Water Report that the SAM program was “a GIS originally created at the U.S. Salinity Lab” based on Dr. Corwin's NPS modeling work. 
  1. GIS approach for predicting soil salinity development at regional scale. Developed a GIS approach to spatially predict areas of salinity development on irrigated agricultural soils. The approach utilizes a desktop GIS coupled to a hydropedological soil salinization model. The methodology ultimately provides maps that show where areas of low, medium and high soil salinity will develop across the landscape using spatial databases of depth to groundwater, groundwater quality, irrigation management efficiency, and soil permeability. The computer-generated salinization potential maps provide a display of the extent of salt-affected soils, which are useful for locating salinity monitoring sites, formulating field-scale irrigation needs and practices, assisting in crop selection, determining drainage system needs, and assessing reclamation needs. This groundbreaking research is the first effort to map root-zone soil salinity quantitatively at regional scale. Evidence of the impact of Dr. Corwin's formative research with GIS is found in its implementation by state, federal, and international agencies; private companies; and academia: (1) FAO adopted and started implementing his GIS approach to delineate areas of potential salinity development on a regional scale in 1990, initially for Brazil, Chile, Peru, and Argentina, (2) California’s San Joaquin Valley Drainage Program implemented a GIS in 1990 based on Dr. Corwin’s approach, (3) Mark Sorensen of ESRI (Redlands, CA) used Dr. Corwin's work in desertification projects, and (4) the country of Oman funded a post-doc (Asadullah Ahmed Mohammed Taqi Al-Ajmi) to adopt this approach to identify areas susceptible to salinity development for all agricultural areas within the country.